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Climate Change

Shell Lays Off Workers While Pretending to Care About “Renewables”—Business as Usual for Big Oil

19 Oct 2024

Ah, Shell, ever the master of hypocrisy. In a move that surprises no one, Shell Energy Solutions—the little offshoot of the British oil behemoth—announced it’s axing over 100 Houston-area employees just in time for the holidays. Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a pink slip from one of the world’s richest, most polluting corporations. And, naturally, this was slipped out through a WARN notice filed with the Texas Workforce Commission. Classy.

So, what’s the excuse this time? Shell’s PR wizards claim it’s all about “anticipated ongoing and future operations.” Translation: Shell’s figured out how to screw over more people with fewer resources. The cuts range from business analysts to engineering and project managers, but don’t worry—Shell promises there will be “no current impact” on customers. That’s right, folks, business as usual. Nothing to see here except a multinational corporation tightening its belt after decades of profiting from environmental destruction. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Profit Takes a Hit? Cue the Tiny Violins for Their Billionaire Investors

19 Oct 2024

Oh no! Poor Shell. The oil behemoth that never seems to stop polluting is now facing—wait for it—a drop in refining margins. Yes, you heard that right, the same company that has practically printed money from destroying the planet is now crying over a 30% profit drop in the third quarter. Let’s all shed a tear, shall we?

Shell’s latest pity party involves their refining margins dropping from $7.7 per barrel to a mere $5.5. Gasp! How ever will they survive? The demand for refined products is down because—get this—global economic activity is slowing. Apparently, even endless pollution and profits can’t outrun a little thing like competition and an oversupplied market. Refineries are popping up everywhere, which is really putting a damper on Shell’s ability to squeeze every last penny from its fossil-fueled empire. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Hurricane Helene Fueled by Big Oil’s Emissions, Greenpeace Demands Polluters Pay

9 Oct 2024

Washington DC – Ah yes, Shell. The oil-soaked villain of the century, responsible for more destruction than we can count, is at it again—this time helping fuel Hurricane Helene, which claimed 227 lives across six states. No big deal, right? After all, it’s just another day in the office for Shell and its oily cronies, spewing profits while the planet burns.

According to a rapid analysis by World Weather Attribution, Helene’s deadly rampage has been supercharged by—wait for it—climate change! Who knew?! Well, Greenpeace sure did, and they’re calling out Big Oil for the catastrophic mess it’s created. Rolf Skar, Greenpeace USA National Campaigns Director, lays it out: read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Third Quarter Blues: Oh No, Only Billions in Profits! How Will They Survive?

8 Oct 2024

Cue the tiniest violin as Shell, the poster child of corporate greed and environmental destruction, announces—wait for it—a drop in its refining profit margins! Yes, folks, the same oil titan responsible for trashing the planet now faces the horrific fate of only making slightly less obscene amounts of money. Somewhere in the world, a polar bear sheds a tear… or maybe that’s just an oil slick.

Let’s break down the tragedy: Shell’s refining margins took a nosedive by a whopping 30% in the third quarter, down to a measly $5.5 per barrel from the previous $7.7. Oh, the humanity! It seems global demand for oil has taken a dip, as the world awkwardly tries to figure out how to avoid climate catastrophe while Shell desperately clings to its 19th-century business model. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, Exxon, and Friends Still Chasing African Oil: Because Who Needs a Planet When You Can Pillage One

Ah, Shell and ExxonMobil—the undisputed kings of environmental devastation—are back at it again! This time, they’re teaming up with Petrobras, Brazil’s state-run oil giant, to grace Africa with their toxic touch. Yes, because what Africa really needs right now is more foreign oil companies swooping in to exploit its natural resources. It’s like watching vultures circle a dying animal, except the animal is the entire planet.

Petrobras Wants in on the Action—Because Clearly There’s Not Enough Oil Being Sucked Out of the Earth Yet read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Electric Vehicle Hub: Because Why Not Greenwash the Site of Their Former Pollution Factory?

Oh look, folks! Shell, the notorious planet-wrecker and fossil fuel fanatic, is now trying to rebrand itself as some kind of eco-warrior. In a move so dripping with irony it might actually short-circuit their new chargers, Shell is planning to turn its former Scottish headquarters into an electric vehicle charging hub. Yes, you read that right. The same company that spent decades pumping oil, gas, and toxic waste into the environment now wants to be your go-to for “clean” energy.

From Oil-Spilling HQ to EV Wonderland read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and BP Shares Plummet—Oh No, How Will the Planet-Burning Billionaires Cope?

Well, well, well, looks like Shell and BP have finally hit a speed bump on their highway to environmental destruction. In a shocking turn of events (cue the world’s tiniest violin), the stock prices of these oil-stained giants have taken a nosedive. Why? Because Saudi Arabia, that bastion of altruism, is reportedly ditching its plan to keep oil prices sky-high.

According to the Financial Times, Saudi Arabia, ever the benevolent overlord of the oil market, may abandon its $100-a-barrel target. Instead, they’re planning to flood the market with more crude. Gasp! Brent crude futures dropped to $71.62 a barrel, down 2.5% in a single session and 20% lower over the past six months. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Legacy of Greed, Death, and Destruction that Makes SPECTRE Look Like Boy Scouts

In today’s episode of “How Many More People Can Shell Kill for Profit?” we’ve got more lawsuits, more corporate greed, and the usual cocktail of death and destruction that Shell serves up with a smile. This time, it’s the North Sea’s Rosebank and Jackdaw fields, where Shell, along with its buddies Equinor and Ithaca Energy, are facing a Greenpeace judicial review for yet another scandalous environmental mess. Because if there’s one thing Shell knows how to do, it’s turn an environmental catastrophe into a line item on a balance sheet. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Touts Biofuels in Brazil—Because Who Cares About Ethics When There’s More Money to Be Made?

Ah, Shell. The same company that has perfected the art of environmental destruction, employee exploitation, and moral bankruptcy now wants us all to get excited about its shiny new biofuels project in Brazil. Because, apparently, nothing says “we care about the planet” like an oil giant boasting about squeezing a few more drops of ethanol out of sugarcane while continuing to plunder the earth’s resources.

During the ROG.e conference in Rio, Shell CEO Wael Sawan proudly announced the company’s commitment to second-generation (2G) ethanol, which is made from sugarcane bagasse. According to Sawan, “the same amount of land will be able to produce 50% more ethanol.” Oh, how generous. And while they’re at it, they’ll also keep pouring money into deepwater oil and gas projects with Petrobras, because why settle for biofuels when you can still extract oil like it’s 1950? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Hands Its €26 Billion Pension Fund to BlackRock

Shell Hands Its €26 Billion Pension Fund to BlackRock – Because Who Better to Handle Your Retirement Than the World’s Greediest Oil Giant and a Wall Street Vampire?

In yet another episode of Shell Plays Hot Potato with Billions, the ultimate sin stock has decided to hand over its €26 billion Dutch pension fund to none other than BlackRock, that benevolent bastion of corporate greed. Shell, the company with a glorious history of collaborating with Nazis, testing carcinogens on its own employees (because, why not?), and using its in-house spy firm, Hakluyt, to target environmentalists like Greenpeace, is now letting BlackRock manage the retirement dreams of its workers. You know, just in case their existing sins weren’t enough to leave a lasting legacy of moral bankruptcy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ditches Hydrogen Plans in Norway – Apparently Destroying the Planet Is Easier Than Decarbonizing It

Look who’s pulling out of yet another “green” project. Shell – that beacon of environmental virtue (LOL) – has just scrapped its plans for a hydrogen plant on Norway’s west coast. Why, you ask? Because apparently, there’s just not enough demand for “blue hydrogen.” Yes, the same Shell that’s been sucking oil out of the ground for over a century like a vampire at an all-you-can-drink blood buffet is now suddenly worried about market viability for clean energy. Color me shocked. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Whines About “Dysfunctional” Regulations Slowing Energy Transition

Shell Whines About “Dysfunctional” Regulations Slowing Energy Transition – Because, You Know, It’s Not Like Shell’s The Reason We’re In This Mess

23 Sept 2024

Oh, the irony. Shell, that beloved beacon of environmental stewardship (cue laughter), is apparently very concerned about the “dysfunctional” rules slowing down the transition to clean energy. Yep, the same company that’s spent decades pumping out enough carbon to fuel a planet-sized barbecue now wants you to know they’re ready to dive headfirst into renewables – if only the government would stop getting in their way.

According to Cecile Wake, chairwoman of Shell Australia, the gas giant’s brave attempts to go green are being sabotaged by a “deharmonised patchwork quilt of regulations.” Ah, yes, because what’s really threatening humanity’s ability to hit climate targets is regulation – not, you know, Shell’s multi-billion dollar investments in fossil fuels. “Right now, what we have is a dysfunctional, deharmonised patchwork quilt of regulations that really make it difficult to have successful investments,” she lamented in an interview, apparently straight-faced. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Faces a Flood of Climate Lawsuits: Is Homicide Next for the Sin Stock of the Century?

Well, well, well—if it isn’t Shell, our favorite greedy, ruthless, polluting oil giant, swimming neck-deep in climate lawsuits while pretending to care about the planet.

The courts are now one of the hottest battlegrounds in the war against planet-warming emissions, and Shell is right there in the spotlight, along with its fossil fuel cronies. At least 86 lawsuits have been filed globally against these fossil fuel dinosaurs, and guess who’s leading the pack? Yep, Shell—because being the biggest sinner in the “sin stock” hall of fame comes with perks like endless court cases!

The lawsuits against Shell aren’t just about some little spills (although they’ve left enough oil slicks to fill an ocean)—they’re about climate damage. A 2021 ruling by a Dutch court ordered Shell to reduce its emissions by 45% by 2030, which Shell, in true corporate villain fashion, promptly appealed. Why? Because making real changes would be inconvenient for Shell’s profit-driven soul. Instead, their spokeswoman offered some condescending drivel about how “smart policy from government and action from all sectors” is the way forward. Translation: “Please don’t make us actually take responsibility—we’d rather just keep paying off politicians.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell to “Go Green” in Germany with Hydrogen While Still Polluting the Planet: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Shell, the ultimate sin stock, is trying to convince us that they’re oh-so-green now.

Posted by John Donovan: 12 Sept 24

Oh, look, Shell is making another bold attempt to fool us all into thinking they care about the environment. The latest PR stunt? They’ve hired Australian energy services provider Worley to help transform one of their oil plants in Germany into a base oil production unit—oh, and by the way, it’ll also produce a little hydrogen, because, you know, greenwashing is in vogue these days.

Worley’s grand task? First, convert Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland near Cologne into a sustainable oil production paradise that’ll somehow cover 9% of the EU’s and 40% of Germany’s base oil needs. That’s right, folks: Shell is “going green” by—wait for it—producing more oil. What a time to be alive. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest PR Stunt: Fill Up Your Tank and Pretend You’re Saving the World!

Posted By John Donovan: 9 Sept 2024

Oh look, Shell is back at it again, doing what they do best—burning through fossil fuels and slapping a charitable sticker on it to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, folks, “The Giving Pump” has returned for another round, running from September 1 through October 31 at nearly 7,500 Shell stations across the U.S. Because what better way to ease your guilt about climate change than by filling up at a sin stock gas station and pretending you’re contributing to something noble?

Here’s the deal: a portion of the profits from every gallon pumped at these specially designated purple pumps will go to children’s and family-focused charities. Don’t get too excited, though—they haven’t exactly said how much of your purchase actually goes to charity. But hey, why bother with details when you can just throw some purple paint on a pump and call yourself a Force For Good?

Senior VP at Shell, Barbara Stoyko, proudly gushed, “The Giving Pump is an easy and impactful way for customers to give back through the simple act of filling up their vehicles.” Right, because nothing says “impactful” quite like burning more fossil fuels while tossing a few pennies to charity. It’s basically the corporate equivalent of dropping a dollar into a tip jar while burning down the coffee shop. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Sin Stock Shenanigans

How BlackRock and Vanguard Gave a Big Middle Finger to Climate Action While Backing the Oil Giant’s Eco-Villainy

In the latest episode of “Let’s Pretend We Care About the Planet,” the world’s two largest money managers have decided that climate change just isn’t that big of a deal—at least not “financially material.” That’s right, folks. These titans of finance, sitting on a mountain of $10 trillion and $9 trillion respectively, have basically told the world to shove it when it comes to supporting climate resolutions.

BlackRock, that beacon of corporate responsibility, supported a whopping 20 out of 493 climate proposals this year. For those keeping score, that’s less than 4%—a steep drop from the days when they could at least pretend to care, like in 2021 when they backed nearly half of all climate resolutions. But hey, why bother saving the planet when you can continue raking in cash from sin stocks like Shell? And Vanguard? Oh, they took it up a notch by supporting exactly zero, zilch, nada, out of over 400 environmental and social proposals. Guess the idea of saving the world isn’t “financially material” enough for them either. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.