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Our interventions in the Sakhalin-2 Project

Donovan interventions in Sakhalin-2 Project

By John Donovan

Below is a compilation of information put together for certain third parties. It all relates to our involvement in the Sakhalin-2 project which led to Shell’s loss of its ownership stake and the resignation of David Greer. We have published for the first time the correspondence file relating to Oleg Mitvol, the so called “Kremlin Attack Dog”.

There are also 218 pages of related information released to us by Shell as a result of a Data Protection Act application. There is a great deal of repetition within the six relevant files, but there is also some interesting Shell internal correspondence relating to the Donovan’s and this website. It includes an email to David Greer, the then Project Director and Deputy CEO of Sakhalin Energy Investment Company. The handwritten numbering at the right hand foot of the documents was added by us. All are pdf files and patience is needed when downloading.


Alfred Donovan email correspondence with Shell International General Counsel Richard Wiseman: 11 November 2005 (note warning from Wiseman relates toPutin/Van der Veer animated article)

Email from Alfred Donovan to President Putin and automated response received 25 November 2005

Email to Oleg Mitvol, Ministry of Natural Resources of The Russian Federation 7 August 2006

Posting on Live Chat by The Ministry of Natural Resources of The Russian Federation 8 October 2006

Fax sent by John Donovan to Oleg Mitvol, headed “Royal Dutch Shell Sakhalin II project”: 17 October 2006

Fax from John Donovan to Oleg Mitvol, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources of The Russian Federation: Wednesday 18 October 2006

Sakhalin II: Apocalypse Now? A potential environmental calamity on a scale never before witnessed by humanity!:18 October 2006

Email from John Donovan to Oleg Mitvol 19 October 2006

Email from John Donovan to Oleg Mitvol 19 November 2006

Email from John Donovan to Oleg Mitvol: 29 November 2006

Email received by John Donovan from Derek Brower, Senior Correspondent, The Petroleum Economist: 12 Dec 2006

John Donovan email correspondence with London law firm acting for Oleg Mitvol/RosPrirodNadzor: 21 December 2006 (Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent)

Bloomberg Article: Shell May Cut Reserves at Least 4 Percent on Sakhalin: 29 December 2006

Sakhalin-2 file 1: pages 1 to 31

Sakhalin-2 file 2: pages 31 to 70

Sakhalin-2 file 3: pages 71 to 109

Sakhalin-2 file 4: pages 110 to 150

Sakhalin-2 file 5: pages 151 to 193

Sakhalin-2 file 6: pages 194 to 218


Argus FSU Energy: Mitvol Turns up the heat: 19 November 2006 (Interview with Mitvol in which Mitvol says he received evidence from John Donovan of the “anti-Shell” website,

Johnson’s Russia List (sourced from Russian news agency, Interfax: Nov 2006 (contains further confirmation of John Donovan being Mitvol’s source of Shell internal emails relating to Sakhalin-2 project)

January 2007 BUSINESS NEW EUROPE: Shell gets stuck in a Sakhalin blog-mire

Prospect Magazine: Rise of the gripe site: February 2007

Accountability in Action: Between exposé and libel: online activity and the lack of institutional accountability: 27 July 2007(Also look at “Accountability in Practice – The power of a website” at foot of main article)

Prospect Magazine: Shell’s Colchester headache: 12 September 2007

Nikkei BP (Japan): Gripe sites are becoming more powerful: 13 November 2007

David Greer Story: Project Director and Deputy CEO of Sakhalin Energy resigned after internal email was leaked to

‘Pipeliners All! Shell’s memo to Sakhalin: Financial Times 5 June 2007

Shell’s team in ‘hell’ feels the heat: Financial Times 6 June 2007

Shell man’s motivational memo is straight from the Patton script: 7 June 2007

Motivational memos must make their message clear: 11 June 2007

Memo writer in the Shell annals: Financial Times 22 June 2007

FT Online Poll on “Worst Motivational Memo”: June 2007

Email from Sakhalin Energy to John Donovan 21 June 2007

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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