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Alternative Fuels

Shell’s Big Green PR Stunt: Building a Hydrogen Plant While Still Loving Oil

Posted by John Donovan: 25 July 2024

In a move that’s probably more about headlines than heart, Shell announced on Thursday it’s building a 100-megawatt renewable hydrogen electrolyser in Germany. Yes, that’s right, the same Shell that adores oil spills and carbon emissions is now pretending to care about the environment. The new unit at the Rheinland refinery is scheduled to start in 2027 and will pump out up to 44,000 kg of renewable hydrogen daily to “partially” decarbonize site operations. Because who needs full decarbonization when partial will do? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s New “Eco-Friendly” Stunt: Two Carbon Capture Projects in Alberta

Posted by John Donovan: 28 June 2024

Shell Gives the Green Light to Carbon Capture Shenanigans in Alberta – Whoop-de-doo!

So, the bigwigs at Shell have decided to throw us another bone and announced not one, but two shiny new carbon capture projects in Alberta. Because, apparently, the oil giant known for its greed and pollution suddenly wants to save the planet. Cue the applause.

The company proudly declared the launch of the Polaris carbon capture project at its Scotford refinery and chemicals complex near Fort Saskatchewan. And let’s not forget the Atlas Carbon Storage Hub, a grand partnership with Atco EnPower. The first phase will allegedly store the CO2 captured by the Polaris project. Because what’s better than an oil giant patting itself on the back for trying to clean up its own mess? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Sir Andrew Mackenzie and Shell’s Delusional Climate “Solutions”

Posted by John Donovan: 24 June 2024

Ah, Sir Andrew Mackenzie, the knight in shining oil-stained armour, has graced us with his profound wisdom on tackling climate change. Who would have thought that solving one of the world’s biggest crises could be more challenging than running a mining company? Not Sir Andrew, apparently.

In a revelation that’s about as surprising as finding sand in the desert, Sir Andrew admits that handling climate change at Shell is “quite a lot harder than I expected.” You see, at BHP, he could comfortably discuss all sorts of theoretical climate solutions without actually having to implement them. Now, faced with the greasy reality at Shell, things aren’t so easy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Trump Convicted for Fraud, Shell Execs Next in Line for Climate Catastrophe Crimes?

Shell execs, are you sweating yet?


On May 30, a New York jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 charges related to hush money payments and falsifying business records. While the country is split over the conviction and the inevitable appeal, there’s an unexpected silver lining: this case could be a roadmap for nailing climate criminals like the execs at Shell and TotalEnergies.

Activists have long been dragging companies and governments into court to make them face the consequences of their climate sins. Most of these battles have been in civil courts, where the penalties are mostly financial—because nothing screams justice like a fine that barely dents corporate profits. The one notable exception was a 2021 Dutch court ruling that ordered Royal Dutch Shell to cut carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. Shell, predictably, is appealing the decision because, you know, profits over planet. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shareholders Can’t Agree if Shell Should Keep Pretending to Care About the Climate or Just Admit They’re in it for the Money

Posted by John Donovan: 28 May 2024

Shell’s Climate Plan Rejected by Activist Shareholders at AGM, Because Who Needs the Planet Anyway?

Shell plc’s annual general meeting (AGM) turned into a circus of protests and shareholder squabbling, with a climate resolution from activist group Follow This getting shot down in flames. The resolution, supported by 27 investors managing around $4 trillion (chump change for Shell), aimed to align Shell’s medium-term carbon reduction targets with the Paris Agreement. Only 18.6% of shareholders gave a damn, down from last year’s whopping 20.2%.

Shell’s “New and Improved” Strategy

Meanwhile, Shell’s board’s half-baked climate strategy received a resounding 78.2% thumbs up from shareholders. This master plan rolled out in March, sets a groundbreaking goal of a 15-20% reduction in the net carbon intensity of energy products by 2030. Never mind that it’s a step back from the previous 20% target and completely ditches the 2035 goal. Shell’s CEO, Wael Sawan, assured everyone that this plan is all about keeping profits high, mostly from oil and gas, because, you know, gas demand is booming, and who can predict the future of energy transition, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s AGM Spectacle: A Symphony of Greenwashing and Protester Evictions

Posted by John Donovan: 21 May 2024

In what can only be described as a bizarre mix of a bad corporate play and a tragic comedy, Shell’s annual general meeting (AGM) saw its chairman Sir Andrew MacKenzie facing the wrath of climate protesters accusing him of “greenwashing.” Yes, the oil behemoth’s top brass had the nerve to gather at the posh InterContinental London – The O2 hotel to deliver their usual drivel about being eco-friendly while their actions scream otherwise. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Eco Warriors Swap Shell Billboards for a Dash of Satirical Art

Posted by John Donovan: 15 May 2024

In a daring display of artistic rebellion, the eco-punk group Brandalism decided to give Shell’s advertising a little makeover—because, let’s face it, nothing screams “green future” like an oil giant sponsoring cycling, right?

Brandalism has gone and plastered their own cheeky versions of ads over 200 billboards and bus stops that were singing praises to Shell’s so-called commitment to British Cycling. The new art pieces? Cyclists guzzling oil from Shell-branded bottles. Talk about a thirst-quencher! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Unveils Eco-Friendly Fairy Tale: Bio-LNG Plant in Germany

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, well, well, folks, gather round for another installment of “Shell’s Magical Greenwashing Adventure!” In today’s episode, our favourite fossil fuel giant, Shell, is pulling a rabbit out of its hat and launching what it claims to be the largest bio-LNG production plant in Germany. Cue the applause, right?

Yes, you heard that correctly. Shell, the company known for its environmental cough consciousness, is now touting its shiny new bio-LNG plant as the solution to all our climate woes. Because nothing says “saving the planet” like pumping out more liquefied natural gas, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Giants’ Climate Targets Go Up in Smoke

Another day, another dose of corporate greed and environmental destruction. Will these oil giants ever learn? Or will they continue to put profits over the planet?

Posted by John Donovan 30 March 2024

Brace yourselves for another round of corporate shenanigans, this time starring none other than Shell, the world’s second-largest oil and gas company. In a move that surprises absolutely no one except maybe the most optimistic tree-hugger, Shell has decided to scale back its climate pledges. Saving the planet is just too darn risky for these fossil fuel titans.

Shell’s chief executive, Wael Sawan, voiced his concerns to Reuters, declaring it “perilous” to set emission reduction targets for 2035 due to the “uncertainty” in the energy transition trajectory. Translation: We’re not sure if we want to stop destroying the planet just yet, folks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Climate Targets: A Masterclass in Greenwashing and Greed

Shell’s priorities are crystal clear: profits over people, greed over green.

Posted by John Donovan 28 March 2024

Hold onto your hats, folks, because it seems like Shell’s climate targets just got a facelift—and boy, is it a sight to behold. In a move that can only be described as a slap in the face to environmental progress, the UK’s favourite oil and gas giant has decided to water down its commitments to cutting carbon emissions, all while maintaining its oh-so-noble pledge for net zero by 2050. How commendable!

In a stunning display of corporate doublespeak, Shell revealed its latest energy transition update, proudly announcing that it had diluted key climate targets, including the ever-so-crucial “net carbon intensity.” Because why bother actually reducing emissions when you can just tweak the numbers to make it look like you’re doing something, am I right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell CEO Laments: “How Dare You Sue Us for Ruining the Planet!”

That’s right, folks—while the rest of the world is desperately trying to curb emissions, Shell is busy backpedaling on its promises faster than you can say “hypocrisy.”

Posted 24 March 2024 by John Donovan

In a jaw-dropping display of corporate entitlement, Frans Everts, the CEO of Shell Netherlands, took to the airwaves to bemoan the audacity of environmental organizations daring to sue companies like Shell. Because clearly, holding polluting behemoths accountable for their role in climate catastrophe is just plain unfair, right?

In a riveting performance on TV program WNL Op Zondag, Everts cried foul, claiming that climate lawsuits were nothing short of economic sabotage. “It does not solve the problems,” he lamented, conveniently forgetting that maybe—just maybe—stopping the relentless pollution might actually, you know, solve a few problems. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Magic Trick: Turning Gas Stations into EV Charging Hubs, Because Who Needs Oil Anyway?

Posted by John Donovan: 20 March 2024

In a move that screams “We’re totally green now, guys,” Shell, the fossil fuel titan known for its subtle contributions to global warming, has announced plans to transform its image by shedding some of its oil-slicked skin. Yes, Shell is planning to dump around 500 of its gasoline stations a year in 2024 and 2025 to make room for what’s being touted as the future of motoring: electric vehicle (EV) charging sites. Because nothing says commitment to the energy transition like swapping one pump for another. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Climate Ambitions Take a Dive as It Clings to Fossil Fuels

Posted by John Donovan 20 March 2024

In a stunning display of environmental apathy that could only be outdone by a Bond villain, Shell has boldly announced, “Screw it, we’re sticking with fossil fuels,” effectively giving the middle finger to the planet.

Yes, dear readers, the energy behemoth decided that its green ambitions were just too… ambitious, scaling back its carbon reduction goal for 2030 and completely ghosting any further targets for 2035. It’s like they’re trying to win an award for “Least Effort Made by a Multinational Corporation.”

Under the visionary leadership of Wael Sawan—who apparently took the helm last year with a mission to redefine the term ‘net zero’ to mean ‘net… zero changes to our fossil fuel dependency’—Shell has rationalized its decision with the classic “but renewable energy investments aren’t happening fast enough” excuse. Meanwhile, environmental campaigners are left scratching their heads, wondering if Shell is actually just a group of oil-addicted time travelers from the 1950s. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Big Oil Plays Fairy Godmother to Environmental NGOs: A Twisted Tale of Greenwashing

Posted by John Donovan: 4 March 24

In the most bewildering plot twist since Darth Vader declared paternity, it turns out the big, bad oil giants are the puppeteers of some of our favourite environmental guardians. That’s right, folks! Royal Dutch Shell, the fairy godmother of the environmental realm, waved its magic wand (or, more accurately, its hefty chequebook) and helped birth the World Wildlife Fund International. And just when you thought this fairy tale couldn’t get any weirder, Shell’s former president, John Loudon, moonlighted as the WWF’s president for a spell, bringing a whole new meaning to “keeping it in the family.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Big Oil’s Profit Party: Dancing on the Graves of Global Crisis

…let’s face it, entrusting the fate of our planet and our pockets to these profit-obsessed behemoths is like asking a fox to guard the henhouse

Posted by John Donovan: 19 Feb 24

Ladies and gents, fasten your seatbelts for a ride on the Greed Express, hosted by none other than the world’s oil oligarchs, those darlings of disaster, who’ve been making it rain with profits while the world burns (literally and metaphorically). In the blue corner, weighing in with more dollars than decency, are the heavyweights of hydrocarbons: BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and TotalEnergies. Together, these titans of turmoil have bagged a cool $281 billion in profits since Russia decided to play war games in Ukraine. That’s billion, with a “B,” folks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Caught in a Green Masquerade, Claims “We’re Totally Eco-Friendly, Trust Us!”

Posted by John Donovan: 16 Feb 24

In a shocking turn of events, Shell, the global beacon of environmental responsibility (pause for eye-roll), finds itself at the centre of what can only be described as a greenwashing scandal so brazen it could make an oil slick blush.

On the first of February, 2023, the heroes at Global Witness, an NGO with apparently nothing better to do than save the planet, lobbed a “groundbreaking greenwashing complaint” into the lap of the SEC’s Climate and ESG Task Force. Their mission? To beg the question: Is Shell’s so-called investment in renewables as genuine as a three-dollar bill?

Global Witness dares to suggest that Shell might be pulling a fast one on its investors by inflating its green credentials. You see, Shell has this fancy-sounding “Renewables and Energy Solutions” (RES) segment that includes, among other things, their forays into hydrogen, nature, and whatever “integrated power activities” are supposed to be. Sounds impressive, right? Well, hold your carbon offsets, because Global Witness is calling BS.

According to these party poopers, Shell’s RES segment is about as “renewable” as a coal mine. They claim a “significant portion” of Shell’s spending on RES is actually funnelled into marketing and trading “natural gas” and gas-generated power. And here’s the kicker: they argue that gas, contrary to Shell’s insinuations, is neither renewable nor a solution to our energy woes. I mean, who knew? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.