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Shell’s Big Green PR Stunt: Building a Hydrogen Plant While Still Loving Oil

Posted by John Donovan: 25 July 2024

In a move that’s probably more about headlines than heart, Shell announced on Thursday it’s building a 100-megawatt renewable hydrogen electrolyser in Germany. Yes, that’s right, the same Shell that adores oil spills and carbon emissions is now pretending to care about the environment. The new unit at the Rheinland refinery is scheduled to start in 2027 and will pump out up to 44,000 kg of renewable hydrogen daily to “partially” decarbonize site operations. Because who needs full decarbonization when partial will do? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Offloads More Dirty Business: Tenaz Energy Buys Dutch Offshore Assets for $180 Million

Posted by John Donovan: 18 July 2024

In a move that’s as surprising as rain in the Netherlands, Shell and ExxonMobil, the environmental knights in shining armor, have decided to pawn off their offshore assets in the Dutch North Sea to Canada’s Tenaz Energy. For the low, low price of €165 million ($180.33 million), Tenaz Energy gets to inherit all the shiny shares of NAM Offshore B.V., a joint venture that also involves the Dutch government.

NAM operates the infamous Groningen gas field in the Netherlands. But wait, there’s more! This sweetheart deal, expected to close by mid-2025, includes all of NAM’s offshore exploration and production businesses, the pipeline infrastructure, and the onshore processing facilities—just not the assets in the Ameland area. Apparently, even Shell has to hold onto something. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and TotalEnergies Eye Greener Pastures: The Big Apple’s Stock Exchange

Posted by John Donovan: 7 May 2024

Oh, the drama! TotalEnergies and Shell, those titans of the oil industry, are having a little daydream about moving their stock listings to the flashy stages of Wall Street. Why, you ask? Their current market valuations are as deflated as a punctured oil barrel. Boo-hoo.

In a tragic tale of European neglect and American allure, these two energy behemoths are feeling undervalued back home—kind of like ageing movie stars pining for one last blockbuster. TotalEnergies, the belle of France, is so distraught that even Patrick Pouyanné, the CEO, is openly mulling over a move. He confessed in an earnings call, “There was a discussion with the board.” Yes, folks, they’re “seriously looking at it” because, let’s face it, America is where the big-money parties are. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Left Sputtering as Netherlands Closes Groningen Gas Field for Good

Posted by John Donovan: 17 April 2024

Well, well, well, looks like the Netherlands is finally saying “buh-bye” to the Groningen gas field, leaving Shell scratching its head and counting its losses.

Yep, you heard it right. The Dutch Senate has slammed the door shut on Groningen, putting an end to decades of gas extraction in the region. No more tapping into Mother Earth for those sweet, sweet fossil fuels.

Why, you ask? Oh, just a little thing called seismic risks. Apparently, all that drilling was causing a bit of a ruckus underground, leading to earthquakes that made buildings shake like a leaf in a hurricane. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch Senate Hits Snooze Button on Closing Groningen Gas Field

Posted by John Donovan: 7 April 2024

In a move that screams “procrastination at its finest,” the Dutch Senate has pushed back the vote on permanently shutting down the Groningen gas field, citing concerns over the country’s energy security. Because who needs timely decisions when you can kick the can down the road, right?

Originally slated for closure on October 1, 2023, and then extended to this October, the Groningen gas field was supposed to bid farewell to its gas-pumping days. But alas, the specter of earthquakes and energy insecurity looms large, prompting the government to consider keeping the field operational just in case winter throws a chilly tantrum. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Hilarious Defence: “Reducing Emissions Hinders Our Quest to Destroy the Planet!”

“…a move that left environmentalists scratching their heads and laughing hysterically…”: “And the punchline? We’re all the ones left laughing – or crying – as the world burns.”

Posted by John Donovan 2 April 2024

In a stunning display of corporate audacity, Shell has taken to a Dutch court to argue that reducing greenhouse gas emissions would somehow hinder the noble cause of climate change. Because who needs a habitable planet when you can have record profits, am I right?

In a move that left environmentalists scratching their heads and laughing hysterically, a lower Dutch court had the audacity to order Shell to cut its planet-warming carbon emissions by a measly 45 percent by 2030. Shocking, I know. But fear not, for Shell is here to save the day with its ingenious argument: “This case has no legal basis.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Greenpeace Lawsuit Mocked by Celebrities: “Seriously, Shell? What the Hell?”

Moreover, the letter condemns Shell’s recent strategic shift back toward increasing oil and gas production, deriding it as a profit-driven move that spells disaster for the planet.

Posted by John Donovan 1st April 2024

In a scathing open letter, a coalition of Hollywood A-listers led by Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, and Benedict Cumberbatch have slammed Shell for its “callous and vindictive” legal crusade against Greenpeace. The letter, signed by a slew of prominent figures including Greta Thunberg and supported by environmental groups like Extinction Rebellion, lambasts Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan for orchestrating “one of the biggest attacks on Greenpeace’s right to protest in the organisation’s 53-year history.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Supreme Court’s Shell Game: How Big Corporations Dodge Accountability for Human Rights Abuses

Esther Kiobel and her legal team took on the big bad wolf known as Shell, accusing them of all sorts of nasty stuff like torture, killings, and basically being the baddies in Nigeria.

Posted by John Donovan 31 March 2024

A rewrite in layman’s terms of the Kiobel vs Shell case as described in this Oyez legal article accessed on 31 March 2024

Alright folks, let’s break this down in plain English because, let’s face it, the legal mumbo jumbo can make your head spin faster than a politician dodging questions.

So, here’s the deal: Esther Kiobel and her team took on the big bad wolf known as Shell, accusing them of all sorts of nasty stuff like torture, killings, and basically being the baddies in Nigeria. They thought, “Hey, let’s take these guys to court in the good ol’ US of A under the Alien Tort Statute.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Faces Hague Climate Case: Another Masterclass in Hypocrisy and Legal Gymnastics

…grab your popcorn and get ready to witness Shell and six environmental and social organizations duke it out in court, led by none other than Milieudefensie (aka Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and Greenpeace Netherlands.

Posted by John Donovan 30 March 2024

Look who’s back in court again. That’s right, folks, it’s none other than Shell PLC, the poster child for environmental destruction and corporate greed. Next Tuesday, Shell’s appeal over its laughable attempt to shirk responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions comes to court in The Hague, and it promises to be a spectacle worthy of the big screen.

In a move that surprises absolutely no one, the oil supermajor is challenging a 2021 court decision that dared to order it to cut emissions under international climate agreements. Because, when it comes to saving the planet, Shell would rather stick its head in the sand and pretend like nothing’s wrong. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Extinction Rebellion Throws a Block Party at Shell’s Doorstep

Posted by John Donovan 20 March 2024

In a stunning display of “not today, Satan,” climate crusaders from Extinction Rebellion decided it was high time to throw a little shindig at the access roads to Shell Pernis.

The reason for this festive blockade? Shell, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that what the world really needs right now is more oil and gas. Because, of course, the best way to handle a climate crisis is to double down on the cause. It’s a bit like trying to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it—literally. Meanwhile, Shell’s old rigs and pipelines in the North Sea are enjoying a lovely retirement, slowly rusting away like forgotten relics of a bygone era. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Exxon Take Dutch Government to Court Over Gas Field Party Pooper

Posted by John Donovan; 14 Feb 24

In an epic tale of corporate vs. nature, Shell and ExxonMobil, the dynamic duo of fossil fuel festivities, have decided it’s time to drag the Dutch government to arbitration court. Why, you ask? Well, they’re a tad miffed that the Netherlands dared to halt their gas-guzzling shindig at the Groningen field, a once merry-go-round of gas supply that fueled Europe’s energy binges for decades.

Let’s set the scene: Groningen, a field so bountiful that Mother Nature herself might blush, has been the life of the party since the swinging ’60s. But as with all good things, the Dutch government, in a move as buzz-killing as it was seismic, decided in 2018 that the earth-shaking consequences of gas extraction were a party foul too severe. By last year, they called last rounds, decreeing that wells be shut down faster than you can say “earthquake.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell at it again? Oil Giant shirking responsibility by selling its assets in the Niger Delta

Shell at it again? Oil Giant shirking responsibility by selling its assets in the Niger Delta

By Andy Rowell and James Marriott

Last month, it was widely reported that another chapter in Shell’s dirty and disastrous eighty-seven-year operations in the Niger Delta was coming to an end, with the company selling its onshore business.

It’s easy to see why Shell wants to untangle itself from its controversial past. For years, the oil giant has tried to hide from its ongoing corporate liability lawsuits. However, it looks like Shell could be up to its old tricks again: trying to avoid legal responsibilities from its devastating Nigerian operations. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch Government Reluctantly Flicks On Groningen’s ‘Pilot Light’ Amid Chilly Weather

This backtrack comes after they boldly declared they would end Groningen’s production last October, winding it down over the years because of the pesky earthquakes. But now, they’re exercising their ‘just in case’ option, like someone keeping an ex’s number ‘just for emergencies.’

Posted by John Donovan 10 Jan 24

In a move that screams ‘last resort,’ the Dutch government, like a reluctant parent turning on the night light for a scared child, has decided to fire up the ‘pilot light’ at the Groningen gas field. This decision comes amidst the impending cold snap, reminding everyone that sometimes, even governments have to go back on their word.

NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij), the prodigal child of Shell and Exxon and operator of the Groningen gas field, has a bit of a shaky history, quite literally. This gas field is infamous for its earthquakes, which have been more than just a minor inconvenience for the locals. Picture this: a 3.6 magnitude earthquake back in 2012 near Huizinge, which residents felt more intensely than their morning coffee. No wonder the Dutch cabinet, in a moment of environmental awakening, announced the field’s closure in 2018. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Netherlands CEO Bemoans the Inconvenience of Saving the Planet

Posted by John Donovan: 3 Jan 2024

In a recent outburst of corporate dismay, Shell Netherlands’ CEO, Frans Everts, shed tears over how pesky environmental lawsuits are wreaking havoc on the poor, defenseless business climate in the Netherlands. Speaking to the Telegraaf, he lamented that these legal shenanigans aimed at individual companies like his own are just not cricket, especially when they’re the only ones being told off.

Let’s rewind to 2021, when a court had the audacity to order Shell to cut net carbon emissions by 45% from 2019 levels by 2030. The District Court in The Hague, apparently not understanding how inconvenient this is for oil giants, gave Shell a homework assignment with options – reforestation, carbon capture, you name it. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Exxon’s Symphony of Denial and Delay: Groningen Gas Field Closure Confirmed

…the province of Groningen has endured over a thousand earthquakes in the last couple of decades, while the Dutch government and our beloved Shell and Exxon raked in a mere €360 billion.

Posted by John Donovan 24 Sept 2023

In a stunning display of corporate responsibility and government foresight, the Dutch government, along with energy giants Shell and Exxon Mobil, has finally decided to end the Groningen gas field. But, of course, it’s only after years of ignoring the pesky little problem of earthquakes and building damage.

A mere seven months ago, a parliamentary inquiry dared to suggest that the Dutch government and the dynamic Shell-Exxon duo had been a bit too negligent in their gas production escapades. Apparently, they didn’t quite grasp the notion that drilling for gas might have some, shall we say, side effects on the residents of Groningen. How adorable! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, Savior of the Energy World, Graciously Hands Over Its 1.4 Million Customers to Octopus Energy

Posted by John Donovan 1 Sept 2023

After years of trying so hard to save the world one fossil fuel at a time, Shell has decided to take a break. Yes, the philanthropic oil tycoon is selling its home energy business in the U.K. and Germany to Octopus Energy for an undisclosed sum. What’s the reason for the secrecy? 

Shell proclaimed that it’s expecting this saintly transaction to conclude in the fourth quarter of the year, right after they get the nod from the regulators. The company had already announced back in June that it was planning to pull its home energy retail unit out of the U.K., Netherlands, and Germany. Finally, after powering 6.5 million homes in Britain with their incredible insight into energy supply, Octopus Energy will take up Shell’s philanthropic mantle. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.