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Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Poisoned Nigeria Now Faces Justice—If It Can’t Buy Its Way Out

Because Profits Matter More Than Human Lives, Right?

Shell—the undisputed champion of pollution, corporate greed, and dodging responsibility—is finally being forced to answer for its decades of devastation in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. On February 13, 2025, the High Court in London opened proceedings against the oil giant, as the Bille and Ogale communities fight to hold Shell accountable for the destruction of their land, water, and livelihoods.

Decades of Spills, Zero Accountability

The 50,000 people living in these communities have spent years living with Shell’s toxic legacy—hundreds of oil spills from Shell’s pipelines, leaving their water undrinkable, their farmland useless, and their health in ruins. And despite making billions in profits from Nigeria’s oil, Shell has offered nothing in terms of compensation or cleanup. Absolutely nothing. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Poisoned Nigeria

Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Poisoned Nigeria and Cashed In

Because Who Needs Ethics When You Have Billions?

Once again, Shell—the ultimate sin stock, planetary arsonist, and poster child for corporate greed—finds itself in a UK courtroom, forced to answer for decades of devastation, pollution, and suffering in Nigeria.

On Thursday, as thousands of people sued Shell and its Nigerian subsidiary, SPDC, over catastrophic oil spills in the Niger Delta, protesters gathered outside London’s High Court to remind the world that Shell’s business model is built on ruining lives, destroying ecosystems, and dodging accountability. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Dirty Little Secret: Fake Clean-Ups, Corrupt Deals, and a Trail of Devastation

Shell’s Business Model: Pollute, Lie, Profit, Repeat:  The Real Question: Why Is Shell Still Allowed to Exist?

In a plot twist that surprises absolutely no one, a BBC investigation has exposed Shell for what it truly isa ruthless, polluting oil giant that lies about cleaning up its mess while quietly slipping out the back door with billions in profit.

A Billion-Dollar ‘Clean-Up’ That Cleans Nothing

Let’s start with Shell’s so-called $1 billion oil clean-up in Nigeria—a project that was supposed to remedy the decades of environmental destruction Shell has inflicted on Ogoniland. But according to a whistleblower, the entire operation is a scam designed to fool the public while stuffing politicians’ pockets. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and BP: Drowning in Billions While the Planet Burns

Ah, the fossil fuel industry—where record-breaking heatwaves, climate disasters, and widespread energy poverty are just background noise to another year of grotesque profits. Shell and BP have once again proven that they are masters of cashing in on planetary destruction, raking in a staggering £26.2 billion in profits in 2024—more than doublewhat the UK has committed to international climate finance over five years. Yes, you read that right: these two planetary arsonists made more in one year than the UK plans to spend on fixing their mess over half a decade. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell on Trial, Again

Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Polluted Nigeria for Profit Now Faces Justice

Well, well, well—the corporate overlords at Shell are finally being dragged into court for their decades of destruction in the Niger Delta. From February 13 to March 7, 2025, London’s High Court will host a showdown between Shell, the kingpin of oil pollution, and the Ogale and Bille communities, who have spent ten years fighting for their right to drink clean water and not die from corporate negligence.

Shell’s Decades of Toxic Greed

The communities, home to 80,000 people, have been battling Shell and its Nigerian subsidiary SPDC since 2015, demanding compensation and a proper cleanup after enduring hundreds of oil spills. These spills contaminated water sources, wiped out farmland and fisheries, and exposed residents to severe health risks. But instead of taking responsibility, Shell has spent more time dodging accountability than it has cleaning up its mess. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Mass Gas Station Shutdown: A ‘Green’ Rebrand or Just More Corporate Greed

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Feb 25

Ah, the unmistakable sight of a Shell gas station—the bright white, yellow, and red logo signaling another stop on Big Oil’s endless money train. But wait! That train appears to be making fewer stops lately. Shell, the ever-so-environmentally-conscious (cough decades of pollution cough) oil giant, is closing down 500 more of its stations by 2025. Why? Because, according to Shell, the demand for fuel is declining. Who knew? (Literally everyone paying attention to climate science and the auto industry). read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Canada Bids Adieu to Its Top Greenwasher—Will the Next One Be Even Worse?

Posted by John Donovan: 7 Feb 2025

Well, well, well. After 16 years of unwavering service to Big Oil’s never-ending pursuit of profit, Susannah Pierce, Shell Canada’s president and country chair, is heading for the exit. One of the masterminds behind Canada’s leap into the glorious, earth-warming embrace of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Pierce is calling it quits—presumably off to greener (or should we say blacker, oil-stained) pastures.

Under her reign, Shell Canada steamrolled ahead with its $40 billion LNG Canada project in Kitimat, BC—one of the largest private investments in Canadian history. Yes, you read that right. A massive fossil fuel expansion, right when climate scientists are screaming at the top of their lungs for the world to stop burning stuff. But fear not! Shell has generously sprinkled in a little carbon capture and sequestration (CCUS) window dressing to keep up appearances. Because nothing says “climate leadership” quite like doubling down on fossil fuels while slapping a “green” sticker on the whole thing. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ignores Legal Setback, Fires Up More North Sea Drilling

Drilling Ahead Despite Court Rulings and Climate Reality

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In yet another display of corporate arrogance, Shell has gleefully resumed oil and gas drilling in the North Sea—mere days after a Scottish court blocked its Jackdaw gas project. But why let minor inconveniences like legal rulings, environmental destruction, or a planet hurtling towards climate catastrophe get in the way of record-breaking profits?

The oil giant announced yesterday that it has restarted production at the Penguins field, proving once again that Shell will do whatever the hell it wants so long as there’s money to be made. Forget the fact that a judge in Edinburgh’s Court of Sessions just ruled the previous Tory government’s approval of Jackdaw as ‘unlawful’—Shell is charging full speed ahead anyway. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Giant’s CEO Scoffs at Green Aviation Fuel

Shell CEO Wael Sawan Reminds Us That Profit Trumps the Planet—Again

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In a stunning display of corporate cynicism, Shell CEO Wael Sawan has casually dismissed the idea that sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) could revolutionize air travel’s carbon footprint. Because, of course, the oil giant that has spent decades profiting off planetary destruction wants us to believe that anything remotely green is just too expensive and impractical.

Last week, UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves hailed SAF as a “game-changer” for aviation’s carbon emissions, backing a third runway at Heathrow and claiming airlines could be using the fuel by 2035. But Sawan, ever the champion of fossil fuel supremacy, scoffed at the notion. “The reality is that SAF is more expensive and therefore unless there are mandates — obligations on either customers or airlines — it is difficult to see a penetration that is going to be massive,” he told The Times. Translation: Shell won’t make the switch unless governments force them to, because why would they voluntarily embrace a cleaner future when there’s still so much oil money to be made? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Throws Offshore Wind Overboard: Because Who Needs a Planet Anyway?

Posted by John Donovan: 1  Feb 2025

In a move that surprises absolutely no one, Shell—the benevolent overlords of oil spills and carbon emissions—has decided to ghost a major offshore wind project off the coast of New Jersey. Yes, the same Shell that rakes in billions poisoning the planet has decided clean energy isn’t worth the hassle. Shocking, right?

According to Shell, they’re ditching the Atlantic Shores project due to “increased competition, delays, and a changing market.” But wait, there’s more! Spokesperson Natalie Gunnell generously added, “Naturally we also take regulatory context into consideration.” Translation: “Trump made it easier to keep drilling, so why bother saving the Earth?” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Buys Another Fossil-Fueled Cash Machine While Pretending to Care About Decarbonization

Posted by John Donovan: 29 Jan 25

Ah, yes, Shell—the benevolent, planet-loving, totally-not-greedy oil titan—has once again graced us with its unwavering commitment to not accelerating climate catastrophe. This time, the world’s favorite polluter has finalized its acquisition of a 609-megawatt (MW) combined-cycle gas turbine power plant in Rhode Island, because nothing screams energy transition like doubling down on fossil gas.

Shell Energy North America (SENA), a subsidiary of the oil-soaked giant, scooped up RISEC Holdings, LLC, thereby securing the plant’s two-unit gas-burning operations, which have been happily belching emissions since 2002. The plant, which serves the ISO New England market, will now conveniently feed into Shell’s existing empire of profits while the company continues its well-documented tradition of sprinkling a little greenwashing on top. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Speaking of the Prince Harry case and Corporate Spying… Let’s Talk About Shell

If you thought NGN was bad, just wait until you hear about Shell’s dirty tricks. While News Corp has been busy hacking phones, Shell has been spying on its own employees, critics  and whistleblowers for decades.

By John Donovan: Posted 22 January 25]

Prince Harry just pulled off what many thought was impossible—forcing one of the most powerful media empires to admit to its illegal, underhanded, and downright disgusting tactics. After a relentless five-year legal battle, News Group Newspapers (NGN) has finally folded, coughing up a full and unequivocal apology for years of unlawful surveillance, phone hacking, and privacy violations that targeted not just the Duke of Sussex, but thousands of others.

And let’s not forget: this is the same media empire that repeatedly lied under oath, destroyed 30 million emails to obstruct justice, and engaged in a massive cover-up to protect its most senior executives, including Rebekah Brooks, who once had the audacity to claim that, “When I was editor of The Sun, we ran a clean ship.” Sure, and now, a decade later, that “clean ship” turns out to have been a full-fledged criminal enterprise. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and the Art of Unholy Greed: BP’s Fumbling CEO Faces Judgment Day

Posted by John Donovan: 19 Jan 25. 

What the f**k is going on at BP?

Murray Auchincloss, the latest placeholder in BP’s revolving door of CEOs, is heading for his judgment day. Investors are sharpening their knives, and on February 26, they might just gut his tenure like a sacrificial lamb. Why? Because unlike Shell—the ultimate sin stock, the Exxon of Europe, the undisputed king of greed—BP has been fumbling its way through an identity crisis. And investors? They’ve had enough of BP’s weak attempts at greenwashing when there’s good old-fashioned oil money to be made. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

New York City Takes on Big Oil and Gets Smacked by Big Oil Logic

Posted by John Donovan; 15 January 25

In the latest episode of “Corporate Giants Always Win,” New York City’s lawsuit against the holy trinity of environmental destruction—Exxon, BP, and Shell—was dismissed faster than you can say “greenwashing.” If you thought justice might take a stand against these polluting powerhouses, think again. Turns out, climate accountability in the U.S. courts is just a mirage, much like Shell’s commitment to renewable energy.

The Case: New York vs. Oil Titans read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

‘Watch Your Back’ Warning to Shell Prelude Whistleblower Irina Woodhead

Shell – The Sin Stock That Keeps on Sinning

Posted by John Donovan: 15 Jan 25

They say money makes the world go round, but at Shell, it also makes the world burn, drown, and choke on toxic fumes. For decades, this greedy, ruthless oil giant has been the poster child for corporate malfeasance, environmental destruction, and whistleblower persecution. Let’s not mince words: Shell is not just a company; it’s an evil empire masquerading as an energy conglomerate, bankrolled by investors like BlackRock, who are apparently too busy counting their profits to notice the carnage. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Greenwashing Circus: EV Charging Chaos Wrapped in Corporate Greed

Posted by John Donovan: 3rd Jan 2025

Oh, Shell. The planet’s favourite oil-slicked villain has once again shown us just how committed it is to “cleaner mobility” (wink wink). In a move that’s equal parts farcical and revealing, Shell Recharge Solutions is throwing its charging business into a blender—shutting down software services, offloading responsibilities, and pretending it’s all part of some grand strategy for a greener future. What’s really happening? Let’s dive into the shameless absurdity read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.