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Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Poisoned Nigeria

Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Poisoned Nigeria and Cashed In

Because Who Needs Ethics When You Have Billions?

Once again, Shell—the ultimate sin stock, planetary arsonist, and poster child for corporate greed—finds itself in a UK courtroom, forced to answer for decades of devastation, pollution, and suffering in Nigeria.

On Thursday, as thousands of people sued Shell and its Nigerian subsidiary, SPDC, over catastrophic oil spills in the Niger Delta, protesters gathered outside London’s High Court to remind the world that Shell’s business model is built on ruining lives, destroying ecosystems, and dodging accountability. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s AI Fantasy: How the World’s Most Polluting Oil Giant Is Spinning the Future

Who Needs Reality When You Can Just Invent an AI-Powered Greenwashing Campaign?

Good news, everyone! Shell, the planet-wrecking oil behemoth, has graciously gifted us with yet another “energy outlook”, packed with self-serving nonsense, climate denial wrapped in techno-optimism, and a laughably convenient role for fossil fuels lasting well into the next century.

The latest gem from Shell Plc’s team of well-compensated corporate scientists, economists, and PR strategists claims that AI will revolutionize the energy system, helping the world decarbonize while—surprise!maintaining a strong demand for oil and gas for decades to come. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell on Trial, Again

Shell on Trial: The Oil Giant That Polluted Nigeria for Profit Now Faces Justice

Well, well, well—the corporate overlords at Shell are finally being dragged into court for their decades of destruction in the Niger Delta. From February 13 to March 7, 2025, London’s High Court will host a showdown between Shell, the kingpin of oil pollution, and the Ogale and Bille communities, who have spent ten years fighting for their right to drink clean water and not die from corporate negligence.

Shell’s Decades of Toxic Greed

The communities, home to 80,000 people, have been battling Shell and its Nigerian subsidiary SPDC since 2015, demanding compensation and a proper cleanup after enduring hundreds of oil spills. These spills contaminated water sources, wiped out farmland and fisheries, and exposed residents to severe health risks. But instead of taking responsibility, Shell has spent more time dodging accountability than it has cleaning up its mess. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Arctic Hypocrisy: Funding Putin’s War with Kremlin-Escorted Gas Shipments

Oh look, another day, another example of Shell doing what Shell does best—putting profit over morality, humanity, and basic decency. This time, the fossil fuel giant has found itself in the middle of a geopolitical scandal, buying Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) while its shipments are escorted by sanctioned, Kremlin-backed nuclear icebreakers.

Yes, while the world watches Ukraine burn and Western leaders scramble to cut off Putin’s war machine, Shell has been lining Moscow’s pockets with cold, hard cash. But don’t worry—Shell’s PR team is on the case, insisting that everything is technically legal. Because nothing says corporate responsibility like funding a war as long as there’s a legal loophole. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Faces Judgment Day

Shell Faces Judgment Day: 10 Years of Delays, Spills, and Corporate Lies Finally Head to UK High Court

It’s finally happening. After a decade of legal stonewalling, corporate gaslighting, and enough environmental devastation to make even the most soulless investors blush, Shell is being dragged—kicking and screaming—into the UK High Court. Because nothing says “responsible corporate citizen” quite like spending ten years arguing that the destruction of entire communities isn’t legally your problem.

From February 13 to March 10, 2025, the Preliminary Issues Trial of Nigerian Law for Shell vs. Ogale and Bille communities will take place in London. That’s right—Nigerian communities are being forced to travel to a foreign country just to have a chance at justice, because Shell has mastered the art of denying responsibility while profiting off the suffering of others. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest North Sea Fire Sale: Because Who Cares About Due Diligence?

Stay tuned—because this train wreck is far from over.

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Feb 25

What do you do when you’re one of the world’s most profitable, polluting, and morally flexible oil giants? If you’re Shell, you push ahead with a half-billion-pound deal to offload UK gas fields to a buyer accused of—checks notes—faking bank statements, forging documents, and misappropriating €143 million. Oh, and the cherry on top? Said buyer, Francesco Mazzagatti, claims to have secured funding from an Abu Dhabi Sheikh…who, as it turns out, has no idea who he is. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Mass Gas Station Shutdown: A ‘Green’ Rebrand or Just More Corporate Greed

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Feb 25

Ah, the unmistakable sight of a Shell gas station—the bright white, yellow, and red logo signaling another stop on Big Oil’s endless money train. But wait! That train appears to be making fewer stops lately. Shell, the ever-so-environmentally-conscious (cough decades of pollution cough) oil giant, is closing down 500 more of its stations by 2025. Why? Because, according to Shell, the demand for fuel is declining. Who knew? (Literally everyone paying attention to climate science and the auto industry). read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Billion-Dollar Boondoggle: How Beaver County Got Played

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Feb 2025

Shell, which has raked in obscene profits while contributing to environmental degradation on a global scale, proudly pointed out that they have paid $52 million in taxes, royalties, and fees over the last three years. What a bargain for Pennsylvania taxpayers, who handed over $1.65 billion to Shell in exchange. You don’t need to be an economist to see that the math here is, shall we say, garbage.

In a shocking twist that absolutely no one could have predicted, throwing $1.65 billion in taxpayer-funded corporate welfare at an oil giant did not magically transform Beaver County into an economic utopia. Who knew? (Oh right, plenty of people warned about this, but let’s not let common sense get in the way of a good old-fashioned cash grab.)

According to a new report by the Ohio River Valley Institute, a clean energy think tank, Shell’s shiny new petrochemical plant—the recipient of the largest tax credit in Pennsylvania history—has done virtually nothing to stop the region’s long-term economic decline. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Billion-Dollar Fossil Fuel Hustle: How to Profit Off a Crisis and Call It ‘Business’

Another Multi-Billion Dollar Greed Fest

Well, well, well—what do we have here? Another day, another obscene oil and gas deal where Shell, the world’s favorite villainous polluter, and its partner TotalEnergies, have secured a cozy little $3 billion agreement with Egypt. Why? Because when it comes to squeezing every last drop of fossil fuel out of the planet and keeping the cash registers at BlackRock (one of Shell’s biggest investors) cha-chinging, there’s simply no such thing as “enough.”

Egypt, facing an energy crisis after domestic gas production hit a seven-year low, has been forced to go cap in hand to the same greedy fossil fuel barons who help keep nations addicted to their dirty products in the first place. The deal? A sweet 60 cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to keep the country running through 2025. Of course, Shell was too busy counting its blood money to comment when Reuters asked. TotalEnergies? Also mysteriously silent. Egypt’s petroleum ministry? Probably busy drafting its next desperate plea for more overpriced gas. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Ignores Legal Setback, Fires Up More North Sea Drilling

Drilling Ahead Despite Court Rulings and Climate Reality

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In yet another display of corporate arrogance, Shell has gleefully resumed oil and gas drilling in the North Sea—mere days after a Scottish court blocked its Jackdaw gas project. But why let minor inconveniences like legal rulings, environmental destruction, or a planet hurtling towards climate catastrophe get in the way of record-breaking profits?

The oil giant announced yesterday that it has restarted production at the Penguins field, proving once again that Shell will do whatever the hell it wants so long as there’s money to be made. Forget the fact that a judge in Edinburgh’s Court of Sessions just ruled the previous Tory government’s approval of Jackdaw as ‘unlawful’—Shell is charging full speed ahead anyway. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Giant’s CEO Scoffs at Green Aviation Fuel

Shell CEO Wael Sawan Reminds Us That Profit Trumps the Planet—Again

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In a stunning display of corporate cynicism, Shell CEO Wael Sawan has casually dismissed the idea that sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) could revolutionize air travel’s carbon footprint. Because, of course, the oil giant that has spent decades profiting off planetary destruction wants us to believe that anything remotely green is just too expensive and impractical.

Last week, UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves hailed SAF as a “game-changer” for aviation’s carbon emissions, backing a third runway at Heathrow and claiming airlines could be using the fuel by 2035. But Sawan, ever the champion of fossil fuel supremacy, scoffed at the notion. “The reality is that SAF is more expensive and therefore unless there are mandates — obligations on either customers or airlines — it is difficult to see a penetration that is going to be massive,” he told The Times. Translation: Shell won’t make the switch unless governments force them to, because why would they voluntarily embrace a cleaner future when there’s still so much oil money to be made? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Giant Shell Wins Appeal, Loses All Remaining Scraps of Moral Integrity

A Masterclass in Dodging Climate Accountability

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In an absolutely shocking turn of events (read: completely expected corporate fuckery), Shell has successfully weaseled its way out of a court-ordered mandate to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030. Yes, you read that right—the Hague Court of Appeal just handed down a judgment on November 12, 2024, that reverses the original ruling, meaning Shell and its lovely band of polluters get to continue business as usual. Oh, and to rub salt into the wound, the claimants—led by Dutch environmental activist group Vereniging Milieudefensie—now have to pay Shell’s legal costs. Because why shouldn’t an oil behemoth worth hundreds of billions shake down environmentalists for cash? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Fights in Court Over Winter Storm Disaster Profiteering

Because at the end of the day, nothing—not a catastrophic winter storm, not an entire bankrupt energy company, and certainly not ethics—can stand between Shell and its next pile of cash.

Posted by John Donovan: 6 Feb 25

In yet another episode of Shell doing what Shell does best—ruthlessly squeezing every last drop of profit while the world burns—the greedy oil behemoth is now battling Entrust Energy Inc. in court over a cool $175 million. That’s right, while Texans were freezing to death during Winter Storm Uri in 2021, Shell Energy North America US LP allegedly decided it was the perfect time to engage in some good old-fashioned corporate backstabbing.

Entrust, a Texas-based energy retailer, claims Shell unceremoniously pulled the plug on their energy supply contracts right when it mattered most. And the best part? Shell now wants a judge to believe they were totally justified in doing so. But the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas isn’t buying it—at least not yet. On Tuesday, the court refused to grant summary judgment for either party, meaning the case is heading to trial because (shockingly!) there are still material facts in dispute. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and BP’s Toxic Love Story: When Greed Meets Greed in the Ultimate Oil Merger Fantasy

Posted by John Donovan: 1 Feb 2025

In the latest corporate soap opera no one asked for, rumours are swirling that Shell—the globe-trotting champion of pollution and climate chaos—might finally shack up with its equally oily cousin, . Apparently, Ed Miliband’s “reckless net zero crusade” (read: trying to save the planet) is just too much for these fossil fuel dinosaurs, and they might just hold hands and ride off into the sunset together, leaving a trail of CO₂ and shareholder dividends in their wake. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Profit “Slump” Still Produces Multi-Billion Dollar Payouts

Shell’s Profit “Slump” Still Produces Multi-Billion Dollar Payouts—Because Who Cares About the Planet When Investors Need a New Yacht?

In today’s episode of “Corporate Greed Knows No Bounds,” Shell—the gold standard of climate destruction—just announced a $3.5 billion stock buyback and a 4% dividend hike for its lucky investors. This, despite a so-called disappointing annual profit of a measly $23.7 billion—a figure that would make most companies pop champagne but apparently has Shell execs crying into their gold-plated handkerchiefs.

And who are the lucky fat cats cashing in? Oh, just the usual BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, whose billions in holdings ensure that Shell keeps drilling, spilling, and billing the planet for the damage. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Courtroom Shenanigans: Because Who Needs Laws When You Have Billions?

Posted by John Donovan: 30 Jan 2025

In yet another shocking display of corporate audacity, Shell—the world’s favorite environmental supervillain—just had its UK North Sea drilling permits for the Rosebank and Jackdaw fields ruled unlawful by the Scottish courts. But don’t pop the champagne just yet! Thanks to some legal gymnastics, Shell and its Norwegian sidekick, Equinor, can keep plowing ahead with their climate-wrecking projects while they “reapply” for permission. Because, obviously, rules don’t apply when you have BlackRock and Vanguard pouring billions into your destruction fund. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.