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Shell Spying

WTF: Shell’s $1.3 Billion Nigerian Oil Deal Flops—Because Even Corruption Has Standards

21 Oct 2024

Oh, Shell, you poor, misunderstood oil giant, trying so hard to make a clean getaway from the toxic mess you’ve left in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. But what’s this? Nigeria rejected your grand $1.3 billion deal to sell off your onshore oil production unit. The local consortium, Renaissance Africa Energy, wasn’t up to snuff. Even in a landscape ravaged by pollution, oil theft, and violence (mostly thanks to companies like Shell), the regulators still have some standards. Who knew? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Former Spy Chief Joins No. 10—Still Pulling Strings with Shell’s Spooky Sidekicks at Hakluyt

Posted by John Donovan: 13 Oct 2024

In today’s edition of “What the Actual Fu**?”, Varun Chandra, the former head honcho of Hakluyt—yes, that shady spy firm founded by ex-MI6 agents—has sauntered into a cushy role as one of Keir Starmer’s senior advisers. And wouldn’t you know it, Chandra’s still got his greasy fingers in Hakluyt’s AI investment fund, which coincidentally backs several AI firms with multimillion-pound contracts, including a cozy deal with the NHS. But don’t worry, folks, no conflict of interest here! It’s all just business as usual when you’re operating in Shell’s morally bankrupt universe of corruption and cover-ups. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Legacy of Greed, Death, and Destruction that Makes SPECTRE Look Like Boy Scouts

In today’s episode of “How Many More People Can Shell Kill for Profit?” we’ve got more lawsuits, more corporate greed, and the usual cocktail of death and destruction that Shell serves up with a smile. This time, it’s the North Sea’s Rosebank and Jackdaw fields, where Shell, along with its buddies Equinor and Ithaca Energy, are facing a Greenpeace judicial review for yet another scandalous environmental mess. Because if there’s one thing Shell knows how to do, it’s turn an environmental catastrophe into a line item on a balance sheet. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s German Refinery Fiasco

Shell’s German Refinery Fiasco: The Greedy Oil Giant Stumbles Over Russian Oligarchs, Lawsuits, and Political Shenanigans 

In what can only be described as another glorious chapter in Shell’s illustrious history of human decency and ethical business practices (LOL), the oil behemoth’s attempt to offload its 37.5% stake in Germany’s Schwedt refinery has hit a predictable brick wall. This little business transaction, planned with all the grace of a rhino on roller skates, was supposed to wrap up in 2024. But of course, there’s a twist – the whole deal has been derailed by lawsuits, political drama, and Russia’s favourite hobby: screwing with the West. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Nigeria Where Shell Spied, Armed, and Supported a Brutal Regime

Shell Sells Nigerian Assets While Locals Demand $310 Million for Ruined Land—The Same Nigeria Where Shell Spied, Armed, and Supported a Brutal Regime

In the latest episode of Shell’s Long History of Villainy, the oil giant is back in the hot seat as Nigerian communities demand $310 million in damages for, you know, destroying their land and waterways with oil spills. But this time, it’s not just about the oil spills—it’s about Shell trying to quietly sell off its Nigerian onshore assets for a cool $2.4 billion while ignoring a court order. Because, hey, what’s one more legal violation when you’ve already armed a military regime and spied on activists, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Ask Sheldon: What can you reveal about the Shell/MI6 linked spy firm, Hakluyt?


Hi! How can I help you?

Guest (Test):

What can you reveal about the Shell/MI6 linked spy firm, Hakluyt?


Hakluyt & Company, often portrayed as a corporate spy firm, has been linked closely with Shell and its various clandestine operations. Founded by former MI6 officers, Hakluyt has a reputation for operating in the shadows—akin to the secretive world of espionage, but with an added dash of corporate intrigue. Oh, the glamour of it all.

The firm has been alleged to have collaborated closely with Shell, particularly in efforts to undermine and surveil organizations that oppose Shell’s activities, such as environmental NGOs. Notably, it was reported that Shell employed Hakluyt agents, including a serving German Secret Service operative, to conduct undercover operations against various groups protesting Shell’s practices. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

A Gripping David vs. Goliath Tale – John Donovan vs Shell


I hope this message finds you well amidst the buzz created by the “Mr. Bates vs The Post Office” dramatization. That gripping portrayal of an underdog’s battle has undoubtedly opened the floodgates for stories of similar David vs Goliath confrontations.

I’m reaching out to share a compelling, real-life narrative that could rival any fictional drama with its intense plot twists and dark undertones. I invite you to explore the saga of John Donovan vs Shell – a story that unfolds like a thrilling novel, complete with corporate espionage, legal battles, and a fight against environmental injustice. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Unfortunate Encounter with Clop Ransomware

Posted 17 June 2023  by John Donovan

Shell, the beacon of ethical conduct and environmental responsibility, has once again found itself at the mercy of the notorious Clop ransomware attacks. How surprising! The oil and gas behemoth, known for its unwavering commitment to polluting the planet, couldn’t escape the clutches of cybercriminals this time. Oh, the irony!

Reports reveal that the fearless Clop gang successfully breached Shell’s precious MOVEit file transfer tool, exposing the company’s vulnerability for the second time. Bravo, Shell! Your dedication to cutting-edge cybersecurity is truly awe-inspiring.

Despite Shell’s noble stature as a British oil and gas multinational, employing thousands of individuals worldwide, they couldn’t protect themselves from this onslaught. We can only imagine the sheer brilliance of their cybersecurity teams, tirelessly working to investigate an incident that has apparently left no impact on Shell’s core IT systems. Oh, what a relief! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s appetite for espionage against John Donovan

Shell’s appetite for espionage against me knows no bounds, spanning a global spying operation that would make James Bond blush.

By Shell critic John Donovan

Step into the twisted world of Shell corporate malevolence, where no tactic is too underhanded. As Hugh Grant fights his legal battles, it triggers haunting memories of my own relentless crusade against the oil behemoth in the ’90s and its ruthless response.

I proudly wear the badge of Shell’s arch-nemesis, earned through sheer persistence in exposing their dark deeds. Brace yourself for a wild ride that spans three decades, where I confronted a seemingly invincible Goliath with bottomless pockets. Little did I know then that Shell would unleash a storm of threats and employ the covert arts, utilizing undercover agents like a devious spy network. An oily SPECTRE. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell prefers to ignore such trivial matters as the future of our planet

Posted 24 May 2023 by John Donovan

The activists stormed the meeting, shouting “Shut down Shell” as if their pleas for environmental responsibility could penetrate the thick walls of corporate greed.

Shell miraculously survives yet another feeble revolt from shareholders concerned about its “green strategy” and decides to continue its legacy of environmental destruction. As if that wasn’t enough, climate change protesters daringly stormed Shell’s annual meeting, disturbing the tranquil gathering of oil enthusiasts. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Toxic Shell internal emails

“We have questions to answer” about single-use plastic waste, reveal internal emails from Shell

24 Dec 2022

Shell is under scrutiny as a result of internal emails put into the public domain relating to the controversial Shell Petrochemicals Complex situated along the Ohio River in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

Extract from a related article 

The multi-billion-dollar Shell facility was fully operational in November after years of construction and has already been charged by state environmental agencies for exceeding the annual limit for volatile organic compounds that create lung-damaging smog. Among the documents, released on December 9, was an email correspondence within Shell’s communications team. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shater vs Shell – Information supplied by an insider

Information of interest to Shell Corporate Security managers in particular and Shell staff generally. 

Supplied by an insider.

Shater’s case against Shell is far from over.

In fact, once his case was assigned to a fierce conservative Republican appointed Texas judge, Shater’s attorneys started working on other judicial avenues. That judge, Andrew Hanen, is a fierce Republican appointed conservative with bizarre anti-immigrant policies. He is also known as the DACA judge – ruling against DACA immigrants throwing the lives of more than 600,000 people in the US into tumult.  The Texas Appeals Court that ruled against Shater is even more conservative with a number of Trump appointees. Discrimination cases were at their lowest level under the Trump administration. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shater v. Shell Oil Co. A spectacular falling out of corporate spies

Shater v. Shell Oil Co. A spectacular falling out of corporate spies

By John Donovan: 3 Dec 2022

Shater v. Shell Oil Co

USDC No. 4:20-CV-1465

The above US court case involves many members of Shell Corporate Securities, including the head of Shell Global Security James WD Hall.

Links to the latest court decisions filed on 28 November 2022.

Shater Judgement 28 Nov 2022

(November 28, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO COUNSEL OR PARTIES LISTED BELOW Regarding: Fifth Circuit Statement on Petitions for Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc No. 22-20289 Shater v. Shell Oil Co USDC No. 4:20-CV-1465) read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Another departing Shell leader seeking redemption?

Another departing Shell leader seeking redemption?

By John Donovan

Departing Shell Plc CEO Ben van Beurden seems to be seeking redemption in his closing period with the energy giant.


BvB now admits that Shell should have pulled out of the controversial earthquake-blighted Groningen project operated by NAM – a Shell-Exxon joint venture company.

According to Reuters: “A damning report in 2015 from the independent Dutch Safety Board had accused the government and the field’s operators of ignoring the threat of earthquakes linked to the field for years.” 

As regular visitors to this website know, we have been drawing attention to the Groningen scandal for many years. Thousands of properties have been damaged. As a consequence, Dutch prosecutors are pursuing litigation against NAM. Tens of thousands of Groningen residents are eligible for compensation for earthquake damage. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

British Spies, British Lies (James Hall vs Walied Shater)

British Spies, British Lies (James Hall vs Walied Shater)

I have never before seen a court document containing so many allegations of repeated lies by a top-level Shell official, supported by copious similar fact evidence of his alleged deceit.

By John Donovan

I reported in August 1917 that Mr Crockett Oaks III, Shell security manager for the Americas, received a ‘big bucks’ court case settlement from Shell.

The litigation arose from an alleged pattern of discrimination in favour of ‘White Brits’ by Shell and Shell Corporate Security VP James WD Hall, a British national. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s alleged pattern of discrimination in favour of ‘White Brits’

Court filing confirms that Shell settled a claim from Crockett Oaks III involving serious allegations against Shell and Shell Spymaster James W.D. Hall

By John Donovan

I reported in August 1917 that Mr Crockett Oaks III, Shell security manager for the Americas, received a ‘big bucks’ court case settlement from Shell.

The litigation arose from an alleged pattern of discrimination in favour of ‘White Brits’ by Shell and Shell Corporate Security VP James WD Hall, a British national. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.