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Shell’s Greenwashing Extravaganza: the Pinnacle of Misleading Eco-porn Progress to the Apocalypse

So, here’s to Shell, the oil giant that thinks slapping wind turbines and a few EV chargers on their ad will somehow distract from their epic-scale climate sins. Shell, you’re not just powering progress; you’re powering a fantastic delusion. 

Posted by John Donovan: 14 Aug 2024

Hold onto your eco-friendly hats, folks, because Shell, the epitome of oil-soaked hypocrisy, has rolled out an ad so dripping with greenwashing that it could have its own soap opera. Yes, the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is now diligently investigating whether Shell’s latest commercial is the pinnacle of misleading eco-porn or just another flashy piece of fossil-fuel propaganda.

In a plot twist worthy of a prime-time drama, Shell’s ad features a woman in engineer garb (because, of course, nothing screams “green future” like a woman who might have a vague idea about energy) proclaiming Shell’s grandiose plans to install thousands of EV chargers by 2035. The ad also boasts that Shell is “investing in people and communities,” as if bribing a few townsfolk could erase decades of environmental devastation. To top it off, they even toss in some wind turbines for good measure—because nothing says clean energy like a good ol’ fashioned visual misdirection.

The ASA has been bombarded with 25 complaints about this ad, alleging that it’s about as truthful as a magician’s promise. “We are currently assessing the complaints to establish if there are grounds for further action,” said an ASA spokesperson, who apparently needs to ponder whether Shell’s attempt to polish their image is just another sin stock’s shameless act of spin.

The letter of complaint lays it out in crystal-clear terms: Shell’s ad is a classic case of selective fact usage aimed at crafting a saintly image while their investments in fossil fuels continue unabated. Shell’s quest for public trust is more like a quest for a climate cover-up.

So, here’s to Shell, the oil giant that thinks slapping wind turbines and a few EV chargers on their ad will somehow distract from their epic-scale climate sins. Shell, you’re not just powering progress; you’re powering a fantastic delusion. 

Source: Original article from DeSmog, August 14, 2024

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