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Shell gasoline debacles

By Former Shell Employee

Formula Shell was not the only failed Shell gasoline.

Here in the States Shell marketed ‘Shell SU 2000’, at the same time they marketed that ‘other’ failed formula. It too was pulled from the market when it was discovered to degrade engine oil.

As I recall, Shell also marketed it in the Scandinavian countries, and that is where the problems with the stuff began showing up first.

Shortly after it was pulled from those markets it was pulled from the US market. I also think there was a ‘cold weather’ issue associated with the stuff. That is why it first showed up in Northern Europe.

For those of us in the ‘business’ the company with the best reputation for quality control over their gasoline is Chevron.  Exxon is second best. I never purchased Shell gasoline, even when I worked for Shell.

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