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November, 1977:

Pesticide exposure limitations sought

The federal government wants permanent rules to reduce worker exposure to DBCP, a pesticide found to cause sterility in males and stomach cancer in laboratory animals. Dow Chemical Co. and Shell Oil Co., suspended production and recalled all DBCP products.

The Bee: Danville Va., Wed Nov 2, 1977 page 5-A

WASHINGTON (AP) – The federal government wants permanent rules to reduce worker exposure to DBCP, a pesticide found to cause sterility in males and stomach cancer in laboratory animals.

The Occupational Health and Sorely Administration proposed Tuesday that the chemical be allowed in one part per billion of factory air during an eighthour work day.

A temporary standard allows 10 parts per billion.

The proposal would ban eye and skin contact with the chemical, which is also known as dibromochloropropaoc. The chemical, a yellow liquid, was widely used in crops to kill nematode worms, which eat root tips.

The Environmental Protection Agency banned its use on food crops in September. The two principal manufacturers, Dow Chemical Co. and Shell Oil Co., suspended production and recalled all DBCP products. read more

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