Royal Dutch Shell Plc  .com Rotating Header Image An example of the harsh conditions facing Royal Dutch Shell in Sakhalin

The Itar-Tass report below provides a vivid example of the harsh environment in which the Shell Sakhalin2 project is taking place.
Maritime rescuers in Sakhalin trying to save 3 fishermen on ice-floe
02.03.2006, 06.55
YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, March 2 (Itar-Tass) – For the second day running, maritime rescuers on Russia's Far-Eastern island of Sakhalin are going out to the Sea of Okhotsk in an effort to rescue three fishermen, who are being carried away into high sea on a breakaway ice-floe.
Rescuers can't get to the fishermen as the space between the coast and the drifting ice-floe is filled with big amounts of fragmented ice making the use of a boat almost impossible.
The operation is taking place near Sakhalin's southeast shore.
Wednesday, rescuers from the Far-Eastern Maritime Salvage Center saved the lives of 13 fishermen near Sakhalin and another four fishermen, near the coast of Magadan region, located much to the North form Sakhalin.
All the of the men seemed to tread strong ice so as to dig holes in it for further winter fishing, a kind of natural sport and passtime in Russia, but adversely directed sea currents and winds proved stronger then the ice shield and broke it up.
So far, there have been no victims among the lovers of winter under-ice fishing this year in Sakhalin, but the passion for this amateur sport drove to death four fishermen near Magadan in January and in February.

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