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Nazi Germany

Shell’s Legacy of Greed, Death, and Destruction that Makes SPECTRE Look Like Boy Scouts

In today’s episode of “How Many More People Can Shell Kill for Profit?” we’ve got more lawsuits, more corporate greed, and the usual cocktail of death and destruction that Shell serves up with a smile. This time, it’s the North Sea’s Rosebank and Jackdaw fields, where Shell, along with its buddies Equinor and Ithaca Energy, are facing a Greenpeace judicial review for yet another scandalous environmental mess. Because if there’s one thing Shell knows how to do, it’s turn an environmental catastrophe into a line item on a balance sheet. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Hands Its €26 Billion Pension Fund to BlackRock

Shell Hands Its €26 Billion Pension Fund to BlackRock – Because Who Better to Handle Your Retirement Than the World’s Greediest Oil Giant and a Wall Street Vampire?

In yet another episode of Shell Plays Hot Potato with Billions, the ultimate sin stock has decided to hand over its €26 billion Dutch pension fund to none other than BlackRock, that benevolent bastion of corporate greed. Shell, the company with a glorious history of collaborating with Nazis, testing carcinogens on its own employees (because, why not?), and using its in-house spy firm, Hakluyt, to target environmentalists like Greenpeace, is now letting BlackRock manage the retirement dreams of its workers. You know, just in case their existing sins weren’t enough to leave a lasting legacy of moral bankruptcy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s German Refinery Fiasco

Shell’s German Refinery Fiasco: The Greedy Oil Giant Stumbles Over Russian Oligarchs, Lawsuits, and Political Shenanigans 

In what can only be described as another glorious chapter in Shell’s illustrious history of human decency and ethical business practices (LOL), the oil behemoth’s attempt to offload its 37.5% stake in Germany’s Schwedt refinery has hit a predictable brick wall. This little business transaction, planned with all the grace of a rhino on roller skates, was supposed to wrap up in 2024. But of course, there’s a twist – the whole deal has been derailed by lawsuits, political drama, and Russia’s favourite hobby: screwing with the West. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Historical Legacy: From Oil Tycoon to Nazi Collaborator!

AI-Generated Image

Posted by John Donovan: 4 May 2024

In a stunning historical revelation that could make even the most cynical among us raise an eyebrow, it turns out that Shell, the quintessential emblem of corporate greed and environmental apathy, once dabbled in a little side hustle: collaborating with Nazis. When you’re already in the business of ruthlessly exploiting resources, why not throw a bit of fascism into the mix?

As German forces strutted into Vienna on that fateful day in March 1938, Shell, ever the opportunist, saw the writing on the wall and decided to cosy up to the Nazi regime faster than you can say “blitzkrieg.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Is it wise for Reuters to accept content sponsorship from Shell?

Posted by John Donovan: 9 March 24

I have always been impressed with the diligence and integrity of Reuters the news agency. That applies to everyone at Reuters with whom I have had contact in the last two decades.

I have supplied Reuters with information from Shell sources used in relation to many Reuters news articles about Shell.

Here is one such article:

Shell critic says oil major targeting his website

I have published numerous articles about organisations controversially sponsored by Shell. Reuters is now added to that list. The above Reuters feature – Sustainable Switch Climate Focus – is sponsored by Shell, the global polluter. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Clariant Rejects Shell’s Billion-Dollar Ethylene Damages Claim But Is Facing A Ruthless Adversary

By John Donovan: 19 October 2023

In yet another thrilling episode of corporate battles, Clariant has boldly rejected Shell’s claim for damages.

Clariant, the Swiss chemicals company, has made it perfectly clear that they reject Shell’s claim. Shell had the nerve to bring a claim against Clariant and three other companies in the district court of Amsterdam, alleging damages of up to a billion euros.

Clariant, however, swiftly fired back with an impeccable argument: “Shell was not a supplier of ethylene to Clariant, and Clariant has substantiated economic evidence that the conduct of the parties did not produce any effect on the market.” Bravo, Clariant, for showing such outstanding resolve in the face of these allegations! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s $21 Billion Prelude Floating LNG Plant Debacle

This extraordinary project was meant to revolutionize the industry and solidify Shell’s position as a visionary leader. Little did the world know that it was about to witness the pinnacle of human achievement in the realm of catastrophic failures…The Prelude fiasco perfectly encapsulates Shell’s unparalleled ability to disappoint. It is a masterclass in how not to execute a project…

Posted by John Donovan 18 June 2023

Off the coast of Western Australia’s Kimberley region, lies a testament to Shell’s flawless decision-making and unrivalled business acumen. The usually tranquil waters of the northeastern Indian Ocean serve as a backdrop to this remarkable tale of grandiosity and unparalleled brilliance.

Shell, the benevolent oil giant, embarked on an audacious endeavour in 2011 – the construction of the monumental Prelude floating gas factory. This extraordinary project was meant to revolutionize the industry and solidify Shell’s position as a visionary leader. Little did the world know that it was about to witness the pinnacle of human achievement in the realm of catastrophic failures. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Audacious Move: Launching Global Media Review, results in Protests at “Innocent” WPP Offices

…fear not, for Shell has invited numerous agencies to grovel at its feet, pitching for the privilege of serving this illustrious polluter

Posted by John Donovan: 6 June 2023

In a surprising turn of events, the notorious oil giant Shell has dared to venture into the realm of media review.  Currently under the seemingly angelic wings of WPP’s EssenceMediacom, Shell has decided to test the market and explore its options.

WPP, the stalwart that has dutifully served Shell’s media planning and buying needs since 2005, must be trembling at the thought of losing this precious account. But fear not, for Shell has invited numerous agencies to grovel at its feet, pitching for the privilege of serving this illustrious polluter. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Prelude Floating FLNG Barge: A Potentially Catastrophic Failure of Safety Standards

Shell Prelude Floating FLNG Barge: A Potentially Catastrophic Failure of Safety Standards

Posted by John Donovan: 12 May 2023

In yet another display of negligence and incompetence, Shell has shamefully suspended production at its Prelude floating LNG facility off Western Australia. The reason? A “trip.” How convenient that Shell conveniently brushes off this serious incident with such a casual technical term, downplaying the gravity of the situation.

Shell’s spokesperson, undoubtedly well-trained in corporate spin, reassures the public that they are working “methodically” to restart production, with safety apparently being their primary concern. But let’s not forget that this is the same company that has repeatedly demonstrated a reckless disregard for safety, as evidenced by the litany of incidents that have plagued the Prelude FLNG facility. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Petrochemical Plant Fire: Another Hazardous Incident Exposes Shell’s Recklessness

Posted by John Donovan: 12 May 2023

Shell’s Deceptive Claims: Downplaying the Consequences of the Deer Park Fire

The recent inferno at Shell’s petrochemical plant in Deer Park unleashed a thick, black cloud of smoke that engulfed the Houston area, leaving experts to question the true extent of the damage caused.

Astonishingly, despite mounting evidence, the oil giant continues to deny any danger to the neighbouring community, conveniently sidestepping their responsibility. But this time, residents, advocates, and experts refuse to be fooled by their reassurances. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

The book Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell removed from sale in Germany

The book Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell removed from sale in Germany

Amazon will no longer be offering the book “Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell” for sale in German.

The book authored by John Donovan was first published by Amazon in 2016.

Its cover image is said to contain content that is in violation of Amazon content guidelines for Germany and may infringe German law.

The book remains on sale via other Amazon websites around the world including the UK read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Hacking attack underway on Shell Nazi History .com website

By John  Donovan

A hacking attack is apparently underway targeting my website.

According to Jetpack Monitoring (see above)over 50,000 total blocked brute force attacks were made on the website between Nov 4, 2021 and Dec 4, 2021.

We can only speculate on who might have the motive and any prior form to take such sinister action against a non-commercial entirely free to use highly informative website?

It is true that Shell has used cloak and dagger activity against my Shell focussed websites several times, as recently as July 2021. But there is no evidence that Shell is behind the more recent attacks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Concentrated attack on website

By John  Donovan

A concentrated anonymous effort is underway to kill or hack our website.

There is clearly malicious intent. 

According to Jetpack Monitoring, a bombardment of almost 50,000 *total blocked brute force attacks were made on the website Shell Nazi History .com in the last month. See Jetpack screenshot below.

We can only speculate on who might have the motive and any prior form to take such sinister action against a non-commercial entirely free to use highly informative website? The site includes undisputed evidence from Shell’s own files, that Shell’s support for the Nazis resulted in the deaths of Shell employees. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Royal Dutch Shell Corporate Collaboration with the Nazis

By John Donovan

From: “New Images of Nazi Germany”

Extract from the section “Corporate Collaboration” commencing page 203 running onto page 204

The connection of the Royal Dutch Shell Group to Nazi Germany centered on Sir Henri Deterding…

Variously described as the “most powerful man in the world” and the “Napoleon of Oil,” he was also an early admirer of both Hitler and Mussolini…

Deterding himself offered a plan in 1935 to provide a year’s worth of oil credit to Nazi Germany, in principle a war reserve. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s effort to help maintain Hitler’s foreign markets thereby aiding the Nazi Government in its direct war against Britain


By John Donovan

A recently published book revealed the extent to which Shell played a key role in Hitler’s war effort. Unfortunately for Shell, new information about Shell’s Nazi history emerges on a regular basis.

The information below is from a hearing held in the United States Senate in 1943. It is available online as a result of a digitization project by Google.

The featured extract has the headline SHELL OIL INTERESTS OFFERED TO HELP GERMANY EVADE BLOCKADE. It is about a business deal between Shell and its German partner in many major ventures, I.G. Farben. The chemical giant supplied the Zyklon-B gas used to exterminate millions of innocent people in the Holocaust. Many I.G. Farben directors were found guilty of war crimes. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

DONOVAN vs. SHELL : A 30 Years Epic battle against a corporate giant


By John Donovan, the anti-corruption website recently founded by Javier Ferrandis has published a remarkable article under the headline:

DONOVAN vs. SHELL: A 30 Years Epic battle against a corporate giant.


Disgruntled employees, interested in learning about or airing the dirty laundry of the Shell Group, or journalists, who want to find out what’s up at one of the largest corporations in the world, know that you have to start your search by simply typing on your browser. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.