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Created: 28.09.2006 11:26 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:26 MSK
The deputy head of Russia’s environmental watchdog Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol told reporters on Thursday, Sept. 28, that Shell’s Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project has brought about more than $50 billion in environmental damages.
According to Mitvol, this figure is composed of the cost of recultivation activities in the vicinity of Aniva Bay of Okhotsk Sea and restoration of forests around the trunk pipelines, which are being built within the framework of Sakhalin-2 project.
“If we add all of this up, the damage amounts to more than $50 billion,” Mitvol said, quoted by Interfax.
The deputy head of environmental watchdog said that a landslide at Makarov section of Sakhalin-2 gas pipeline has destroyed the woods worth 1.6 million rubles. Mitvol added that the “landslides continue to destroy the forests even as we speak”.
The Russian official noted that the Far Eastern Biological Institute has prepared the calculations of landslide risks when the feasibility study for Sakhalin-2 project was being prepared, but said that these calculations were not included in the study. Mitvol said that “today there are very many formal reasons to annul environmental permit”.