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Shell campaigner challenges Corrib gas pipeline permission

Mary Carolan: 13 FEB 2018

A campaigner against the Corrib gas project in Co Mayo has urged the High Court to quash a ministerial consent for a pipeline bringing gas to a refinery at Ballinaboy.

From the time of her first submission in May 2001 to Mayo County Council concerning the project, and despite not being able to argue every facet of what later took place, “I knew what was at stake”, Maura Harrington said.

She had recognised, from “day one”, the entire project was “a land, sea and air attack on the place that is Erris”. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell investigates accidental severing of gas pipe at Corrib terminal

Shell to Sea spokeswoman Maura Harrington said “Shell, despite all their talk of being ‘good neighbours’, said nothing to anyone” until the radio station was alerted.

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Shell said the accidental severing of a gas pipe at its plant at Ballinaboy, Co Mayo, posed “no danger to the environment” and the company was investigating the circumstances. File photograph: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland.

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Campaigners criticise company for failing to make incident public

Lorna Siggins Sat April 20, 2013

Shell E&P Ireland has said it is conducting an internal investigation, following the inadvertent cutting of a gas pipe at the Corrib gas terminal earlier this month.

The incident, which occurred during work on water pipes at the terminal site in north Mayo, resulted in nitrogen being released into the atmosphere.

As a precaution, all nitrogen was “vented off”, according to the company. The Ballinaboy terminal built to refine gas from the Corrib gas field is not yet active, as work is still continuing on the last section of the project – the onshore pipeline. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

UN Special Rapporteur calls for full investigation of Corrib Human Rights issues

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In a report submitted to the UN Human Right Council last Monday (4th March), the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Margaret Sekaggya, called on the Irish Government to “Investigate all allegation and reports of intimidation, harassment and surveillance in the context of the Corrib Gas dispute in a prompt and impartial manner”. [1]

Mrs Margaret Sekaggya visited Ireland last November to assess the situation for Human Rights Defenders in Ireland. On the 21st of November she met with a delegation from Shell to Sea.[2] read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Allegations made against Allseas Group

“Any implication that Allseas is any way involved in, or supported by, a political agenda – including any reference to conspiracy, criminality and non-transparent business relationships – is completely unfounded and refuted in the strongest possible terms.”

By John Donovan

I was recently approached by a party who made serious allegations against the Swiss-based Allseas Group, “a global leader in offshore pipeline installation and subsea construction.”

Someone appears to have put a considerable effort into putting forward a detailed set of allegations supported by extensive documentary evidence. That does not mean the allegations are true.

The source of the allegations drew my attention to Allseas links with Royal Dutch Shell.

In this connection, we have previously published leaked emails sent to Allseas by Shell EP Ireland in respect of the Corrib Gas Project. On 9 September 2008, Maura Harrington, a leading figure in the Shell to Sea campaign went on hunger strike in protest at the arrival of the Solitaire, an Allseas pipe-laying ship assisting in the Corrib project. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Irish Supplier Accuses Shell of Bribery, Cover-up and Sinister Threats

By John Donovan

Printed below is a leaked email to a Shell EP Ireland manager, Mr Brian Foley, sent by a thoroughly disenchanted local supplier to the Corrib Gas Project in Ireland, an enterprise dogged by controversy.

This includes several months imprisonment of local landowners, the Rossport Five and a hunger-strike by another jailed campaigner, the retired school principal, Maura Harrington, the current spokesperson for the Shell to Sea campaign.

Two sources have confirmed the authenticity of the email, which makes serious allegations that seem to have drawn several Shell officials, mangers and executives into the story, including the Chief Executive Officer of Shell EP Ireland, Mr Michael Crothers. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Machine removed from Mayo road

3 August 2012 (Evening)


A giant tunnel boring machine belonging to Shell, which became stuck on Tuesday after the lorry it was being transported on jack-knifed at an isolated Co Mayo crossroads, has been removed.

A spokesman for Mayo County Council said the junction at Glenamoy crossroads near the villages of Rossport and Carrowteigue was now cleared and that traffic was back to normal.
In a statement Shell E&P Ireland said it “apologises once again to the local community and to all road users who were inconvenienced by this incident”. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Heavy vehicles deployed to shift lorry

Friday, August 3, 2012, 10:37


More than 100 gardaí escorted a convoy of heavy vehicles to the isolated Glenamoy crossroads in north Mayo at about 4.30am this morning in a bid to free Shell’s giant tunnel boring machine.

A spokesman for Rossport Solidarity Camp said the gardaí implemented checkpoints from about 10km away at Bangor Erris.

He confirmed that veteran campaigner, Maura Harrington, was arrested at one of the checkpoints, and that the rear window of her van smashed when she declined to exit it. The van was subsequently impounded and Ms Harrington was detained at Belmullet  Garda station. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s boring machine bogged down in Ireland

Shell machine remains stuck


Shell’s giant tunnel boring machine is expected to remain at an isolated Co Mayo crossroads for a third night, as residents questioned the ability of the boggy road to withstand the weight of heavy removal vehicles and some protestors vowed to continue their actions.

A Mayo County Council spokesman confirmed the local authority was continuing to work with oil company experts and hoped the machine and jack-knifed lorry would be removed within the next two days.

“It is envisaged that the problem will be resolved in the next 24 to 48 hours but that is contingent on the level of protest activity encountered. The protestors have already delayed the transportation of lifting equipment to the scene,” the council spokesman said. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

TV documentary: John Donovan and Royal Dutch Shell

By John Donovan

On Tuesday 3 April, a film crew from a national TV broadcaster spent 7 hours filming at my home in Colchester and nearby locations. The filming continued outside the Shell Centre for 3 hours yesterday. I am indebted to all who assisted, including Shell to Sea spokesperson, Maura Harrington.

The feature is about our unique relationship with Royal Dutch Shell. A decade enjoying a mutually beneficial relationship, followed by two decades of acrimony, including several High Court actions and related sinister activity, including the machinations of a hapless undercover agent acting for Shell.
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This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil giant Shell announces new Corrib gas chief

The Irish Times – Tuesday, November 22, 2011


SHELL HAS announced the appointment of a new managing director at the Corrib gas project.

The communique came as local protest groups yesterday declined an invitation to contribute to a joint Oireachtas committee hearing on offshore resources and their exploration.

Michael Crothers is a Canadian native, born to Irish parents, and takes the helm as Shell prepares for the final phase of the operation. This involves construction of the longest sub-sea raw gas pipeline in western Europe. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Corrib gas objectors denied entry to hearing

Corrib gas objectors denied entry to Oireachtas hearing

The Irish Times – Wednesday, September 28, 2011


SECURITY STAFF at the Houses of the Oireachtas yesterday refused entry to a group of opponents of the Corrib gas terminal who had travelled from Co Mayo to attend an Oireachtas committee.

The group of 15 Shell to Sea supporters travelled to Dublin at the invitation of Fianna Fáil deputy leader Éamon Ó Cuív to attend a hearing of the Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture about offshore exploration licences. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Irish resistance against Shell Corrib project continues

Issued by Shell to Sea
Wednesday 20 th July 2011 – 11am

Shell to Sea protest halts Shell’s peat works for second day

At 10.30 am this morning Shell to Sea campaigners stopped work for the second day in a row at the Bord na Móna site at Shramore, near Bangor, Co. Mayo. They are currently on the site and occupying machinery.

The site is currently preparing to store the 125,000 tonnes of peat that Shell will attempt to remove in the coming weeks. While rural communities are faced with a turf cutting ban, Shell is allowed to remove 125,000 tonnes from an area surrounded by EU Special Areas of Conservation, this on top of the 600,000 tonnes of peat that was removed during the creation of Shell’s refinery in Ballinaboy. A banner saying “Turf Cutting – One law for people, One law for Shell” was hung on the gates of the Bord na Móna site. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Maura Harrington update on Shell Corrib project

Dear John,

I’ve attached for your perusal up to the minute stuff connected with the proposed Shell/Corrib project in north Mayo.

There are two attachments from the Peoples’ Forum proceedings held at the weekend – Mrs Joy Phido’s was printed as a supplement and included with the main copy of contributions. Mrs Phido’s willingness to travel from London was very much appreciated by the local community and the empathy which has always existed between the Ogoni people and ourselves was once again underlined; there were also very good contributions from those with a national profile – Kieran Allen, Harry Browne and Colm Rapple together with local contributions from Niall King, retired Principal Rossport Primary School and Sam from the Solidarity Camp not forgetting of course Majella McCarron’s paper on the current and developing area of Human Rights. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s battle for the heart of Ireland home The Observer home

Ed Vulliamy: The Observer, Sunday 29 May 2011

This land is our land: pipeline protesters Willie and Mary Corduff at the quay at Rossport. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod for the Observer

If the sea is calm, you can hear the traffic in New York,” goes the local introduction to the breathtaking beauty of Erris, in the north of County Mayo, where the coastline winds its way through little coves and beneath the cliffs of the wild seaboard at Europe‘s edge. Most nights, though, Manhattan must be quiet, for the only audible sounds are the distant baying of a dog several miles away, the soft bleating of newborn lambs from lush coastal meadows and the sighing of the brine as it moves across rocks and shingle. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Protestors blockade Corrib Natural Gas building

Corrib building blockaded as Shell AGM held in The Hague and London

Áine Ryan: 17 May 2011

AS ROYAL Dutch Shell holds its AGM in The Hague and London today (Tuesday),  protestors blockaded the Corrib Natural Gas building in Belmullet, to highlight the giant oil company’s huge profits.

The small group of Shell to Sea and Rossport Solidarity Camp protestors stopped workers from entering or exiting the building from about 7.30am.

A Shell spokeswoman confirmed there were company personnel already in the building and that some work continued.

The protestors were peacefully removed, without incident, shortly before noon, after a team of IRMS (Integrated Risk Management Services) security guards arrived. Earlier, retired Garda Supt Pat Doyle, now working for IRMS, had negotiated with the group. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Harrington undertakes not to interfere with Shell activities

Tuesday, 05 April 2011 14:00

Well-known Shell to Sea activist Maura Harrington has given an undertaking to the Circuit Court not to interfere with workers employed by Shell in their operations at Glengad.

The undertaking was given by her defence on behalf of Maura Harrington, Doohoma, Belmullet, who had custodial sentences imposed in the District Court unconditionally suspended by Judge Raymond Groarke at Ballina Circuit Court on Tuesday last.
The offences related to activities back in 2008 and 2009 when Ms. Harrington was convicted of careless driving, trespassing with intent at Glengad and using a scissors to criminally damage netting at Glengad.
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This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.