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Shell’s Historical Legacy: From Oil Tycoon to Nazi Collaborator!

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Posted by John Donovan: 4 May 2024

In a stunning historical revelation that could make even the most cynical among us raise an eyebrow, it turns out that Shell, the quintessential emblem of corporate greed and environmental apathy, once dabbled in a little side hustle: collaborating with Nazis. When you’re already in the business of ruthlessly exploiting resources, why not throw a bit of fascism into the mix?

As German forces strutted into Vienna on that fateful day in March 1938, Shell, ever the opportunist, saw the writing on the wall and decided to cosy up to the Nazi regime faster than you can say “blitzkrieg.”

With the annexation of Austria and the subsequent occupation of Czechoslovakia, Shell’s German subsidiary, Rhenania-Ossag, eagerly raised its hand to take over Shell’s operations in both countries. Because nothing says “ethical business practice” quite like aligning yourself with totalitarian regimes, right?

Let’s not forget the stellar cast of characters running the show at Rhenania-Ossag: a motley crew of Nazi sympathizers and enthusiasts, ensuring that Shell’s descent into moral bankruptcy was well on its way. And who can blame them? When you’ve got a chance to make a quick buck under the shadow of fascism, why bother with trifling concerns like human rights or decency?

Even the bigwigs back at Royal Dutch Shell HQ, couldn’t resist the allure of Nazi collaboration, giving their enthusiastic thumbs up to Rhenania-Ossag’s power grab in Austria and Czechoslovakia. Because why miss out on a prime opportunity to profit off the suffering of others?

And if you thought Shell’s complicity ended with just handing over the keys to the kingdom, think again. According to Shell’s own archives, they were knee-deep in Nazi military planning, ensuring that even the fuel powering the Nazi war machine had a touch of Shell’s signature slickness.

So, here’s to Shell, the oil giant with a historical legacy so tarnished, that even their slick PR machine would struggle to spin it. Because when you’re in bed with Nazis, you know you’ve hit rock bottom. 

In the years leading up to World War 2, Shell Oil Tycoon Sir Henri Deterding had become a good friend of Nazi Germany, as personally acknowledged by Hitler.


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