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Shell’s Latest Feat: Quietly Ditching Its Eco-Friendly Recycling Pledge

Posted by John Donovan 17 July 2024

In the latest chapter of Shell’s never-ending saga of environmental hypocrisy, the oil giant has decided to backtrack on its grandiose promise to save the planet by recycling plastic waste. Back in 2022, Shell boldly claimed it would convert a whopping 1 million tonnes of plastic waste into oil every year through “advanced recycling.” Now, it turns out this pledge was about as solid as a politician’s promise.

“Advanced” or “chemical” recycling—just fancy terms for breaking down plastic with heat—was Shell’s supposed answer to the plastics pollution crisis. The company started investing in this pyrolysis process back in 2019, even using the resultant oil in a Louisiana plant and declaring its ambition to recycle 1 million tonnes of plastic by 2025. But as of their 2023 sustainability report, Shell quietly confessed: “[I]n 2023 we concluded that the scale of our ambition to turn 1m tonnes of plastic waste a year into pyrolysis oil by 2025 is unfeasible.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Avoids Strike: Workers Score Wage Hike in Last-Minute Deal

Posted by John Donovan: 12 July 2024

In a rare turn of events, Shell has managed to pull its head out of the sand long enough to strike a deal with its workers in Alberta, Canada. The Unifor union announced on Wednesday that its members have ratified a new four-year agreement that includes a 16% wage increase. Because who knew that actually paying workers could prevent strikes?

Dodging a Bullet:

The agreement comes after Shell’s Scotford-based facility workers overwhelmingly voted in favor of a work stoppage in late June. It seems the threat of an actual strike was enough to get Shell to the negotiating table. Unifor also mentioned the possibility of further wage gains and improvements to time off for statutory holidays and various union-based leaves. Looks like Shell finally remembered that workers are people too. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Stumbles: Takes $2 Billion Hit, Whines About Weak Gas Trading

Posted by John Donovan: 5 July 2024

In the latest episode of “Shell Can’t Catch a Break,” the oil giant is poised to take a hit of up to $2 billion in post-tax impairments. Why? Because they’re pausing construction on their much-touted biofuels plant in Rotterdam and offloading their chemicals refinery in Singapore. All this drama while Europe’s largest energy company grapples with weak market conditions and a downturn in their golden goose: gas trading.

Apparently, Shell’s integrated-gas segment, usually the crown jewel of their profit empire, isn’t looking too hot this quarter. They predict results will be lower than the first quarter, where they enjoyed a cushy $3.68 billion in adjusted earnings. Seasonality, they say. But hey, at least it might match last year’s second quarter of $2.5 billion. Small victories, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Toxic Wonderland: Pennsylvania Plant Spews Chemicals, Residents Rightfully Freak Out

Growing Alarm over Shell’s Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex. For the folks living near this chemical nightmare, the situation is beyond frightening. Many of them are suing Shell, presumably between checking their Geiger counters and donning hazmat suits to walk the dog

Posted by John Donovan: 3 July 2024

Ever since Shell announced its multibillion-dollar ethane cracker plant in Beaver Court, Pennsylvania, we’ve been watching this environmental horror show unfold. 

Thanks to the Environmental Law Institute’s publication, “Ethane Trading in the Upper Ohio Valley: Potential Impacts, Regulatory Requirements, and Opportunities for Public Engagement,” we have a comprehensive rundown of the toxic cocktail Shell is generously pumping into the air. If you’ve ever wanted a full list of chemicals that sound like they belong in a supervillain’s lair, flip to pages 6 to 11. Benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene are just a few of the nasties on the roster, guaranteed to make your hair curl – or worse, depending on your proximity to the plant. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New Hell Factory in Pennsylvania: Residents Basking in the Glow of Deadly Carcinogens

Posted by John Donovan: 28 June 2024

Welcome to Beaver County, Pennsylvania, where Shell’s ethane cracker plant has turned the community into a living nightmare. Residents are now basking in the glow of carcinogens and other delightful chemicals that can cause blood disorders, convulsions, and breathing problems. Some folks have even fled the area.

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Shell, the beloved corporate villain, has once again proven that it’s never too late to outdo itself in the race to the bottom. Welcome to Beaver County, Pennsylvania, where Shell’s ethane cracker plant has turned the community into a living nightmare. Who could’ve guessed? Oh, wait – everyone.

What’s Happening?

In a dazzling display of corporate gaslighting, Shell promised Beaver County that its ethane cracker plant would be a magical land of employment, tax revenue, and economic bliss. So, Pennsylvania, in its infinite wisdom, handed Shell a cool $1.65 billion to set up shop. Fast forward two years, and surprise! The plant has racked up 23 violations of air quality and clean water standards, like a delinquent teenager collecting detention slips. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Emergency Drill at Cracker Plant: Because What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Posted by John Donovan 20 June 2024

Pennsylvania Shell ethylene cracker plant

Today at the Shell cracker plant in Beaver County, it’s not business as usual. Shell, the lovable titan of pollution, is conducting an emergency response drill. Yep, you read that right. The same company that brings you environmental disasters is practising how to handle one. The irony is delicious.

A Shell spokesperson stated that this drill is a regulatory requirement that must be completed every three years. Of course, because if there’s one thing Shell loves, it’s jumping through hoops to meet the bare minimum legal requirements. During today’s festivities, alarms will be blaring, and an emergency response team will be parading along the Ohio River. If you’re in the area and hear sirens, don’t panic—this time, it’s just a drill. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Shock! Canadian Workers to Vote on Strike as Oil Giant Plays Tug-of-War with Fair Wages

Posted by John Donovan: 16 June 2024

In the latest episode of Shell’s ongoing drama series “How Low Can We Go?”, the oil titan’s workers at the Scotford facility in Canada are preparing to vote on a strike. Apparently, the greedy, ruthless, polluting giant thinks it’s acceptable to keep its workers’ compensation “well-below industry standards,” according to the Unifor union. 

Despite months of bargaining starting in January, Shell’s idea of a “mutually acceptable agreement” involves low-balling the very people who keep their bitumen upgrader, oil refinery, chemicals plant, and carbon capture and storage facility running smoothly. Let’s not forget, this upgrader has a capacity of 320,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of diluted bitumen. That’s a lot of oil and a lot of profit, yet somehow fair wages are still out of reach.

A Shell spokesperson, with all the sincerity of a used car salesman, stated, “We will continue to work through the bargaining process to reach a mutually acceptable agreement for both parties.” Sure, because nothing says “mutual” like pushing for wages that don’t meet industry standards. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Generosity: Funding Air Monitors to Track Their Own Pollution

Posted 7 June 2024 by John Donovan

Pennsylvania Shell ethylene cracker plant

In a stunning display of corporate altruism, Shell, the benevolent oil giant known for its tender care of the environment, has graciously agreed to part with over $630,000. This sum, a mere trifle from the $10 million in penalties they’ve amassed, will be used by environmental watchdog groups to install five real-time air monitors throughout Beaver County. Because, you know, it’s easier just to keep track of how much pollution you’re breathing in rather than stop polluting.

The Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community (BCMAC) is partnering with the Environmental Health Project to deploy these monitors. According to a Monday news release, the goal is to “analyze, visualize and interpret the data collected from these monitors to help community members understand where the air pollution is coming from and what health outcomes they may expect.” Translation: “Let’s help you pinpoint exactly how Shell’s pollution is killing you.”

BCMAC will also “provide community education about air pollution and the health impacts associated with exposure to emissions from petrochemical facilities.” This initiative stems from activists’ long-standing demand for increased monitoring near Shell’s ethane cracker plant, which started operations in late 2022. Ah yes, education – because knowing you’re being poisoned is half the battle. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Grandiose Failure: How the Cracker Plant Stunk Up Beaver County

Posted by John Donovan: 4 June 2024

Well, well, well. Look who’s back in the headlines: Shell, the benevolent oil overlord, gracing us with its latest triumph. Remember that glorious cracker plant in Beaver County that was supposed to shower us with jobs and economic bliss? Yeah, that one. Turns out, it’s more of an economic disaster and environmental nightmare. Bravo, Shell!

Shell promised a “minor environmental impact” – a cute understatement considering they’ve racked up $10 million in fines for air pollution violations. Ah, the sweet smell of success. Beaver residents get to enjoy this lovely aroma while watching the supposed economic boom fizzle into a depressing bust. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Shovels Plastic into Pittsburgh’s Rivers!

The Shell plant sits on a site oozing with legacy contaminants like zinc, thallium, and aluminium. These nasties are happily leaching into the Ohio River.


Once a month for nearly two years, Evan Clark, the Waterkeeper at Three Rivers Waterkeeper, has heroically boated along the Ohio River to Shell’s monstrous new plastics plant in Beaver County. This beast of a facility cranks out up to 1.6 million tons of plastic per year, thanks to the magic of fracked gas. Clark’s mission? To spot the devilish little plastic pellets known as nurdles and keep tabs on the plant’s wastewater outfalls. Spoiler alert: It’s not pretty.

Since the plant’s grand debut in the fall of 2022, Clark has detected strong chemical odours at the outfalls—red flags for contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). And the nurdles? He’s found them by the truckload. These tiny plastic fiends, used to make everything from soda bottles to car parts, are flooding the riverbanks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Masterpiece: The Monaca Meltdown

As Shell continues its relentless pollution, the true cost of their operations becomes clearer. The $12 million in fines they’ve paid so far is a mere drop in the ocean for a company that raked in $28 billion in profits in 2023. For Shell, pollution fines are just the cost of doing business—a cost that’s far too easy to pay.

Posted by John Donovan: 16 May 2024

Shell’s Monaca Monster: Beaver County’s New Worst Neighbour

When Jackie Shock-Stewart and her husband Matt Stewart moved to Beaver County, Pennsylvania in 2014, they were blissfully unaware that a petrochemical apocalypse was looming over their picturesque suburban paradise. Fast forward to 2016, and Shell decided to gift the county with a shiny new ethane cracker plant—a monstrous facility dedicated to churning out millions of tons of plastic and polluting the Ohio River. What a delightful surprise! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ditches Singapore Gig for ‘Greener’ Pastures—No, Really, They’re Going Green!

Posted John Donovan: 9 May 2024

In a move that screams “We’re not just oil barons, we swear!”, Shell has decided to offload its shiny refinery and petrochemical assets in Singapore. That’s right, folks, the glittering jewel of Asia’s oil crown is getting passed to a duo who probably couldn’t wait to say, “Yes, please!” Enter the scene: Indonesian chemicals giant Chandra Asri and the Swiss master of mines and money, Glencore.

Remember last August when the gossip was hot about Shell whispering to Goldman Sachs to help it dump its Singapore toys? Well, it’s happening. Shell is all set to hand over everything—yes, literally every bolt, barrel, and business deal from its Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Singapore to this thing called CAPGC. That includes a refinery pumping out 237,000 barrels a day and a cracker (no, not the snack) producing 1.1 million metric tons of ethylene yearly. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New UK Boss: A Master of Environmental Destruction!

Posted by John Donovan 4 May 2024

In an eyebrow-raising move that could only be described as a masterpiece in corporate irony, Shell, the paragon of environmental negligence, has proudly appointed Parminder Kohli as its new UK country chair. Who better to lead a company infamous for its ruthless exploitation of natural resources than someone entrenched in its culture of profit-over-planet?

Replacing David Bunch, Kohli steps into the limelight, not only as the new head honcho but also as the champion of sustainability and carbon reduction. A bit like putting a fox in charge of the henhouse, if the fox claimed it was there to promote vegetarianism. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Falcon Pipeline: A Symphony of Environmental Disregard Hits Sour Note with Pennsylvania AG

Former employees spilled the beans faster than Shell spills drilling mud. One brave soul, Sean Larson, dared to speak up and got shown the door quicker than you can say “transparency.”

Posted by John Donovan: 23 April 2024

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General has had it up to here with Shell Pipeline Co.’s shenanigans. They’ve been charged not once, not twice, but a whopping 13 times with violating Pennsylvania’s Clean Streams Law. Why? Oh, just for repeatedly treating our precious environment like a trash can during the construction of their precious Falcon Pipeline.

Attorney General Michelle Henry isn’t mincing her words, folks. She’s dropping those charges faster than you can say “environmental catastrophe.” Shell apparently had a grand old time “forgetting” to mention all those pesky spills of industrial waste during their little construction project. You know, just your typical “whoopsie daisy” moments where drilling mud—yeah, the stuff they use to keep things slippery—somehow found its way into streams and wetlands. But hey, who cares about wetlands, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Climate Conundrum

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, folks, grab your popcorn because it’s time for another episode of “Shell Says What?” In today’s edition, our favorite fossil fuel giant is back at it again, telling shareholders that, hey, maybe we’re doing just fine with this whole climate change thing, thank you very much.

 Shell is urging shareholders to give a big fat thumbs-down to a proposal that would actually push the company to step up its game in the fight against climate change. Because who needs tighter climate targets when you’ve got profits to chase, am I right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Dirty Pipe Dreams: Pennsylvania’s Latest Environmental Offender

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, well, well, look who’s at it again! Our dear friends at Shell are making headlines once more, and surprise, surprise, it’s for all the wrong reasons.

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General’s office is coming down on Shell Falcon Pipeline LP like a ton of bricks, slapping them with a whopping 13 misdemeanor charges for playing fast and loose with environmental laws. Ah, nothing like a little industrial waste to spice up your pipeline construction, right?

According to the authorities, Shell conveniently “forgot” to report a few teeny-tiny issues they encountered while drilling away in Washington, Allegheny, and Beaver counties. Oops! Looks like someone dropped the ball on that one. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.