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Shell’s Big Green PR Stunt: Building a Hydrogen Plant While Still Loving Oil

Posted by John Donovan: 25 July 2024

In a move that’s probably more about headlines than heart, Shell announced on Thursday it’s building a 100-megawatt renewable hydrogen electrolyser in Germany. Yes, that’s right, the same Shell that adores oil spills and carbon emissions is now pretending to care about the environment. The new unit at the Rheinland refinery is scheduled to start in 2027 and will pump out up to 44,000 kg of renewable hydrogen daily to “partially” decarbonize site operations. Because who needs full decarbonization when partial will do? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Continuing controversy over Shell leaders financial relationship with Hitler

English translation of an article published by the German newspaper WELT on 17 May 2024

(Die Welt (“The World”) is a German national daily newspaper, published as a broadsheet)
Article by Von Sven Felix Kellerhoff

Leitender Redakteur Geschichte

How brown was the “Napoleon of the oil business” really?

Some considered Henri Deterding to be the “most powerful man in the world” in the 1920s. As a convinced anti-Bolshevik, he became involved with Hitler and paid with the permanent loss of his reputation. Historian Jochen Thies traces the life of the long-time Shell boss. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Historical Legacy: From Oil Tycoon to Nazi Collaborator!

AI-Generated Image

Posted by John Donovan: 4 May 2024

In a stunning historical revelation that could make even the most cynical among us raise an eyebrow, it turns out that Shell, the quintessential emblem of corporate greed and environmental apathy, once dabbled in a little side hustle: collaborating with Nazis. When you’re already in the business of ruthlessly exploiting resources, why not throw a bit of fascism into the mix?

As German forces strutted into Vienna on that fateful day in March 1938, Shell, ever the opportunist, saw the writing on the wall and decided to cosy up to the Nazi regime faster than you can say “blitzkrieg.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Unveils Eco-Friendly Fairy Tale: Bio-LNG Plant in Germany

Posted by John Donovan: 19 April 2024

Well, well, well, folks, gather round for another installment of “Shell’s Magical Greenwashing Adventure!” In today’s episode, our favourite fossil fuel giant, Shell, is pulling a rabbit out of its hat and launching what it claims to be the largest bio-LNG production plant in Germany. Cue the applause, right?

Yes, you heard that correctly. Shell, the company known for its environmental cough consciousness, is now touting its shiny new bio-LNG plant as the solution to all our climate woes. Because nothing says “saving the planet” like pumping out more liquefied natural gas, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Is it wise for Reuters to accept content sponsorship from Shell?

Posted by John Donovan: 9 March 24

I have always been impressed with the diligence and integrity of Reuters the news agency. That applies to everyone at Reuters with whom I have had contact in the last two decades.

I have supplied Reuters with information from Shell sources used in relation to many Reuters news articles about Shell.

Here is one such article:

Shell critic says oil major targeting his website

I have published numerous articles about organisations controversially sponsored by Shell. Reuters is now added to that list. The above Reuters feature – Sustainable Switch Climate Focus – is sponsored by Shell, the global polluter. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Strikes It Rich in LNG Lottery While Tossing Crumbs of Greenery to the Masses

Posted by John Donovan: 3 Feb 24

Once upon a time, Shell, the oil behemoth with a soft spot for environmental exploitation, threw down a whopping $70 billion to snatch up the British gas company BG Group. This wasn’t just your average mega-corporation hoarding; no, this was Shell’s grand pivot to become a titan in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) arena. Until then, their portfolio was just your run-of-the-mill pipeline gas and, of course, our planet’s lifeblood – oil.

The big bet? LNG could be the golden ticket. Europe was giving Russian gas the cold shoulder, and for everyone else, LNG was like a trendy detox diet for their energy consumption – not quite the green smoothie of wind and solar, but hey, it was something. Shell theorized that because natural gas throws fewer tantrums than oil, we could still pat ourselves on the back for fighting climate change. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Greenwashing Masterstroke: Converting Refinery to Make Fancy Oils While Keeping the Oil Party Going Elsewhere

Posted by John Donovan: 26 Jan 24

In a dazzling display of environmental sleight of hand, Shell Deutschland GmbH has triumphantly announced its Final Investment Decision (FID) to give a green makeover to its Wesseling site at the Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland. The plan? To transform the hydrocracker into a glitzy production unit for Group III base oils, the crème de la crème of lubricants for those fancy engine and transmission oils. Because, as we all know, the real key to saving the planet is in smoother-running engines. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Clariant Rejects Shell’s Billion-Dollar Ethylene Damages Claim But Is Facing A Ruthless Adversary

By John Donovan: 19 October 2023

In yet another thrilling episode of corporate battles, Clariant has boldly rejected Shell’s claim for damages.

Clariant, the Swiss chemicals company, has made it perfectly clear that they reject Shell’s claim. Shell had the nerve to bring a claim against Clariant and three other companies in the district court of Amsterdam, alleging damages of up to a billion euros.

Clariant, however, swiftly fired back with an impeccable argument: “Shell was not a supplier of ethylene to Clariant, and Clariant has substantiated economic evidence that the conduct of the parties did not produce any effect on the market.” Bravo, Clariant, for showing such outstanding resolve in the face of these allegations! read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, Savior of the Energy World, Graciously Hands Over Its 1.4 Million Customers to Octopus Energy

Posted by John Donovan 1 Sept 2023

After years of trying so hard to save the world one fossil fuel at a time, Shell has decided to take a break. Yes, the philanthropic oil tycoon is selling its home energy business in the U.K. and Germany to Octopus Energy for an undisclosed sum. What’s the reason for the secrecy? 

Shell proclaimed that it’s expecting this saintly transaction to conclude in the fourth quarter of the year, right after they get the nod from the regulators. The company had already announced back in June that it was planning to pull its home energy retail unit out of the U.K., Netherlands, and Germany. Finally, after powering 6.5 million homes in Britain with their incredible insight into energy supply, Octopus Energy will take up Shell’s philanthropic mantle. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Ovo Energy plans takeover of Shell gas and electricity arm – Sky News


Ovo Energy plans takeover of Shell gas and electricity arm – Sky News

March 29 (Reuters) – Ovo Energy is planning a takeover of Shell Plc’s (SHEL.L) UK gas and electricity business, a move that would allow the British retail energy supplier to reclaim the No. 2 spot in the British supply market, Sky News reported on Wednesday.

Ovo is expected to propose an indicative offer for Shell Energy Retail Ltd’s (SERL) UK operation, the report added, citing sources. Shell Energy Retail has about 1.4 million customers. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Exxon, Shell sell California oil assets for $4 billion to IKAV


Exxon, Shell sell California oil assets for $4 billion to IKAV


HOUSTON, Sept 1 (Reuters) – Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) and Shell Plc (SHEL.L) on Thursday confirmed the sale of their California oil joint-venture Aera to German asset manager IKAV for $4 billion, ending a 25-year-long partnership that was one of the state’s largest oil producers.

The sale reflects the two companies move out of mature energy properties at a time when high oil and gas prices favor new deals. Reuters this week reported the oil giants were in advanced talks on a sale of the San Joaquin Valley property. read more

The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2022, subject to regulatory approvals. Shell faces a $300 million to $400 million impairment charge as a result of the sale, it said.

IKAV buys assets with strong cash yields and holds them to maximize returns to its funds, according to its website. Last year, it built a solar plant in Italy and took a majority stake in Metaenergia, an Italian operator of gas-fired power plants. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

The book Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell removed from sale in Germany

The book Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell removed from sale in Germany

Amazon will no longer be offering the book “Sir Henri Deterding and the Nazi History of Royal Dutch Shell” for sale in German.

The book authored by John Donovan was first published by Amazon in 2016.

Its cover image is said to contain content that is in violation of Amazon content guidelines for Germany and may infringe German law.

The book remains on sale via other Amazon websites around the world including the UK read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Europe gas shortages to last several winters, Shell boss warns

Sunday Telegraph

Europe gas shortages to last several winters, Shell boss warns

Ben van Beurden says energy rationing will be needed for a number of years

By Rachel Millard: 29 August 2022 • 12:54 pm

Europe’s energy crisis will last for several winters, the boss of Shell has said, as he warned it is “fantasy” to think shortages caused by Russia cutting supplies can be resolved quickly.

Ben van Beurden told a conference in Norway that power rationing will be needed for a number of years as electricity prices hit fresh record highs. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Slashes Refinery Output In EU As Drought Disrupts Transportation


Shell Slashes Refinery Output In EU As Drought Disrupts Transportation

Shell slashed its refinery output at its Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland fuel-making facility as low Rhine River levels halted the flow of goods, Shell said on Thursday.

“Due to the low Rhine water level we have reduced the capacity of Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rhineland. The situation regarding supply is challenging but carefully managed,” Shell said in an emailed statement to Reuters. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Kremlin orders seizure of gas facility which Shell has 27 per cent stake in worth £3.4bn


Kremlin orders seizure of gas facility which Shell has 27 per cent stake in worth £3.4bn

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has ordered the seizure of a gas facility in the county which UK firm Shell has a 27 per cent stake in.

The Kremlin signed a decree to take control of rights of the Sakhalin-2 plant, which will be transferred into Russian hands.

This comes as Moscow continues to come under severe economic pressure with sanctions, while countries including the UK, Germany and other EU states have been urged to stop buying fuel from Russia, amid its war against Ukraine. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Gazprom cuts gas supply to Orsted and Shell Energy


Gazprom cuts gas supply to Orsted and Shell Energy

June 1, 2022

June 1 (Reuters) – Russian gas producer Gazprom (GAZP.MM) has cut off gas supplies to Denmark’s Orsted (ORSTED.CO) and to Shell Energy (SHEL.L) for its contract to supply gas to Germany, it said on Wednesday, citing the companies’ failure to make payments in roubles.

Reporting by Reuters and by Christoph Steitz in Frankfurt, Stine Jacobsen in Copenhagen Editing by Jason Neely and David Goodman SOURCE
This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.