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Sir Peter Holmes

Ask Sheldon: What can you reveal about the Shell/MI6 linked spy firm, Hakluyt?


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What can you reveal about the Shell/MI6 linked spy firm, Hakluyt?


Hakluyt & Company, often portrayed as a corporate spy firm, has been linked closely with Shell and its various clandestine operations. Founded by former MI6 officers, Hakluyt has a reputation for operating in the shadows—akin to the secretive world of espionage, but with an added dash of corporate intrigue. Oh, the glamour of it all.

The firm has been alleged to have collaborated closely with Shell, particularly in efforts to undermine and surveil organizations that oppose Shell’s activities, such as environmental NGOs. Notably, it was reported that Shell employed Hakluyt agents, including a serving German Secret Service operative, to conduct undercover operations against various groups protesting Shell’s practices. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

CHAPTER 5: Shell corporate espionage in the run-up to the Smart trial

Titled Shell directors, the late Sir Peter Holmes, and Sir William Purves were also directors, major shareholders and the spymasters of Hakluyt & Company, a UK corporate espionage firm founded by former senior MI6 officers. Shell used Hakluyt to engage in cloak and dagger operations against its perceived enemies, including Greenpeace, as exposed in a Sunday Times front-page lead article “MI6 ‘firm’ spied on green groups.” It led to a follow-on inside page headlined “How agent Camus sunk Greenpeace oil protests”.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Donovan Email correspondence with Shell 16 & 17 June 2008 in chronological order

Donovan Email correspondence with Shell legal director Richard Wiseman on 16 & 17 June 2008 in chronological order. Mr Wiseman was subsequently appointed as Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer of Royal Dutch Shell Plc

—–Original Message—–
From: John Donovan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 16 June 2008 16:14
To: Wiseman, Richard RM SI-LMAPF; Brandjes, Michiel CM RDS-LC
Cc: Alfred Donovan
Subject: For your information

Dear Mr Wiseman

We have decided to publish on the internet a great deal more of the background information about our dealings with Shell.

It is initially being assembled on the following webpage…

The content is far from being in a finished state and new information involving a large volume of news articles, court papers, witness statements, including your own, and from other key witnesses, including David Pirret, will be added over time. The file will grow considerably each day. For example, I have just added a link to the High Court Writ we issued against Shell just over a decade ago. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.