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Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia and Royal Dutch Shell, receives aggregate remuneration of EUR 1,125,000


Helsinki Friday 6.6.2008

Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia and Royal Dutch Shell, receives aggregate remuneration of EUR 1,125,000

Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia and Royal Dutch Shell, receives aggregate remuneration of EUR 1,125,000  Jorma Ollila

According to the annual reports of mobile phone manufacturer Nokia and oil giant Shell, Jorma Ollila, the non-executive chairman of both companies, received an aggregate remuneration of EUR 1,125,000 in 2007. 
Nokia paid Ollila EUR 375,000 and Shell EUR 750,000 last year. 
In fact, Shell’s compensation to Ollila was up 75 per cent from the previous year, as in 2006 his earnings as the chairman of Shell were only EUR 430,000. 
Ollila has been the non-executive chairman of Royal Dutch Shell Plc since June 1st, 2006. 
Compared with Shell’s other board members, Ollila’s remuneration as the chairman was clearly the largest, as the second largest annual payment for a member of the Board of Directors was EUR 179,000 in 2007. 
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