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Royal Dutch Shell Plc

WTF: Shell’s $1.3 Billion Nigerian Oil Deal Flops—Because Even Corruption Has Standards

21 Oct 2024

Oh, Shell, you poor, misunderstood oil giant, trying so hard to make a clean getaway from the toxic mess you’ve left in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. But what’s this? Nigeria rejected your grand $1.3 billion deal to sell off your onshore oil production unit. The local consortium, Renaissance Africa Energy, wasn’t up to snuff. Even in a landscape ravaged by pollution, oil theft, and violence (mostly thanks to companies like Shell), the regulators still have some standards. Who knew? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Lays Off Workers While Pretending to Care About “Renewables”—Business as Usual for Big Oil

19 Oct 2024

Ah, Shell, ever the master of hypocrisy. In a move that surprises no one, Shell Energy Solutions—the little offshoot of the British oil behemoth—announced it’s axing over 100 Houston-area employees just in time for the holidays. Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a pink slip from one of the world’s richest, most polluting corporations. And, naturally, this was slipped out through a WARN notice filed with the Texas Workforce Commission. Classy.

So, what’s the excuse this time? Shell’s PR wizards claim it’s all about “anticipated ongoing and future operations.” Translation: Shell’s figured out how to screw over more people with fewer resources. The cuts range from business analysts to engineering and project managers, but don’t worry—Shell promises there will be “no current impact” on customers. That’s right, folks, business as usual. Nothing to see here except a multinational corporation tightening its belt after decades of profiting from environmental destruction. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Earthquake-Inducing Gas Field Shuts Down, and Now the Netherlands Is Crying About Productivity?

17 Oct 2024

Oh, poor Netherlands, it seems like shutting down a gas field that was literally causing earthquakes has finally caught up with them. Who could’ve seen this coming? Groningen, the gas field operated by the environmental saints at Shell and ExxonMobil (under the cutesy name NAM, because nothing says trust us like an acronym), was pumping gas and shaking houses for 60 years. But when the earthquakes got too hard to ignore, the Dutch government dared to prioritize people’s safety over profits. The nerve, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Tesco Hijack the UK’s Biggest Solar Farm—Greenwashing at Its Finest

17 Oct 2024

Well, this is rich. The UK’s largest solar farm, Cleve Hill, was supposed to be the shining beacon of green energy, destined to power more than 100,000 homes. But instead, in a twist of fate that surprises absolutely no one, Tesco and Shell have swooped in to claim the whole thing for themselves. Yep, that’s right. What was sold to the public as a game-changer for household energy is now going to power Tesco supermarkets and Shell’s ever-growing network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The irony is almost too painful to watch. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

WTF: Shell Wants Pity While Putin Snatches A Billion?

15 Oct 2024

Well, well, well—look who’s crying foul! Shell, the lovable oil giant with a heart of, well, pure carbon, is now throwing a hissy fit because gasp Russia did something shady. After Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine (as one does), Shell bolted from its Russian investments like a thief in the night. Now, the Kremlin is coming after them for a cool €1 billion, and Shell, bless its greedy little heart, just can’t believe this is happening.

Here’s the scoop: Shell had a 27.5% stake in the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas field, a cozy arrangement with Gazprom (Russia’s state-owned gas company) and a couple of Japanese firms like Mitsui and Mitsubishi. But after Russia basically swiped the joint venture and handed it over to a homegrown entity, Shell decided it wasn’t playing along. Did they think Putin would care? Of course not! Russia casually sold off Shell’s stake—because why not—passing it to Novatek and Gazprom. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Former Spy Chief Joins No. 10—Still Pulling Strings with Shell’s Spooky Sidekicks at Hakluyt

Posted by John Donovan: 13 Oct 2024

In today’s edition of “What the Actual Fu**?”, Varun Chandra, the former head honcho of Hakluyt—yes, that shady spy firm founded by ex-MI6 agents—has sauntered into a cushy role as one of Keir Starmer’s senior advisers. And wouldn’t you know it, Chandra’s still got his greasy fingers in Hakluyt’s AI investment fund, which coincidentally backs several AI firms with multimillion-pound contracts, including a cozy deal with the NHS. But don’t worry, folks, no conflict of interest here! It’s all just business as usual when you’re operating in Shell’s morally bankrupt universe of corruption and cover-ups. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Loses Landmark Case Because Apparently, Destroying Nigerian Communities for Profit Isn’t Enough—They Tried to Weasel Out of Responsibility Too

Shell Loses Landmark Case Because Apparently, Destroying Nigerian Communities for Profit Isn’t Enough—They Tried to Weasel Out of Responsibility Too

Posted by John Donovan: 12 Oct 2024

In a stunning twist that absolutely no one saw coming, oil behemoth Shell, the model of corporate ethics (wink), has lost yet another court battle. This time, the UK Court of Appeal has handed down a major ruling in favor of two Nigerian communities, the Bille and Ogale, whose land, water, and livelihoods have been systematically obliterated by oil pollution—allegedly caused by none other than Shell’s Nigerian subsidiary, SPDC.

The Bille and Ogale communities have been living in an environmental nightmare for years, courtesy of around 100 oil spills from Shell’s crumbling infrastructure. These spills have rendered their land uninhabitable, poisoned their water, and left them unable to farm or fish. But Shell—because why accept responsibility when you can stall, deflect, and confuse—managed to string this case out for ten years, while thousands of people suffered, and many even died waiting for justice. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell CEO Cuts Jobs, But Don’t Worry—Shareholders Are Totally Thrilled While Employees Watch the Ship Sink

Shell CEO Cuts Jobs, But Don’t Worry—Shareholders Are Totally Thrilled While Employees Watch the Ship Sink

Posted by John Donovan: 11 Oct 2024

In today’s episode of “Corporate Greed Gone Wild,” Shell employees are shockedshocked, I tell you—that their CEO, Wael Sawan, is gutting the company left, right, and centre, all to make a few extra bucks for their beloved shareholders. In an annual survey where employees got the rare chance to vent their frustrations without being immediately escorted out of the building, the results were exactly what you’d expect when a CEO slashes jobs like they’re going out of style. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure

Shell and ExxonMobil Throw Tantrum Over Dutch Gas Field Closure, Because Destroying Homes and Causing Earthquakes Just Isn’t Profitable Enough

In the latest episode of “Oil Giants Throw a Fit,” Shell and ExxonMobil, ever the champions of corporate compassion, are up in arms about—wait for it—the Dutch government having the audacity to shut down the gas field that’s been wrecking homes and sparking earthquakes. Yes, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM), the dynamic duo’s beloved 50/50 joint venture, is finally winding down after a humble 60 years of profiting from the Groningen gas field, the literal ground zero of Dutch seismic misery. And now, these poor multi-billion-dollar corporations are crying foul because they won’t be able to squeeze out every last drop of profit before their time is up. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, the Selfless Saint of Oil and Gas, Heroically Whines About Not Getting Enough of the Pie From Fellow Billionaire Venture Global

11 Oct 2024

Ah, Shell. The world’s paragon of corporate virtue is at it again, tirelessly working in the interest of humanity—or at least, humanity’s wealthiest elite. The oil and gas behemoth, whose ecological footprint can only be measured in extinction events, is currently devastated by a ruling from a U.S. regulator. Apparently, they won’t get to comb through all the juicy internal documents of Venture Global LNG that Shell so graciously funded. It’s almost like the U.S. courts have this crazy thing called “rules” about what documents can be demanded. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Hurricane Helene Fueled by Big Oil’s Emissions, Greenpeace Demands Polluters Pay

9 Oct 2024

Washington DC – Ah yes, Shell. The oil-soaked villain of the century, responsible for more destruction than we can count, is at it again—this time helping fuel Hurricane Helene, which claimed 227 lives across six states. No big deal, right? After all, it’s just another day in the office for Shell and its oily cronies, spewing profits while the planet burns.

According to a rapid analysis by World Weather Attribution, Helene’s deadly rampage has been supercharged by—wait for it—climate change! Who knew?! Well, Greenpeace sure did, and they’re calling out Big Oil for the catastrophic mess it’s created. Rolf Skar, Greenpeace USA National Campaigns Director, lays it out: read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Eni’s Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

Italian Prosecutors Convicted for Not Helping the Oil Giants Enough!

8 Oct 2024

Ah, Italy. Where corruption cases involving billion-dollar oil deals come with a side of courtroom theatrics, and now—get this—a slap on the wrist for prosecutors who didn’t help Shell and Eni get off easy enough. Yes, you read that right: Two Milan prosecutors were convicted and sentenced to eight months in prison because they failed to file documents that might have made the defense teams of these global pollution factories look better. What a heartwarming turn of events for corporate accountability. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Legal Gymnastics: How to Destroy a Community and Blame the Victims for Not Having a Map!

Image from Guardian article by Andrew Rowell “Unloveable Shell, the goddess of oil” published 15 Nov 1997

8 Oct 2024

In yet another jaw-dropping display of corporate acrobatics, Shell—the planet’s most prolific polluter with a conscience as black as the oil it spills—is back in court, twisting itself into legal knots to avoid responsibility for decimating Nigerian communities. This time, the British oil giant has managed to turn a simple quest for justice into an impossible scavenger hunt where the prize is… well, more injustice. Welcome to Shell’s sick new game: “Pin the Spill on the Disaster!” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Windy Greenwashing: Atlantic Shores ‘Clean Energy’ Project Approved—Because Nothing Says Environmental Stewardship Like an Oil Giant

8 Oct 2024

Hold the applause, everyone—Shell, the fossil fuel Goliath, is here to save the environment! Yes, you read that right. The same company that’s been profiting off the destruction of the planet for over a century now wants you to believe they’re the heroes of the renewable energy story. So grab some popcorn and prepare for the spectacle as Shell, the world’s favorite oil-soaked villain, receives federal approval for two offshore wind farms. Because, sure, we’ll all forget about their endless pollution now that they’re planting a few turbines in the Atlantic. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Third Quarter Blues: Oh No, Only Billions in Profits! How Will They Survive?

8 Oct 2024

Cue the tiniest violin as Shell, the poster child of corporate greed and environmental destruction, announces—wait for it—a drop in its refining profit margins! Yes, folks, the same oil titan responsible for trashing the planet now faces the horrific fate of only making slightly less obscene amounts of money. Somewhere in the world, a polar bear sheds a tear… or maybe that’s just an oil slick.

Let’s break down the tragedy: Shell’s refining margins took a nosedive by a whopping 30% in the third quarter, down to a measly $5.5 per barrel from the previous $7.7. Oh, the humanity! It seems global demand for oil has taken a dip, as the world awkwardly tries to figure out how to avoid climate catastrophe while Shell desperately clings to its 19th-century business model. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Shocked: Russia Sues the Oil Giant in a Hilarious Twist of Karma!

7 Oct 2024

The world’s favourite planet-scorching, cash-grabbing, ethics-optional corporation, Shell, is finding itself in yet another pickle. What a shocker! This time, the company famous for bathing in oil and bad decisions is facing a lawsuit from none other than Russia’s Prosecutor General.

The lawsuit, filed on October 2nd, was hurled at eight of Shell’s many tentacles—I mean, units—by a delightful cocktail of plaintiffs: Gazprom Export, the Russian energy ministry, regional authorities from the quaint Pacific island of Sakhalin (where environmental destruction is basically a hobby), Sakhalin Energy, and, of course, Russia’s top prosecutor. Everyone and their dog in the Russian energy sector is lining up to take a swing at Shell. It’s a regular “How dare you out-greed us?” moment. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.