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Novel Gripe Site kicks up a stink

Weather Forecast:  Tomorrow:  Sickly fecal fug around lunchtime, pungent haze deepening towards evening.  Vile stink clearing towards dawn, followed by periodic pongs.

As the operator of an index of gripe websites, we receive requests to feature a variety of gripe sites.

We have just added a novel site targeting a Chicken Processing Plant in Ptuj, Slovenia, described as “a leaky rendering plant.”

The gripesite is operated by a Brit determined to cause a stink about a stink.

“Chewed-up chicken shit, boiled bones, ground gizzards, broken beaks, fetid feet and lingering litter: they’re all part of the atmosphere awaiting visitors to the Slovenian destination of Ptuj, unless the town’s only English resident gets his way…” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Portal to a variety of creative gripe websites containing invaluable information and sometimes rude commentary about famous people, companies, brands and institutions

This non-commercial website, owned and operated by John Donovan above (the owner of the worlds most successful gripe site), is provided for information purposes only, with multiple links to gripe, sucks and complaint websites: no subscription or other charges and no advertising. Websites are listed free of charge

A ‘gripe site’ is a type of website devoted to the critique and or mockery of a person, place, corporation or institution. They are also widely known as “sucks”, protest, or complaint sites. The Internet provides a low cost public platform for anyone, even of modest means, to reach a global audience via a “blog” or a “gripe” website. It is the high-tech equivalent of having a soap box at “Speakers Corner” in Hyde Park, London – that long-established bastion of free speech. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.