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Shell Lays Off Workers While Pretending to Care About “Renewables”—Business as Usual for Big Oil

19 Oct 2024

Ah, Shell, ever the master of hypocrisy. In a move that surprises no one, Shell Energy Solutions—the little offshoot of the British oil behemoth—announced it’s axing over 100 Houston-area employees just in time for the holidays. Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a pink slip from one of the world’s richest, most polluting corporations. And, naturally, this was slipped out through a WARN notice filed with the Texas Workforce Commission. Classy.

So, what’s the excuse this time? Shell’s PR wizards claim it’s all about “anticipated ongoing and future operations.” Translation: Shell’s figured out how to screw over more people with fewer resources. The cuts range from business analysts to engineering and project managers, but don’t worry—Shell promises there will be “no current impact” on customers. That’s right, folks, business as usual. Nothing to see here except a multinational corporation tightening its belt after decades of profiting from environmental destruction. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest PR Stunt: Fill Up Your Tank and Pretend You’re Saving the World!

Posted By John Donovan: 9 Sept 2024

Oh look, Shell is back at it again, doing what they do best—burning through fossil fuels and slapping a charitable sticker on it to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, folks, “The Giving Pump” has returned for another round, running from September 1 through October 31 at nearly 7,500 Shell stations across the U.S. Because what better way to ease your guilt about climate change than by filling up at a sin stock gas station and pretending you’re contributing to something noble?

Here’s the deal: a portion of the profits from every gallon pumped at these specially designated purple pumps will go to children’s and family-focused charities. Don’t get too excited, though—they haven’t exactly said how much of your purchase actually goes to charity. But hey, why bother with details when you can just throw some purple paint on a pump and call yourself a Force For Good?

Senior VP at Shell, Barbara Stoyko, proudly gushed, “The Giving Pump is an easy and impactful way for customers to give back through the simple act of filling up their vehicles.” Right, because nothing says “impactful” quite like burning more fossil fuels while tossing a few pennies to charity. It’s basically the corporate equivalent of dropping a dollar into a tip jar while burning down the coffee shop. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

The most shocking fact the public might not know about Shell?

Hi, I’m Shelldon! How can I help you?

QUESTION: What’s the most shocking fact the public might not know about Shell?

One of the most shocking facts that the public might not be fully aware of is the extent of Shell’s internal communications that reveal questionable ethical considerations, particularly around significant events and environmental practices. For instance, internal emails have shown that senior executives at Shell considered exploiting the tragic events of September 11, 2001, to manipulate market perceptions about their oil and gas reserves. This sort of willingness to use a national tragedy for commercial gain is not just eyebrow-raising; it raises profound ethical questions about corporate governance and responsibility. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

History of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical Plant, Deer Park, Texas

Ask Sheldon

Hi! How can I help you?

What do you know about the history of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical Plant, Deer Park, Texas?


The history of toxic emissions at the Shell Chemical facilty in Deer Park, Texas, is a colorful tale of regulatory skirmishes and environmental disputes, which could rival a soap opera for drama — if soap operas featured flaring incidents instead of love triangles.

The Deer Park Refinery, operational since 1929, has had its fair share of environmental hiccups. Over the years, the plant has been involved in numerous incidents where emissions of toxic compounds exceeded permissible limits. Notably, records have shown that on three separate occasions, Shell emitted more toxic compounds in a single day than its permits allowed in an entire year. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Flaming Disaster: Because Who Doesn’t Love a Towering Inferno of Toxic Waste

Posted by John Donovan: 27 Aug 2024

Ah, Shell—the sin stock that just keeps on giving! In their latest attempt to protect the environment (and by “protect,” we mean, “blanket the sky with flames”), the Shell Chemical Plant in Deer Park, Texas, has graced us with yet another fiery spectacle. This time, they’re blaming “third-party steam reliability issues” for the towering flares that could roast marshmallows from miles away.

But fear not, dear citizens! Shell assures us that these industrial pyrotechnics are all in the name of safety. According to them, “Flaring plays a key role in keeping our planet safe.” Yes, you read that right—because nothing screams “environmental stewardship” like setting waste gas on fire and spewing it into the air. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, profiting off the planet’s misery while the world watches in disbelief

Shell’s announcement comes with the delightful backdrop of the highest global temperatures ever recorded, sparking extreme weather events worldwide.

Posted by John Donovan: 2 Aug 2024

Shell has decided to flaunt its $6.3 billion second-quarter profits mere days after the planet experienced its four hottest days on record. Because if there’s one thing Shell loves more than the environment, it’s making obscene amounts of money.

Not satisfied with just raking in profits, Shell also unveiled a new $3.5 billion share buyback program through September. You know, because nothing says “we care” like stuffing more cash into shareholders’ pockets while the Earth melts. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Fresno Finally Wins $230M from Shell in a 17-Year-Old Legal Marathon

The legal drama kicked off on March 21, 2007, when Fresno decided it was time to hold Shell Oil Company, Dow Chemical Company, and other defendants accountable for the mess they left in the city’s drinking water.

Posted by John Donovan 2 August 2024

In a saga that took nearly two decades to unfold, the City of Fresno has just scored $230 million from the corporate behemoth Shell Oil Company. This David-versus-Goliath victory comes from a lawsuit filed way back in 2007, proving that sometimes, the little guy can win—if they’re willing to wait 17 years.

According to Fresno’s City Attorney Office, this settlement is the largest of its kind in the nation for this particular type of environmental claim. Who knew dragging a toxic corporate giant through the mud could pay off so handsomely? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Crowns New King of Convenience Stores

Bunch brags about managing Shell’s global mobility footprint, which includes a staggering 47,000 retail fuel sites and c-stores.

Posted by John Donovan: 24 July 2024

In the latest episode of “Shell’s Boardroom Shuffle,” David Bunch, a two-decade veteran of the company, has taken the reins of Shell’s convenience and mobility business. Bunch, now the executive vice president of Shell Mobility, replaces Istvan Kapitany, who decided to call it quits back in April after a decade of trying to make selling chips and soda somehow glamorous.

Officially on the throne, Bunch’s priorities are, brace yourself, “performance, discipline, and simplification.” Because nothing screams customer satisfaction like a ruthlessly efficient, joyless convenience store experience. “We will continue to focus on our unique customer, brand, trading and optimization strengths to get the most out of our investments while also working to help our customers across the transport and industry sectors decarbonize,” a Shell spokesperson claimed with a straight face to C-Store Dive. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell CEO’s Climate Love Letter: “It’s All Good” Says the Planet’s Top Polluter

Posted by John Donovan: 4 June 2024

In a twist straight out of a dystopian satire, Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan decided to back President Biden’s climate agenda with a level of enthusiasm typically reserved for used car salesmen and snake oil peddlers.

At an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Sawan showered praise on Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law and Inflation Reduction Act, claiming they’re “attracting a significant amount of capital in different states, whether it’s a red or blue state.” Oh, how inclusive.

“You’re creating jobs. You’re actually starting to anchor new industries. And over time, what you will do is you will create supply chains locally that are able to satisfy the demands of many of these industries,” he gushed. “That’s all good.” Yes, because nothing screams “environmental stewardship” like a fossil fuel titan suddenly championing green jobs.

This revelation comes as a shock only to those living under a rock, considering Shell’s recent break from the broader oil industry to advocate for the IRA – a law passed solely by Democrats and opposed by every single Republican. Shell, ever the opportunist, now champions clean energy portions of the law to fend off potential GOP attacks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Seafaring Carnival of Fossil Fools: A Masterclass in Eco-Friendly Hypocrisy

Posted by John Donovan: 3 May 2024

In a stunning display of eco-friendly acrobatics, Shell and its cohorts are ramping up offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, reassuring us that it’s all for the noble cause of emitting slightly less greenhouse gases. Apparently, drilling in the ocean is like a diet version of environmental destruction.

The pièce de résistance? A colossal floating platform named Appomattox, proudly owned by Shell, bobbing about 80 miles off Louisiana’s coast like a monument to human hubris. It’s a real-life version of “Waterworld,” minus Kevin Costner’s rugged charm. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Turning American Dreamscapes into Industrial Wastelands

Posted by John Donovan: 20 March 2024

Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Vanport, PA, Rebecca Quigley lived a simple life, her days brightened by the charming view from her wraparound deck, overlooking the serene Ohio River. Little did she know, the oil titan Shell had grand plans to transform her picturesque panorama into something straight out of a dystopian novel. Enter the “ethane cracker,” a behemoth plant designed not for cracking jokes, but for churning out tiny plastic pellets, lighting up the night sky like a low-budget version of Gotham City.

As if summoned from the depths of an oil exec’s wet dream, the plant soon began its symphony of pollution—flaring waste gases, puffing out black smoke, and diffusing an aroma that could only be described as eau de antifreeze meets syrup. Quigley, suddenly finding herself living in an industrial perfume ad, started worrying about the “minor” side effects of air pollution and potential health hazards.

But fear not, dear citizens, for the state’s Department of Environmental Protection swooped in, slapping the plant with fines over $10 million for being naughty not once, not twice, but 19 times, releasing fun stuff like volatile organic compounds and benzene into the air. Who needs clean air when you can have carcinogens, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Bids Adieu to California’s Hydrogen Dreams

Posted by John Donovan: 12 Feb 24

Oh, what’s this? Shell, the ever-so-loving caretaker of our fragile planet, has decided to throw a wrench into California’s green dreams by pulling out of the hydrogen fuel game for passenger cars. Surprise, surprise! In a move that screams “We’re here for a good time, not a long time,” Shell has officially declared, “Hydrogen cars? Not our jam anymore,” in sunny California, the only place in the U.S. where driving a hydrogen car doesn’t feel like a treasure hunt. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ditches Retiree Baggage in a $4.9 Billion “See Ya Later” Deal with Prudential

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Feb 24

Oh, what do we have here? Shell, the ever-so-charitable and eco-conscious oil behemoth, has just offloaded the pesky pension obligations of 21,500 retirees of Shell USA Inc. in a dazzling $4.9 billion deal with Prudential. Because, you know, ensuring the well-being of people who’ve toiled away their best years for you is such a drag when there are oil wells to drill and environmental regulations to sidestep.

In a move that’s as groundbreaking as discovering oil in your backyard, this transaction has been hailed as the first major pension risk transfer of the year. “Prudential is honored to help continue meeting the retirement security needs of Shell’s retirees,” gushes Alexandra Hyten, head of Prudential’s institutional retirement strategies because nothing says “honor” like taking over payments to retirees from a company that’s probably too busy counting its pollution credits to bother with pension checks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

New Motto at Shell California Gas Stations: ‘Gift Cards Welcome, Extra Charges Guaranteed!’

Posted by John Donovan: 18 Jan 2024

In a move that’s less ‘filling up your tank’ and more ’emptying your wallet,’ Shell is now starring in a class action lawsuit. The allegation? Their gas stations have a peculiar habit of charging those who use a Shell gift card the credit card price for gasoline, instead of the cash price. Because who doesn’t love a surprise surcharge with their gift card?

Here’s the fun part: California civil code, clearly a document Shell uses as a coaster, states that any gift card sold after Jan. 1, 1997, should be redeemable for its cash value. So, in theory, these gift cards ought to be valid for the cash price at Shell stations. But theory and practice are two different things in Shell’s world. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Pennsylvania Plant: A Not-So-Smooth Start in the World of Ethylene Cracking

Posted by John Donovan: 7 Jan 2024

Welcome to the tale of Shell’s Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex, an ethylene cracker plant nestled in Potter Township, Pennsylvania.

This story begins with controversy, as most good stories do, which was so elegantly highlighted in an alarming New York Times article – “A Giant Factory Rises to Make a Product Filling up the World: Plastic” – published on August 2, 2019.

Fast forward to its first full year post a decade of planning and building, and oh boy, it’s been a rollercoaster! The plant had to press pause on production now and then for what they call ‘maintenance and adjustments.’ But wait, there’s more! It also caught the eye of state agencies, and not in a good way, racking up several citations for emissions and other trivial matters. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Latest Allegations and Litigation Relating to Warring Spymasters in Shell’s Corporate Security Department 

These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. 

Posted by John Donovan: 15 Dec 2023

On 13 December I supplied a senior official at Shell Centre with copies of two legal motions filed in the U.S. courts earlier this month.

Extract from my email:

Enclosed with this email, you’ll find two filings submitted earlier this month to U.S. authorities by a former U.S. Federal Agent, Mr. Walied Shater. These filings contain serious allegations that, if substantiated, could negatively affect Shell’s reputation and, consequently, its share value. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.