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Shell’s Secret Spy Saga: Like a Bad Spy Movie, But With More Oil and Less Charm

Posted 22 December 2023

Oh, the irony! Shell, the ever-so-discreet and not-at-all-nefarious oil giant has been doing its darnedest to keep a lid on some rather unflattering information. But, like a leaky old barrel of their finest crude, the details just keep seeping out, much to their chagrin and our amusement.

Enter the protagonist of our story, John Donovan, and his website – Shell’s least favorite bookmark. Despite Shell’s best efforts, Donovan has been quite the busy bee, collecting a swarm of Shell-related secrets. The list of names he’s disclosed reads like a who’s who of corporate espionage, featuring the likes of James J.D. Hall (Shell’s very own top spy), Crockett Oaks III, Mike Oliveri, and Walied Shater. It’s like a spy convention, but with fewer martinis. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Latest Allegations and Litigation Relating to Warring Spymasters in Shell’s Corporate Security Department 

These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. 

Posted by John Donovan: 15 Dec 2023

On 13 December I supplied a senior official at Shell Centre with copies of two legal motions filed in the U.S. courts earlier this month.

Extract from my email:

Enclosed with this email, you’ll find two filings submitted earlier this month to U.S. authorities by a former U.S. Federal Agent, Mr. Walied Shater. These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s appetite for espionage against John Donovan

Shell’s appetite for espionage against me knows no bounds, spanning a global spying operation that would make James Bond blush.

By Shell critic John Donovan

Step into the twisted world of Shell corporate malevolence, where no tactic is too underhanded. As Hugh Grant fights his legal battles, it triggers haunting memories of my own relentless crusade against the oil behemoth in the ’90s and its ruthless response.

I proudly wear the badge of Shell’s arch-nemesis, earned through sheer persistence in exposing their dark deeds. Brace yourself for a wild ride that spans three decades, where I confronted a seemingly invincible Goliath with bottomless pockets. Little did I know then that Shell would unleash a storm of threats and employ the covert arts, utilizing undercover agents like a devious spy network. An oily SPECTRE. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell prefers to ignore such trivial matters as the future of our planet

Posted 24 May 2023 by John Donovan

The activists stormed the meeting, shouting “Shut down Shell” as if their pleas for environmental responsibility could penetrate the thick walls of corporate greed.

Shell miraculously survives yet another feeble revolt from shareholders concerned about its “green strategy” and decides to continue its legacy of environmental destruction. As if that wasn’t enough, climate change protesters daringly stormed Shell’s annual meeting, disturbing the tranquil gathering of oil enthusiasts. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shater v. Shell Oil Co. A spectacular falling out of corporate spies

Shater v. Shell Oil Co. A spectacular falling out of corporate spies

By John Donovan: 3 Dec 2022

Shater v. Shell Oil Co

USDC No. 4:20-CV-1465

The above US court case involves many members of Shell Corporate Securities, including the head of Shell Global Security James WD Hall.

Links to the latest court decisions filed on 28 November 2022.

Shater Judgement 28 Nov 2022

(November 28, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO COUNSEL OR PARTIES LISTED BELOW Regarding: Fifth Circuit Statement on Petitions for Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc No. 22-20289 Shater v. Shell Oil Co USDC No. 4:20-CV-1465) read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

British Spies, British Lies (James Hall vs Walied Shater)

British Spies, British Lies (James Hall vs Walied Shater)

I have never before seen a court document containing so many allegations of repeated lies by a top-level Shell official, supported by copious similar fact evidence of his alleged deceit.

By John Donovan

I reported in August 1917 that Mr Crockett Oaks III, Shell security manager for the Americas, received a ‘big bucks’ court case settlement from Shell.

The litigation arose from an alleged pattern of discrimination in favour of ‘White Brits’ by Shell and Shell Corporate Security VP James WD Hall, a British national. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s attempt to kill damaging US litigation involving  senior managers in Shell Corporate Security, including Spymaster James W.D. Hall

Shell’s attempt to kill damaging US litigation involving senior managers in Shell Corporate Security, including Spymaster James W.D. Hall

By John Donovan

I have provided links (1) (2) to the latest legal submissions (including a motion to dismiss) made by Shell in defence of a discrimination claim by Mr Walied Shater.

He is the third senior member of Shell Corporate Security who has sued Shell Oil Company alleging discrimination by the head of Shell Corporate Security, Mr James W.D. Hall.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell gripe website sucked into US litigation between warring Shell global security spymasters

Shell gripe website sucked into US litigation between warring Shell global security spymasters

By John Donovan

Our article – “Spectacular falling out of ‘Security Professionals’ at the top of Shell” – is reprinted on several pages of a recently filed 177-page “Exhibit A” in an astonishing lawsuit involving the head of Shell Global Corporate Affairs Security, James W.D. Hall.

Mr Hall has faced a succession of accusers, starting with the Security Manager for Shell Oil Company, Crockett Oaks III. Shell settled his claim. Mr Mike Oliveri, another guy with a senior military/security affairs background also sued Shell on related allegations involving Mr Hall. Mr Oliveri is a decorated war veteran, a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. Mr Hall’s current accuser is Mr Walied Shater a former US Secret Service agent. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Litigation and controversy involving Shell Global Security Chief James W.D. Hall

By John Donovan

The falling out of Hall & Oaks…

This article is about litigation and controversy involving the head of Shell Global Corporate Affairs Security, James W.D. Hall and a succession of his accusers, starting with the Security Manager for Shell Oil Company, Crockett Oaks III. 

The lawyers involved in the litigation have gone to great lengths to keep certain information from reaching the public, Shell shareholders and Shell employees.

So much for Shell directors solemn pledge of openness and honesty in all of Shell’s dealings. Apparently, that does not apply to court proceedings. Shell is more interested in maintaining confidentiality about high-level skullduggery. I think it’s called a cover-up.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Concentrated attack on website

By John  Donovan

A concentrated anonymous effort is underway to kill or hack our website.

There is clearly malicious intent. 

According to Jetpack Monitoring, a bombardment of almost 50,000 *total blocked brute force attacks were made on the website Shell Nazi History .com in the last month. See Jetpack screenshot below.

We can only speculate on who might have the motive and any prior form to take such sinister action against a non-commercial entirely free to use highly informative website? The site includes undisputed evidence from Shell’s own files, that Shell’s support for the Nazis resulted in the deaths of Shell employees. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

A warning to Shell’s new No1 Enemy, Dan Loeb

By John Donovan

Last Sunday I was described in the Channel 4 TV documentary Joe Lycett vs The Oil Giant as Shell’s No1 Enemy and as Shell’s nightmare. (Transcript of the relevant segment)

Within days I seem to have lost both titles to a billionaire upstart, Daniel Loeb, who seems intent on breaking up Shell.

From my unique perspective on Shell senior management over recent decades, he is right to question competence and direction.

How has Shell ended up with a foe (me) operating a website using the top-level domain name and as a consequence dealing on Shell’s behalf with job applications and all manner of other email correspondence meant for Shell? This is the humiliating situation Shell has been in since 2005. Evidently, no one at Shell has had the gumption to do anything to put an end to such a farce. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Polluting oil giants BP and Shell still using cloak and dagger activity to target perceived enemies

Introduction by John Donovan: Printed below is a news story published by openDemocracy with links to related coverage by City AM and The Times. The Sunday Times published a related article in 2001 headlined MI6 ‘Firm’ Spied on Green Groups. That undercover activity targeted Greenpeace and other perceived enemies of Shell and BP. Like BP, Shell is also still using covert intelligence activity. SEE Shell’s failed blundering attempt to kill my

Also related: Top spy takes early retirement from MI6… only to be hired by BP… read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

DONOVAN vs. SHELL : A 30 Years Epic battle against a corporate giant


By John Donovan, the anti-corruption website recently founded by Javier Ferrandis has published a remarkable article under the headline:

DONOVAN vs. SHELL: A 30 Years Epic battle against a corporate giant.


Disgruntled employees, interested in learning about or airing the dirty laundry of the Shell Group, or journalists, who want to find out what’s up at one of the largest corporations in the world, know that you have to start your search by simply typing on your browser. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Analysis: Will Nigeria yield in oil deal wrestling bout with Shell and Eni?

Analysis: Will Nigeria yield in oil deal wrestling bout with Shell and Eni?

By Lionel Faull: 27 October 2020

High profile courtroom dramas involving multiple sides often have the feel of a WWE Smackdown wrestling match: titanic egos clashing with each other, trying to batter their foes into submission. The fighters forge alliances, and the argy-bargy can sometimes spill out of the ring and break out elsewhere in the auditorium.

An epic international corruption trial that is now drawing to a close under the glamourous lights of Milan is a case in point. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

OPL 245: “an axis of spies that runs through this story”

By John Donovan

In the recent article (below”) about the OPL 245 corruption scandal, published under the translated headline “Eni-Nigeria trial, Prosecutor requests 8 Years sentence for Descalzi,” reference is made to “an axis of spies that runs through this story.”

It mentions the involvement of Shell’s MI6 hires responsible for generating the incriminating emails found in the raid and search of Shell’s HQ that has done so much damage to Shell’s reputation. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

OPL 245: Shell’s flawed anti-corruption system

Translation of an article published overnight by the Dutch media organisation

High prison sentences demanded against former Shell employees

Lawsuit In a criminal case for alleged corruption by Shell and Eni when purchasing a Nigerian oil field, the Public Prosecution Service demands high penalties.

Merijn Rengers and Carola Houtekamer: July 21, 2020 at 22:22

The Italian Public Prosecution Service demanded unprecedented high prison sentences in Milan on Tuesday against four former Shell directors and employees for large-scale corruption. The prosecution charges it to a former member of the board of directors, a director and two advisers who participated in bribery in Nigeria. The amount of the kickback, more than $ 1 billion, makes this one of the largest corruption affairs a Dutch company has ever been involved in. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.