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Shell Whistleblower Irina Woodhead Exposes the Prelude Fire Prone FLNG Project

21 Oct 2024

Meet Irina Woodhead, the brave whistleblower who dared to speak out against the greedy, ruthless, and incompetent oil giant we know as Shell. For those not keeping track of Shell’s ever-expanding portfolio of environmental disasters and corporate scandals, Irina was employed by the company as a technical and process safety advisor from July 2019 to May 2023. And boy, did she have a front-row seat to Shell’s handling of one of its most embarrassing failures: the Prelude FLNG project. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Earthquake-Inducing Gas Field Shuts Down, and Now the Netherlands Is Crying About Productivity?

17 Oct 2024

Oh, poor Netherlands, it seems like shutting down a gas field that was literally causing earthquakes has finally caught up with them. Who could’ve seen this coming? Groningen, the gas field operated by the environmental saints at Shell and ExxonMobil (under the cutesy name NAM, because nothing says trust us like an acronym), was pumping gas and shaking houses for 60 years. But when the earthquakes got too hard to ignore, the Dutch government dared to prioritize people’s safety over profits. The nerve, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure, Because Destroying Homes and Causing Earthquakes Just Isn’t Profitable Enough

In the latest episode of “Oil Giants Throw a Fit,” Shell and ExxonMobil, ever the champions of corporate compassion, are up in arms about—wait for it—the Dutch government having the audacity to shut down the gas field that’s been wrecking homes and sparking earthquakes. Yes, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), the dynamic duo’s beloved 50/50 joint venture, is finally winding down after a humble 60 years of profiting from the Groningen gas field, the literal ground zero of Dutch seismic misery. And now, these poor multi-billion-dollar corporations are crying foul because they won’t be able to squeeze out every last drop of profit before their time is up. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, the Selfless Saint of Oil and Gas, Heroically Whines About Not Getting Enough of the Pie From Fellow Billionaire Venture Global

11 Oct 2024

Ah, Shell. The world’s paragon of corporate virtue is at it again, tirelessly working in the interest of humanity—or at least, humanity’s wealthiest elite. The oil and gas behemoth, whose ecological footprint can only be measured in extinction events, is currently devastated by a ruling from a U.S. regulator. Apparently, they won’t get to comb through all the juicy internal documents of Venture Global LNG that Shell so graciously funded. It’s almost like the U.S. courts have this crazy thing called “rules” about what documents can be demanded. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Profit Takes a Hit? Cue the Tiny Violins for Their Billionaire Investors

19 Oct 2024

Oh no! Poor Shell. The oil behemoth that never seems to stop polluting is now facing—wait for it—a drop in refining margins. Yes, you heard that right, the same company that has practically printed money from destroying the planet is now crying over a 30% profit drop in the third quarter. Let’s all shed a tear, shall we?

Shell’s latest pity party involves their refining margins dropping from $7.7 per barrel to a mere $5.5. Gasp! How ever will they survive? The demand for refined products is down because—get this—global economic activity is slowing. Apparently, even endless pollution and profits can’t outrun a little thing like competition and an oversupplied market. Refineries are popping up everywhere, which is really putting a damper on Shell’s ability to squeeze every last penny from its fossil-fueled empire. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Third Quarter Blues: Oh No, Only Billions in Profits! How Will They Survive?

8 Oct 2024

Cue the tiniest violin as Shell, the poster child of corporate greed and environmental destruction, announces—wait for it—a drop in its refining profit margins! Yes, folks, the same oil titan responsible for trashing the planet now faces the horrific fate of only making slightly less obscene amounts of money. Somewhere in the world, a polar bear sheds a tear… or maybe that’s just an oil slick.

Let’s break down the tragedy: Shell’s refining margins took a nosedive by a whopping 30% in the third quarter, down to a measly $5.5 per barrel from the previous $7.7. Oh, the humanity! It seems global demand for oil has taken a dip, as the world awkwardly tries to figure out how to avoid climate catastrophe while Shell desperately clings to its 19th-century business model. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Shocked: Russia Sues the Oil Giant in a Hilarious Twist of Karma!

7 Oct 2024

The world’s favourite planet-scorching, cash-grabbing, ethics-optional corporation, Shell, is finding itself in yet another pickle. What a shocker! This time, the company famous for bathing in oil and bad decisions is facing a lawsuit from none other than Russia’s Prosecutor General.

The lawsuit, filed on October 2nd, was hurled at eight of Shell’s many tentacles—I mean, units—by a delightful cocktail of plaintiffs: Gazprom Export, the Russian energy ministry, regional authorities from the quaint Pacific island of Sakhalin (where environmental destruction is basically a hobby), Sakhalin Energy, and, of course, Russia’s top prosecutor. Everyone and their dog in the Russian energy sector is lining up to take a swing at Shell. It’s a regular “How dare you out-greed us?” moment. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ditches Hydrogen Plans in Norway – Apparently Destroying the Planet Is Easier Than Decarbonizing It

Look who’s pulling out of yet another “green” project. Shell – that beacon of environmental virtue (LOL) – has just scrapped its plans for a hydrogen plant on Norway’s west coast. Why, you ask? Because apparently, there’s just not enough demand for “blue hydrogen.” Yes, the same Shell that’s been sucking oil out of the ground for over a century like a vampire at an all-you-can-drink blood buffet is now suddenly worried about market viability for clean energy. Color me shocked. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Whines About “Dysfunctional” Regulations Slowing Energy Transition

Shell Whines About “Dysfunctional” Regulations Slowing Energy Transition – Because, You Know, It’s Not Like Shell’s The Reason We’re In This Mess

23 Sept 2024

Oh, the irony. Shell, that beloved beacon of environmental stewardship (cue laughter), is apparently very concerned about the “dysfunctional” rules slowing down the transition to clean energy. Yep, the same company that’s spent decades pumping out enough carbon to fuel a planet-sized barbecue now wants you to know they’re ready to dive headfirst into renewables – if only the government would stop getting in their way.

According to Cecile Wake, chairwoman of Shell Australia, the gas giant’s brave attempts to go green are being sabotaged by a “deharmonised patchwork quilt of regulations.” Ah, yes, because what’s really threatening humanity’s ability to hit climate targets is regulation – not, you know, Shell’s multi-billion dollar investments in fossil fuels. “Right now, what we have is a dysfunctional, deharmonised patchwork quilt of regulations that really make it difficult to have successful investments,” she lamented in an interview, apparently straight-faced. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Flaring Success: Because Setting Fire to the Environment Wasn’t Enough

Shell: making sure your future stays as bright as their gas flares—and just as toxic.

Posted by John Donovan: 9 Sept 2024

Hold on to your gas masks, folks—Shell is back, lighting up the Queensland sky with a gas flare so bright you could probably see it from space. Apparently, Shell’s digging around in the Taroom Trough has sparked industry hopes of a brand-new gas supply that could save Australia’s east coast from impending shortages. Because, of course, when you think about solving an energy crisis, the first name that comes to mind is the greedy sin stock Shell, renowned for its commitment to burning through both fossil fuels and the planet’s future. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Sin Stock Shenanigans

How BlackRock and Vanguard Gave a Big Middle Finger to Climate Action While Backing the Oil Giant’s Eco-Villainy

In the latest episode of “Let’s Pretend We Care About the Planet,” the world’s two largest money managers have decided that climate change just isn’t that big of a deal—at least not “financially material.” That’s right, folks. These titans of finance, sitting on a mountain of $10 trillion and $9 trillion respectively, have basically told the world to shove it when it comes to supporting climate resolutions.

BlackRock, that beacon of corporate responsibility, supported a whopping 20 out of 493 climate proposals this year. For those keeping score, that’s less than 4%—a steep drop from the days when they could at least pretend to care, like in 2021 when they backed nearly half of all climate resolutions. But hey, why bother saving the planet when you can continue raking in cash from sin stocks like Shell? And Vanguard? Oh, they took it up a notch by supporting exactly zero, zilch, nada, out of over 400 environmental and social proposals. Guess the idea of saving the world isn’t “financially material” enough for them either. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

History of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical Plant, Deer Park, Texas

Ask Sheldon

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What do you know about the history of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical Plant, Deer Park, Texas?


The history of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical facilty in Deer Park, Texas, is a colorful tale of regulatory skirmishes and environmental disputes, which could rival a soap opera for drama — if soap operas featured flaring incidents instead of love triangles.

The Deer Park Refinery, operational since 1929, has had its fair share of environmental hiccups. Over the years, the plant has been involved in numerous incidents where emissions of toxic compounds exceeded permissible limits. Notably, records have shown that on three separate occasions, Shell emitted more toxic compounds in a single day than its permits allowed in an entire year. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Flaming Disaster: Because Who Doesn’t Love a Towering Inferno of Toxic Waste

Posted by John Donovan: 27 Aug 2024

Ah, Shell—the sin stock that just keeps on giving! In their latest attempt to protect the environment (and by “protect,” we mean, “blanket the sky with flames”), the Shell Chemical Plant in Deer Park, Texas, has graced us with yet another fiery spectacle. This time, they’re blaming “third-party steam reliability issues” for the towering flares that could roast marshmallows from miles away.

But fear not, dear citizens! Shell assures us that these industrial pyrotechnics are all in the name of safety. According to them, “Flaring plays a key role in keeping our planet safe.” Yes, you read that right—because nothing screams “environmental stewardship” like setting waste gas on fire and spewing it into the air. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Ask Sheldon: What is the Shell connection with Legal & General?


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What is the Shell connection with Legal & General?


The connection between Shell and Legal & General Investment Management Ltd (LGIM) is primarily centered around LGIM’s substantial investment in Shell, holding a 1.30% stake in the oil giant. This relationship has been marked by a delicate balancing act of influence and advocacy, especially given LGIM’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.

On one hand, LGIM engages with Shell to encourage the adoption of more rigorous ESG standards. However, this endeavor is akin to preaching about healthy eating while simultaneously indulging in a cheeseburger; Shell has historically been associated with significant environmental issues, leading to ironic contradictions in LGIM’s sustainable investment strategies. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Legal & General cheerleading Shell’s ongoing commitment to environmental devastation

Posted by John Donovan: 16 Aug 2024

In yet another episode of “Corporate Greed Knows No Bounds,” Shell, that beloved beacon of environmental destruction, is at it again. This time, they’ve charmed nearly 80% of their shareholders into backing their so-called “Energy Transition Strategy.” What does this bold new plan involve, you ask? Oh, just the minor detail of not having any interim emissions reduction targets for 2035—because why rush into saving the planet, right? Instead, they’re doubling down on Liquified Natural Gas because nothing screams “green transition” like more fossil fuels. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Geode Capital Management and Shell Plc: A Satirical Exploration of Their Relationship

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Aug 2024

Geode Capital Management, an asset management firm renowned for its expertise in index funds, holds a significant stake in Shell Plc. With 0.74% of Shell’s shares in its portfolio, Geode’s involvement with the oil giant is an intriguing mix of financial strategy and environmental irony. This article delves into the depths of the relationship between Geode and Shell, exploring the influence Geode wields, the inherent tensions, and the delightful paradoxes that characterize this partnership.

The Influence of Geode Capital Management read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.