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Shell Job Cuts

Shell’s “Green” Exit from China: Profit Over Planet

Posted by John Donovan: 2 May 2024

In a move that truly exemplifies their commitment to saving the planet, Shell has decided to bid farewell to their power generation business in China. But fear not, fellow Earthlings, for they’re not completely abandoning their efforts to combat climate change – they’re just prioritising profits over, well, everything else.

Shell’s CEO wants you to know that reducing global oil and gas production would be “dangerous and irresponsible.” Because obviously, what the world really needs right now is more hydrocarbons. It’s not like we’re facing a climate crisis or anything.

Closing divisions that generate green power and trade in low-carbon electricity, Shell bids adieu to nearly 2,000 employees across China, proving once again that when it comes to corporate responsibility, they’re the epitome of… something.

But hey, don’t let the door hit you on the way out of China, Shell. They’re keeping their electric vehicle charging operation open because, you know, electric cars are the future. Or maybe they just realized there’s money to be made there. Who can tell? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Job Cutting Spree

Shell’s Job Cutting Spree

Posted by John Donovan: 18 Jan 24

In a move that’s less about saving the planet and more about saving pennies, Shell Plc has kicked off a spree of job cuts. And guess what? The low-carbon solutions unit is first in line! Because who needs a greener future when you can have a leaner payroll, right?

Sources spilling the beans to Bloomberg revealed that Shell is on a mission to ‘create more value through simplification and discipline.’ Translation: ‘Let’s chop jobs to boost our bottom line.’ The low-carbon business folks are getting their marching orders first, with the corporate affairs division and project and technology departments soon to join the unemployment queue. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Generous Holiday Gift to Employees: More Time Off… Permanently

Shell promises to keep evaluating and tweaking, like a Grinch counting his stolen Christmas presents.

In a move that screams ‘corporate compassion’, Shell plc, the ever-so-environmentally-conscious oil baron, has decided to hand out a special Christmas present to its employees: job cuts! As per Bloomberg’s latest whispers, Shell is extending its season of giving beyond the previously announced ‘trimming’ within its low-carbon division, part of a grand plan to stuff up to $3 billion in savings into its stocking by the end of 2025.

But fear not! This Yuletide cleaving isn’t a willy-nilly affair. It’s a meticulously planned division-by-division game of corporate Jenga, where employees get to play ‘Will I Stay or Will I Go?’ complete with options like redundancy packages or a fun, company-wide game of musical chairs for other roles. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Cost-Cutting Extravaganza: Because Who Needs Jobs in a Low-Carbon Division Anyway?

Posted by John Donovan: 21 Dec 2023

In a dazzling display of corporate acrobatics, Shell Plc is now playing a thrilling game of ‘musical chairs’ with its employees’ jobs. Under the leadership of Chief Executive Officer Wael Sawan, Shell is not just trimming the fat; they’re going full keto on their workforce.

Sawan, who apparently moonlights as a ruthless efficiency wizard, is gallantly leading the charge to make Shell as lean as a starved chameleon, blending seamlessly with U.S. rivals in the corporate jungle. The plan? Wave goodbye to more jobs.

The method is simple and elegant: eliminate roles division-by-division, serving up a smorgasbord of redundancy packages, or the chance to play job roulette elsewhere in the company. Shell, in a stroke of modesty, declines to comment on the number of jobs at stake. After all, who’s counting when you’re on a mission to slash “structural costs” by a cool $3 billion by the end of 2025? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Revels in Petro Profits as World Pleads for Climate Mercy

Posted by John Donovan: 2 November 2023

In a spectacle of corporate jubilation, Shell has flaunted a $6.2 billion profit bonanza, much to the horror of environmentalists and the delight of shareholders rubbing their hands in glee. As if mother nature hadn’t suffered enough, Shell has profited handsomely from the oil price bounce, a merry-go-round fueled by Opec+’s crafty production cuts and the sad ongoing soap opera of global conflicts.

This show of profits, a slight dip from last year’s staggering $9.4 billion—when oil prices soared amidst the heart-wrenching drama of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—still paints a rosy picture for Shell’s ledger. It seems the oil barons have found their silver lining in the dark clouds of geopolitical turmoil, with the World Bank casting a doomsday prophecy of oil prices potentially skyrocketing to an eye-watering $150 a barrel. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Loving Embrace of Efficiency: Contractors, Who Needs ‘Em?

Posted by John Donovan: 20 October 2023

In the latest display of corporate generosity, Shell’s brand-new CEO Wael Sawan is ensuring that hundreds of IT contractors get the chance to experience the world outside of Shell’s illustrious doors. Why? Because nothing screams ‘performance, discipline, and simplification’ like letting a large portion of your workforce go! This strategic move is especially interesting considering permanent staff already find themselves in the minority within some IT teams. Efficiency or a fun game of musical chairs? You decide. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell says it will take a £145m first-quarter hit from Texas freeze that left nearly 200 dead

Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell says it will take a £145m first-quarter hit from Texas freeze that left nearly 200 dead

  • Severe freezing weather hit Texas in February this year triggering many deaths
  • Millions of people were also left without power and Shell’s operations were hit 

Royal Dutch Shell has warned that the severe winter storm in Texas earlier this year looks set to hit its bottom line for the fist quarter.

In February, a snowstorm swept across Texas and swathes of North America, knocking out sections of the former’s electricity grid, leaving millions without power and nearly 200 people dead. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell changes senior UK leadership in global overhaul

Shell changes senior UK leadership in global overhaul

Ron Bousso: Thu, 4 March 2021, 11:40 am·2-min read

LONDON (Reuters) – Royal Dutch Shell is changing the senior leadership of its operations in Britain as part of a global overhaul to cut costs and shift away from oil and gas to renewables and power.

Under the changes, which have been announced internally, country chair Sinead Lynch will become Shell’s global head of low-carbon fuels, a company spokeswoman said.

Lynch, who joined the Anglo-Dutch company in 2016 following its acquisition of BG Group, will be replaced by David Bunch who currently runs Shell’s retail business across Europe and South Africa. Bunch joined Shell in 1997. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell unveils green strategy after oil output peak

Shell unveils green strategy after oil output peak

Energy giant Royal Dutch Shell declared Thursday that its oil output is locked in decline after peaking in 2019 as it outlined green plans to switch away from fossil fuels.

Shell said in a statement that it will invest up to $6.0 billion (4.9 billion euros) per year in green energy projects developing and promoting biofuels, electric car charging and renewables.

More than half the amount could end up being spent on marketing, Shell said.

In addition, Shell plans to still invest $8 billion annually on new oil and gas exploration. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Fact check: 9,000 Shell layoffs were announced prior to U.S. general election and Biden taking office

Fact check: 9,000 Shell layoffs were announced prior to U.S. general election and Biden taking office

By Reuters Staff: FEBRUARY 9, 2021

Posts circulating on Facebook claim that oil and gas giant Royal Dutch Shell will cut 9,000 jobs because of the Biden administration. Linking the move to Biden is misleading: the company announced plans to cut up to 9,000 positions in Sept. 2020 as part of efforts to shift to low-carbon energy and “simplify the company’s structure”, and the locations of the layoffs were not specified by a spokesperson for Shell, which operates in over 70 countries. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell: What It Will Take To Be Investible Again

Conclusion: I Regard Shell As Uninvestable

Shell: What It Will Take To Be Investible Again

: Long Only, Deep Value, Growth, Foreign Companies: JAN 19, 2021


  • Shell’s dividend cut and unpredictability last year cost it a lot of shareholder confidence.
  • I outline three metrics I think show whether it’s investable again.
  • On all three metrics, I continue to see it as uninvestable with confidence.

U.K.-based oil major Shell (RDS.AOTCPK:RYDAF) didn’t have a great time of it last year when it came to shareholder relations. With its mammoth dividend cut and poor signaling thereof before it was made, a lot of shareholders ditched the holding. I sold my entire stake and reinvested the proceeds in more Exxon Mobil (XOM).

Below, I outline what I think are the key challenges to Shell being investable at this point. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Malaysia to cut 250-300 upstream jobs

Shell Malaysia to cut 250-300 upstream jobs

Published date: 15 January 2021

Shell will cut 250-300 jobs from its upstream operations in Malaysia over the next two years, or around 2pc of the current workforce, calling it a necessary change to ensure it is “in a strong position to capture opportunities in the energy transition”.

Shell announced in September plans to cut 7,000-9,000 jobs over the next two years as part of a structural reorganisation to shift towards a low-carbon future. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil giant Shell to axe 330 UK jobs due to covid restrictions – with thousands more to follow

Oil giant Shell to axe 330 UK jobs due to covid restrictions – with thousands more to follow

The move forms part of 9,000 jobs set to be axed across the business over the next two years following a collapse in demand for oil due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

BY Emma Munbodh: Deputy Money Editor
  • 13:31, 12 JAN 2021
  • UPDATED14:45, 12 JAN 2021

As well as cutting costs, Shell says it wants to be a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050

Shell is preparing to cut 330 UK jobs over the next two years as coronavirus continues to hit profits.

The oil giant said it plans to shed a quarter of its workforce in Aberdeen by December 2022. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Royal Dutch Shell to cut more than 300 North Sea jobs

Royal Dutch Shell to cut more than 300 North Sea jobs

By Kevin Keane: BBC Scotland energy correspondent: 12 Jan 2021

The oil giant Royal Dutch Shell is to cut 330 jobs from its operations in the North Sea.

The company said most of the posts are based at its office in Aberdeen and will be lost over the next two years.

In September, it was announced that up to 9,000 jobs would go worldwide as the company responded to the slump in demand for oil.

Shell insists it remains committed to the North Sea and will continue to invest in its operations. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell to lay off nearly 700 workers in Louisiana after refinery closes

Shell to lay off nearly 700 workers in Louisiana after refinery closes

Jan. 4, 2021 Updated: Jan. 4, 2021 8:46 a.m. Royal Dutch Shell will lay off 698 workers as it closes its Convent refinery in Louisiana, part of a company effort to reduce carbon emissions.

The layoffs will begin in March and be completed by the end of August when the plant closes, according to information filed with the Louisiana workforce commission last month.

“The decision is part of the company’s global strategy to invest in a core set of uniquely integrated manufacturing sites that are also strategically positioned for the transition to a low-carbon future,” the Hague-based company said in November, when it began shutting down the refinery after failing to find a buyer for it. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Questor: profit warnings, dividend cut and share price fall – Shell has all a contrarian could want

Questor: profit warnings, dividend cut and share price fall – Shell has all a contrarian could want

Questor share tip: oil stocks have been laid low by the slump in crude prices – but such weakness sows the seeds of its own demise

EXTRACTS A trading alert released just before the Christmas break capped a torrid year for Royal Dutch Shell and left shareholders with a quandary.

After all, here we have a company that has issued profit warnings, seen the price of its core products collapse, cut its dividend for the first time in several decades and suffered a share price plunge. What is not to like, from the point of view of a dyed-in-the-wool contrarian?  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.