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Shater vs Shell – Information supplied by an insider

Information of interest to Shell Corporate Security managers in particular and Shell staff generally. 

Supplied by an insider.

Shater’s case against Shell is far from over.

In fact, once his case was assigned to a fierce conservative Republican appointed Texas judge, Shater’s attorneys started working on other judicial avenues. That judge, Andrew Hanen, is a fierce Republican appointed conservative with bizarre anti-immigrant policies. He is also known as the DACA judge – ruling against DACA immigrants throwing the lives of more than 600,000 people in the US into tumult.  The Texas Appeals Court that ruled against Shater is even more conservative with a number of Trump appointees. Discrimination cases were at their lowest level under the Trump administration.

Shater is pursuing several other options, including a current case in front of a US Department of Justice judge who recently chastised Shell. Shater will also be filing a federal retaliation lawsuit early next year in a more liberal New York federal court and not Texas. Sources also say Shater will be seeking federal Whistleblower protection status

In the meantime, Shell appointed a white Brit and former colleague of James Hall to head Corporate Security in the Middle East.  The former spy, James Lorge, also brought with him a white deputy. All experienced Middle East Shell Corporate Security staff were overlooked in favor of Lorge and his deputy, neither of which has ever lived or worked in the Middle East.   



29 July 2022 Shater Appellant Brief.docx

63 Page Shater Doc 29 July 2022

Same 63 page DOC: but in Readiris PDF form: 63 Page Shater Doc 29 July 2022_1

British Spies, British Lies (James Hall vs Walied Shater)

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