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Shell’s Earthquake-Inducing Gas Field Shuts Down, and Now the Netherlands Is Crying About Productivity?

17 Oct 2024

Oh, poor Netherlands, it seems like shutting down a gas field that was literally causing earthquakes has finally caught up with them. Who could’ve seen this coming? Groningen, the gas field operated by the environmental saints at Shell and ExxonMobil (under the cutesy name NAM, because nothing says trust us like an acronym), was pumping gas and shaking houses for 60 years. But when the earthquakes got too hard to ignore, the Dutch government dared to prioritize people’s safety over profits. The nerve, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure, Because Destroying Homes and Causing Earthquakes Just Isn’t Profitable Enough

In the latest episode of “Oil Giants Throw a Fit,” Shell and ExxonMobil, ever the champions of corporate compassion, are up in arms about—wait for it—the Dutch government having the audacity to shut down the gas field that’s been wrecking homes and sparking earthquakes. Yes, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), the dynamic duo’s beloved 50/50 joint venture, is finally winding down after a humble 60 years of profiting from the Groningen gas field, the literal ground zero of Dutch seismic misery. And now, these poor multi-billion-dollar corporations are crying foul because they won’t be able to squeeze out every last drop of profit before their time is up. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Possible North Sea Wind Farm Bailout: A Nightmare for Labour’s Green Dreams

Posted by John Donovan: 26 July 2024

So, Shell might be bailing on its North Sea wind farm plans, and it’s a potential disaster for Labour’s shiny new energy ambitions. Yep, the oil behemoth that made over £22 billion in profit last year is apparently not too keen on sticking with two floating wind leases it grabbed from the ScotWind auction. If they decide to ditch these projects, it could send a clear message that Shell doesn’t think renewable energy is worth the trouble, despite all the greenwashing rhetoric. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Offloads More Dirty Business: Tenaz Energy Buys Dutch Offshore Assets for $180 Million

Posted by John Donovan: 18 July 2024

In a move that’s as surprising as rain in the Netherlands, Shell and ExxonMobil, the environmental knights in shining armor, have decided to pawn off their offshore assets in the Dutch North Sea to Canada’s Tenaz Energy. For the low, low price of €165 million ($180.33 million), Tenaz Energy gets to inherit all the shiny shares of NAM Offshore B.V., a joint venture that also involves the Dutch government.

NAM operates the infamous Groningen gas field in the Netherlands. But wait, there’s more! This sweetheart deal, expected to close by mid-2025, includes all of NAM’s offshore exploration and production businesses, the pipeline infrastructure, and the onshore processing facilities—just not the assets in the Ameland area. Apparently, even Shell has to hold onto something. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell to the Rescue! Pauses Biofuel Plant, Continues Saving the World One Oil Spill at a Time

Posted by John Donovan 2 July 2024

In a move that surprised absolutely no one, Shell has decided to slam the brakes on the construction of one of Europe’s largest biofuel plants. This groundbreaking facility in Rotterdam was supposed to churn out 820,000 tonnes of biofuels a year, half of which would be sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made from delightful waste cooking oil and animal fat. You know, the stuff that makes your fries taste great.

Airlines, who were giddy at the thought of selling “low-carbon” flights, are now left scratching their heads. But don’t worry, Shell assures us this is just a “temporary pause.” According to Huibert Vigeveno, Shell’s downstream, renewables, and energy solutions director, “Temporarily pausing on-site construction now will allow us to assess the most commercial way forward for the project.” Translation: “We’re figuring out how to make more money off this before pretending to care about the planet again.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Historical Legacy: From Oil Tycoon to Nazi Collaborator!

AI-Generated Image

Posted by John Donovan: 4 May 2024

In a stunning historical revelation that could make even the most cynical among us raise an eyebrow, it turns out that Shell, the quintessential emblem of corporate greed and environmental apathy, once dabbled in a little side hustle: collaborating with Nazis. When you’re already in the business of ruthlessly exploiting resources, why not throw a bit of fascism into the mix?

As German forces strutted into Vienna on that fateful day in March 1938, Shell, ever the opportunist, saw the writing on the wall and decided to cosy up to the Nazi regime faster than you can say “blitzkrieg.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Shameful Nazi Past: Funding Adolf Hitler

Posted by John Donovan 1 May 2024

We’re taking a trip down memory lane to the dark days of World War II. You know, back when Hitler was still rocking his signature mustache and the world was in a state of utter chaos. But guess who was lurking in the shadows. None other than our pals at Royal Dutch Shell.

Yep, turns out, while Hitler was busy turning Europe into his own personal playground, Shell was right there by his side, cheering him on like a proud parent at a Little League game. According to the annals of history, Shell’s big boss man, Sir Henri Deterding, was practically BFFs with ol’ Adolf himself. They even had cozy 4 day meeting at Berchtesgaden, where they presumably chatted about world domination over tea and biscuits. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Desperate Dash to Ditch London: An Epic Solution to Their Share Woes?

Posted by John Donovan: 21 April 2024

In a move that screams “What the hell are we even doing anymore?”, Shell, the grand poobah of the London Stock Exchange, is flirting with the idea of dumping the UK for a shot at American glory. But will this desperate shuffle truly be the panacea for their valuation nightmares? Spoiler alert: probably not.

Former Shell bigwig Ben van Beurden seems to think so, eloquently describing London’s valuation of Shell as being on par with a discount bin at a dollar store. Current head honcho Wael Sawan chimes in, echoing the sentiment with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop, claiming they’ve got “a location that clearly seems to be undervalued” and they’re ready to roll the dice on “all options. All options.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch Senate Hits Snooze Button on Closing Groningen Gas Field

Posted by John Donovan: 7 April 2024

In a move that screams “procrastination at its finest,” the Dutch Senate has pushed back the vote on permanently shutting down the Groningen gas field, citing concerns over the country’s energy security. Because who needs timely decisions when you can kick the can down the road, right?

Originally slated for closure on October 1, 2023, and then extended to this October, the Groningen gas field was supposed to bid farewell to its gas-pumping days. But alas, the specter of earthquakes and energy insecurity looms large, prompting the government to consider keeping the field operational just in case winter throws a chilly tantrum. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Corporate Doublespeak: “Sorry, But We Can’t Save the Planet if You Can’t Pay Your Energy Bill!”

Posted by John Donovan 2 April 2024

In a bizarre turn of events that left many scratching their heads in disbelief, Shell has taken to the courts to argue that saving the planet might just be a tad too expensive. Because who needs clean air and a livable future when you can have cheap gas and record profits, am I right?

As a crucial climate case unfolded in The Hague, lawyers for Shell PLC pulled out all the stops with their jaw-dropping argument: If ordinary citizens can’t afford their energy bills, then forget about saving the planet. Because apparently, the only thing standing between us and climate catastrophe is the price of a monthly utility bill.

In what can only be described as a masterclass in corporate doublespeak, Shell’s lawyer, Daan Lunsingh Scheurleer, solemnly declared in court: “If people can no longer pay for their energy or that energy is no longer reliable… the support of people in the country… for the energy transition will be lost.” Translation: Sorry, folks, but saving the planet is just too damn expensive. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Hilarious Defence: “Reducing Emissions Hinders Our Quest to Destroy the Planet!”

“…a move that left environmentalists scratching their heads and laughing hysterically…”: “And the punchline? We’re all the ones left laughing – or crying – as the world burns.”

Posted by John Donovan 2 April 2024

In a stunning display of corporate audacity, Shell has taken to a Dutch court to argue that reducing greenhouse gas emissions would somehow hinder the noble cause of climate change. Because who needs a habitable planet when you can have record profits, am I right?

In a move that left environmentalists scratching their heads and laughing hysterically, a lower Dutch court had the audacity to order Shell to cut its planet-warming carbon emissions by a measly 45 percent by 2030. Shocking, I know. But fear not, for Shell is here to save the day with its ingenious argument: “This case has no legal basis.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Appeals Climate Ruling, Insists on Right to Trash the Planet Unabated

Posted by John Donovan 2 April 2024

In a move that redefines chutzpah, Shell Plc is set to defend its rapacious environmental practices in a Dutch court, challenging a landmark ruling that dared to suggest the oil and gas behemoth should reduce its planet-murdering emissions.

The audacious district court ruling in 2021, which Shell now dares to contest, ordered the company to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by a measly 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels. Apparently, that’s the equivalent of asking Godzilla to cut back on his stomping by 45% to preserve Tokyo.

Shell, the poster child for environmental negligence, has the gall to argue that such an order lacks a “legal base.” They even have the nerve to claim that they can’t be held responsible for the emissions caused by the very products they gleefully peddle to the masses. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Supreme Court’s Shell Game: How Big Corporations Dodge Accountability for Human Rights Abuses

Esther Kiobel and her legal team took on the big bad wolf known as Shell, accusing them of all sorts of nasty stuff like torture, killings, and basically being the baddies in Nigeria.

Posted by John Donovan 31 March 2024

A rewrite in layman’s terms of the Kiobel vs Shell case as described in this Oyez legal article accessed on 31 March 2024

Alright folks, let’s break this down in plain English because, let’s face it, the legal mumbo jumbo can make your head spin faster than a politician dodging questions.

So, here’s the deal: Esther Kiobel and her team took on the big bad wolf known as Shell, accusing them of all sorts of nasty stuff like torture, killings, and basically being the baddies in Nigeria. They thought, “Hey, let’s take these guys to court in the good ol’ US of A under the Alien Tort Statute.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Faces Hague Climate Case: Another Masterclass in Hypocrisy and Legal Gymnastics

…grab your popcorn and get ready to witness Shell and six environmental and social organizations duke it out in court, led by none other than Milieudefensie (aka Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and Greenpeace Netherlands.

Posted by John Donovan 30 March 2024

Look who’s back in court again. That’s right, folks, it’s none other than Shell PLC, the poster child for environmental destruction and corporate greed. Next Tuesday, Shell’s appeal over its laughable attempt to shirk responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions comes to court in The Hague, and it promises to be a spectacle worthy of the big screen.

In a move that surprises absolutely no one, the oil supermajor is challenging a 2021 court decision that dared to order it to cut emissions under international climate agreements. Because, when it comes to saving the planet, Shell would rather stick its head in the sand and pretend like nothing’s wrong. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell CEO Laments: “How Dare You Sue Us for Ruining the Planet!”

That’s right, folks—while the rest of the world is desperately trying to curb emissions, Shell is busy backpedaling on its promises faster than you can say “hypocrisy.”

Posted 24 March 2024 by John Donovan

In a jaw-dropping display of corporate entitlement, Frans Everts, the CEO of Shell Netherlands, took to the airwaves to bemoan the audacity of environmental organizations daring to sue companies like Shell. Because clearly, holding polluting behemoths accountable for their role in climate catastrophe is just plain unfair, right?

In a riveting performance on TV program WNL Op Zondag, Everts cried foul, claiming that climate lawsuits were nothing short of economic sabotage. “It does not solve the problems,” he lamented, conveniently forgetting that maybe—just maybe—stopping the relentless pollution might actually, you know, solve a few problems. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Exxon Take Dutch Government to Court Over Gas Field Party Pooper

Posted by John Donovan; 14 Feb 24

In an epic tale of corporate vs. nature, Shell and ExxonMobil, the dynamic duo of fossil fuel festivities, have decided it’s time to drag the Dutch government to arbitration court. Why, you ask? Well, they’re a tad miffed that the Netherlands dared to halt their gas-guzzling shindig at the Groningen field, a once merry-go-round of gas supply that fueled Europe’s energy binges for decades.

Let’s set the scene: Groningen, a field so bountiful that Mother Nature herself might blush, has been the life of the party since the swinging ’60s. But as with all good things, the Dutch government, in a move as buzz-killing as it was seismic, decided in 2018 that the earth-shaking consequences of gas extraction were a party foul too severe. By last year, they called last rounds, decreeing that wells be shut down faster than you can say “earthquake.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.