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Corporate Accountability 1, Greedy Giants 0

Shell got off scot-free despite strong evidence they were up to their necks in aiding the Nigerian military’s torture and killing spree against environmental protesters.

Posted by John Donovan: 12 June 2024

In a rare twist of fate where the universe temporarily operates on justice, Chiquita Brands was held accountable for its cosy relationship with murderous paramilitaries in Colombia. A Florida jury just slapped the fruit giant with a $38.3 million bill for the deaths of eight people, putting a price tag on human lives lost in Chiquita’s quest for banana empire dominance.

You see, back in the late 90s and early 2000s, Chiquita thought it was a brilliant idea to pay almost $2 million to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a right-wing death squad. In return, these thugs made sure the land was ripe for banana farming, even if it meant killing and displacing locals. The AUC, a group so charming they got themselves labeled a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S., happily did the dirty work while Chiquita reaped the benefits. Fast forward to 2024, and the families of eight victims have finally been granted a slice of justice. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Ghostly Carbon Credits: Spooky Scandal or Just Another Day in Big Oil’s Playbook?

Posted by John Donovan: 14 May 2024

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to witness the astonishing spectacle of Shell’s latest performance in the carbon credit circus—featuring their star act, the “Phantom Carbon Credits!” That’s right, Shell has once again slipped into the role of the environmental illusionist, trading in what turns out to be absolutely zilch in the real world of CO2 reduction. Let’s give them a round of disbelief, shall we?

Nestled in the heart of Alberta, Canada, Shell’s Quest carbon capture facility became the unlikely star of a scandal where they apparently conjured up double the carbon credits they were supposed to. Yes, you heard that right—like a bad magician pulling fake rabbits out of a hat, from 2015 to 2021, Shell pulled out 5.7 million credits that, oops, didn’t quite match the actual CO2 reductions. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell wants a quickie divorce from Nigeria

Posted by John Donovan: 14 May 2024

Oh, look who’s tiptoeing out of the Niger Delta with their oil-stained boots and a trail of ecological nightmares! Yes, folks, it’s none other than Shell, the charming oil giant, who after decades of turning lush lands into post-apocalyptic wastelands, now wants a quickie divorce from Nigeria. And guess what? Nigeria’s oil industry regulator is ready to be the accommodating judge who’ll rubber-stamp the paperwork with a fast-track sales approval. How convenient!

Isa Sanusi from Amnesty International couldn’t have put it more poignantly, “With Shell currently seeking regulatory approval for the sale of its business in the Niger Delta, it is essential that it is held fully to account for decades of grievous human rights abuses related to oil spills which have polluted the environment, contaminated drinking water and poisoned agricultural land, fisheries and people.” Hear, hear, Isa! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Climate Conundrum

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, folks, grab your popcorn because it’s time for another episode of “Shell Says What?” In today’s edition, our favorite fossil fuel giant is back at it again, telling shareholders that, hey, maybe we’re doing just fine with this whole climate change thing, thank you very much.

 Shell is urging shareholders to give a big fat thumbs-down to a proposal that would actually push the company to step up its game in the fight against climate change. Because who needs tighter climate targets when you’ve got profits to chase, am I right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s great escape from Nigeria

“After decades of plundering the Niger Delta, Shell wants to tiptoe out the back door, leaving behind a trail of devastation and despair”

Posted by John Donovan: 15 April 2024

In a move that could rival a circus act, Shell is attempting to pass off its Niger Delta business like a hot potato, but not without ruffling a few feathers. A coalition of 40 civil society organizations, led by the one and only Amnesty International, is sounding the alarm bells, demanding that the Nigerian government slam the brakes on this reckless sell-off unless some serious human rights protections are thrown into the mix.

The proposed sale of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) to Renaissance Africa Energy has raised more eyebrows than a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. With the ink barely dry on the deal, concerns about the potential fallout are already swirling faster than a tornado in a teacup. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

UK Taxpayers Stuck with Shell’s Toxic Bill for North Sea Cleanup

Greenpeace activists hang a banner reading, ‘Clean up your mess, Shell’, as they board two oil platforms in Shell’s  North Sea Brent field on Oct. 14, 2019. Photographer: Marten van Dijl/Greenpeace

Posted by John Donovan 3 April 2024

In a move that’s sure to leave you shaking your head and checking your wallet, it turns out that you – yes, you, the taxpayer – are footing the bill for Shell’s latest environmental mess in the North Sea. Because apparently, when it comes to cleaning up their own toxic waste, Shell thinks it’s more fun to stick you with the tab.

Despite Shell’s best efforts to keep their grimy oil rigs intact and avoid the costly cleanup, decision-makers under the Ospar Convention – the folks in charge of marine pollution – have put their foot down. And while Shell is busy squirming, environmental groups like Greenpeace are cheering from the sidelines. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Greenpeace Lawsuit Mocked by Celebrities: “Seriously, Shell? What the Hell?”

Moreover, the letter condemns Shell’s recent strategic shift back toward increasing oil and gas production, deriding it as a profit-driven move that spells disaster for the planet.

Posted by John Donovan 1st April 2024

In a scathing open letter, a coalition of Hollywood A-listers led by Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, and Benedict Cumberbatch have slammed Shell for its “callous and vindictive” legal crusade against Greenpeace. The letter, signed by a slew of prominent figures including Greta Thunberg and supported by environmental groups like Extinction Rebellion, lambasts Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan for orchestrating “one of the biggest attacks on Greenpeace’s right to protest in the organisation’s 53-year history.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Faces Hague Climate Case: Another Masterclass in Hypocrisy and Legal Gymnastics

…grab your popcorn and get ready to witness Shell and six environmental and social organizations duke it out in court, led by none other than Milieudefensie (aka Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and Greenpeace Netherlands.

Posted by John Donovan 30 March 2024

Look who’s back in court again. That’s right, folks, it’s none other than Shell PLC, the poster child for environmental destruction and corporate greed. Next Tuesday, Shell’s appeal over its laughable attempt to shirk responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions comes to court in The Hague, and it promises to be a spectacle worthy of the big screen.

In a move that surprises absolutely no one, the oil supermajor is challenging a 2021 court decision that dared to order it to cut emissions under international climate agreements. Because, when it comes to saving the planet, Shell would rather stick its head in the sand and pretend like nothing’s wrong. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Big Oil Plays Fairy Godmother to Environmental NGOs: A Twisted Tale of Greenwashing

Posted by John Donovan: 4 March 24

In the most bewildering plot twist since Darth Vader declared paternity, it turns out the big, bad oil giants are the puppeteers of some of our favourite environmental guardians. That’s right, folks! Royal Dutch Shell, the fairy godmother of the environmental realm, waved its magic wand (or, more accurately, its hefty chequebook) and helped birth the World Wildlife Fund International. And just when you thought this fairy tale couldn’t get any weirder, Shell’s former president, John Loudon, moonlighted as the WWF’s president for a spell, bringing a whole new meaning to “keeping it in the family.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Throws a Billion-Dollar Bash as the Planet Heats Up, While Greenpeace Crashes the Party

Greenpeace photo…

Posted by John Donovan: 3 Feb 24

In an epic saga that could only be described as “The Great Gatsby” meets “Mad Max,” Shell, the notorious climate party pooper, has once again danced its way into the headlines.

This time, the British behemoth announced a whopping £22.4 billion in annual profits, all while Greenpeace activists, dressed in their finest mock-Shell board member attire, threw a rager outside Shell HQ, complete with a burning sign aptly named ‘Your Future.’

Yes, dear reader, as the world simmered under record global temperatures, Shell was busy counting its coins, proving once again that while Rome burns, the emperors are having a blast. The eco-warriors, not ones to miss a beat, decided if you can’t beat them, throw a better party. So, they necked champagne, fanned wads of cash, and danced the conga around the blazing truth that Shell seems all too eager to ignore. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Greta Thunberg Dodges the Slammer as Judge Gives Thumbs Down to Police Shenanigans at Oil Gala Protest

Posted by John Donovan: 3 Feb 24

In a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, Greta Thunberg and her band of eco-warriors were given a get-out-of-jail-free card by Westminster Magistrates’ Court today. Their crime? Daring to crash the fossil fuel fiesta known as the Energy Intelligence Forum, where oil magnates clinked their champagne glasses in glee. But alas, the Met Police played their part a tad too enthusiastically, slapping on ‘unlawful’ conditions faster than you can say “climate emergency.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Sues Greenpeace for $2.1 Million: An Episode Straight Out of ‘Succession’

Maybe HBO should consider a spin-off: “Succession: The Shell Chronicles.” Stay tuned for the next episode, where Shell might just take legal action against Mother Nature for climate change.

Posted by John Donovan: 24 Jan 24

In the latest episode of “Real Life Imitates Succession,” Shell, the ever-so-conscientious oil giant, has decided to take a leaf out of Cousin Greg’s playbook. That’s right, folks – Shell is suing Greenpeace for a whopping $2.1 million! It seems like Shell’s boardroom, with all its drama, might give the Roy family a run for their money.

So, what’s the deal? Shell is demanding a cool million in damages, plus legal fees, because six fearless Greenpeace activists decided to have a little 13-day vacation on a moving oil platform. Talk about a high-seas adventure! But wait, there’s more – the lawsuit could skyrocket to $8.6 million if contractors decide they want a piece of the action. Shell’s generosity knows no bounds, offering to reduce the lawsuit if Greenpeace promises to stop party crashing at Shell’s oil and gas shindigs in the future. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Eco-Friendly Fairy Tale Ends in Canada: Greenpeace Waves Magic Wand

Posted by John Donovan: 18 Jan 24

Once upon a time, Shell, the oil giant known for its love affair with the environment (wink, wink), launched an ad campaign in 2020 that was like a fairy tale. They promised the Canadian public that by buying their fossil fuels, they could magically “Drive carbon neutral” thanks to carbon offsets. It’s like saying eating more cake will help you lose weight, but only if you believe hard enough!

But here comes Greenpeace Canada, the party pooper, filing a complaint with the Competition Bureau. They were like that one kid at the party who said, “But the Emperor has no clothes!” Greenpeace pointed out that Shell’s claims were as shaky as a house of cards in a tornado. The big question: Could Shell really offset all emissions from “production through to the use of the fuel”? Spoiler alert: The evidence was as solid as a ghost. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Secret Spy Saga: Like a Bad Spy Movie, But With More Oil and Less Charm

Posted 22 December 2023

Oh, the irony! Shell, the ever-so-discreet and not-at-all-nefarious oil giant has been doing its darnedest to keep a lid on some rather unflattering information. But, like a leaky old barrel of their finest crude, the details just keep seeping out, much to their chagrin and our amusement.

Enter the protagonist of our story, John Donovan, and his website – Shell’s least favorite bookmark. Despite Shell’s best efforts, Donovan has been quite the busy bee, collecting a swarm of Shell-related secrets. The list of names he’s disclosed reads like a who’s who of corporate espionage, featuring the likes of James J.D. Hall (Shell’s very own top spy), Crockett Oaks III, Mike Oliveri, and Walied Shater. It’s like a spy convention, but with fewer martinis. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

British Museum Gratefully Embraces BP’s ‘Green’ Millions for Grand Makeover

Posted by John Donovan: 19 Dec 2023

In a move that screams “We’re totally in sync with the times,” the British Museum has gleefully jumped into bed with BP, the poster child for environmental mindfulness, for a modest sum of £50m. This cash injection is to fund what’s being touted as the most ambitious arts and crafts project since Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

BP, known far and wide for their green fingers and a heart for the planet, will generously fund the museum’s “masterplan.” This plan, which could be mistaken for a Bond villain’s scheme for world domination, is estimated to cost a meager £1bn. And who better to foot the bill than a company renowned for its love of Mother Earth?

In this audacious display of modernity, the museum plans to give its Bloomsbury building a facelift, because what’s more important than looking good? The museum proudly proclaims the project’s “scale, complexity, and importance,” seemingly forgetting to mention the ‘irony’ aspect. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Latest Allegations and Litigation Relating to Warring Spymasters in Shell’s Corporate Security Department 

These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. 

Posted by John Donovan: 15 Dec 2023

On 13 December I supplied a senior official at Shell Centre with copies of two legal motions filed in the U.S. courts earlier this month.

Extract from my email:

Enclosed with this email, you’ll find two filings submitted earlier this month to U.S. authorities by a former U.S. Federal Agent, Mr. Walied Shater. These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.