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Gulf of Mexico

Shell Shocked! Big Money Dumps Oil Stocks

Posted by John Donovan: 01 July 2024

In a move that’s more shocking than discovering water is wet, a growing horde of European institutional investors are ditching oil and gas stocks like they’re yesterday’s trash. The latest to jump on this bandwagon of eco-consciousness is Denmark’s largest commercial pension fund, PFA, which manages a whopping $110 billion. They’ve decided to offload their $170 million stake in Shell, citing the company’s pathetic attempt at renewable energy investment. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Seafaring Carnival of Fossil Fools: A Masterclass in Eco-Friendly Hypocrisy

Posted by John Donovan: 3 May 2024

In a stunning display of eco-friendly acrobatics, Shell and its cohorts are ramping up offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, reassuring us that it’s all for the noble cause of emitting slightly less greenhouse gases. Apparently, drilling in the ocean is like a diet version of environmental destruction.

The pièce de résistance? A colossal floating platform named Appomattox, proudly owned by Shell, bobbing about 80 miles off Louisiana’s coast like a monument to human hubris. It’s a real-life version of “Waterworld,” minus Kevin Costner’s rugged charm. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell places U.S. Gulf of Mexico assets up for sale -sources


Shell places U.S. Gulf of Mexico assets up for sale -sources

Reuters: David French and Ron Bousso: Publishing date: Jul 20, 2022 

NEW YORK/LONDON — Shell is exploring a sale of its stakes in two U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil and gas developments which could raise as much as $1.5 billion for the energy major, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

Potential divestments of some aging assets would allow the company to focus on newer and larger fields around the world, including its giant Whale development in the Gulf which is expected to start production in 2024, the sources said. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell reverses billions in write-offs as oil prices remain high


Shell reverses billions in write-offs as oil prices remain high


Oil giant Shell is to reverse previous write-offs of up to £3.8 billion this quarter after energy prices soared.

The company said it expects to reverse post-tax impairments of between 3.5 billion dollars (£2.9 billion) and 4.5 billion dollars (£3.8 billion).

It came as the business revised what it thinks it will be paid for its oil and gas over the coming years.

It told shareholders on Thursday: “In the second quarter 2022, Shell has revised its mid- and long-term oil and gas commodity prices, reflecting the current macroeconomic environment as well as updated energy market demand and supply fundamentals.

“This resulted in a review of Shell’s upstream and integrated gas previously impaired assets.”

Shell also said it will produce more gas during the second quarter of the year than previously thought amid the global energy crisis.

The business told investors that it expects to extract between 930,000 and 980,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from its integrated gas operations.

It is an upgrade from its previous estimate of between 910,000 and 960,000, which Shell released in early May.

It also upgraded production from its upstream operations. They had previously been expected to fall from the levels seen in the first quarter due to maintenance in the Gulf of Mexico. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Was Shell’s response to Cambo reasonable?

Was Shell’s response to Cambo reasonable?


Given that US and China dominate the world’s CO2 emissions you have to ask the question was the Shell response to Cambo reasonable?

UK with its total CO2 emissions just under 3% of the World with the oil and gas sector in the UK contributing circa 25% of UK emissions, but with transport and electricity generation accounting for just over 52%, it makes you wonder since the UK may have to import more oil in the near to medium future (increasing transport emissions) in so doing.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Over 80% of oil output in Gulf of Mexico still offline a week after Ida


Over 80% of oil output in Gulf of Mexico still offline a week after Ida

By  NEW YORK, Sept 6 (Reuters) – More than 80% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico remains shut in after Hurricane Ida, a U.S. regulator said on Monday, more than a week after the storm made landfall and hit critical infrastructure in the region. Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSa.L), the largest U.S. Gulf Coast producer, on Sunday began redeploying staff to its Enchilada and Salsa platforms. FULL ARTICLE
This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Invests in the Whale Development in the Gulf of Mexico

(Information from WIKIMEDIA COMMONS: The above Shell logo image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous.)

CISION PR Newswire

Shell Invests in the Whale Development in the Gulf of Mexico

NEWS PROVIDED BY Shell Offshore Inc.  Jul 26, 2021, 08:00 ET

HOUSTONJuly 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ —=&0=&Shell Offshore Inc., a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, today announces the final investment decision (FID) for Whale, a deep-water development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico that features a 99% replicated hull and an 80% replication of the topsides from our Vito project.

“Whale is the latest demonstration of our focus on simplification, replication and capital projects with shorter cycle times to drive greater value from our advantaged positions,” said Wael Sawan, Shell Upstream Director. “We are building on more than 40 years of deep-water expertise to deliver competitive projects that yield high-margin barrels so that we are able to meet the energy demands of today while generating the cash required to help fund the development of the energy of the future.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s 2020 Write Downs Could Soar To $22 Billion

Shell’s 2020 Write Downs Could Soar To $22 Billion

By Charles Kennedy – Dec 21, 2020, 3:30 PM CST

Shell warned the market on Monday that it would book up to $4.5 billion more in post-tax charges in the fourth quarter, which would take the supermajor’s combined write-downs to over $22 billion in the year in which Big Oil significantly cut the value of their oil and gas assets.

Shell expects post-tax charges of between $3.5 billion and $4.5 billion in relation to impairments, asset restructuring, and onerous contracts in the fourth quarter, the company said in its Q4 2020 update note today. The charges will include partial impairment of the Appomattox asset in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico due to subsurface updates, charges in the oil products division, including such related to the announced transformation of the refinery portfolio, as well as charges from onerous contracts in the Integrated Gas division. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s warning signals pain not yet over for oil majors

Shell’s warning signals pain not yet over for oil majors

Dec. 21, 2020 12:45 PM ETRoyal Dutch Shell plc (RDS.A)By: Carl SurranSA News Editor17 Comments

  • Royal Dutch Shell’s (RDS.A -5.7%) update, saying it expects to write down the value of its assets by as much as $4.5B and warning of another set of poor earnings in Q4, is the first indication of another tough quarter for oil and gas producers that continue to struggle with weak demand as COVID-19 lockdowns hit economies hard.
  • Shell says its oil and gas production business should report a third straight quarterly loss while Q4 results from its trading operations – a bright spot earlier in the pandemic amid volatile oil prices – would come in “significantly lower” than in Q3.
  • The S&P energy sector (XLE -3.8%) is today’s worst market performer, and Big Oil names are getting trounced but have moved off day’s lows: XOM -2.9%CVX -1.9%BP -5.7%.
  • “The indicative guidance looks disappointing, particularly in the context of the strong run Shell has had in recent weeks,” RBC analyst Biraj Borkhataria says.
  • Cowen analysts maintain their Buy rating and $41 price target for Shell shares, as the reduced cash flow outlook is offset by today’s announced divestment, and as such the analysts retain their outlook that debt will hit target levels around year-end 2021 to enable buybacks in 2022.
  • Shell says the anticipated $3.5B-$4.5B writedown includes an impairment of its Appomattox deepwater oil and gas project in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as charges related to its refining operations and onerous gas contracts.
  • The latest writedown follows Shell’s $16.8B writedown in Q2 and a sharp cut in its price outlook.
  • read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Shell raises dividend as retail boost drives confidence

    Shell raises dividend as retail boost drives confidence

    Shell also plans to shed up to 9,000 jobs, or more than 10% of its workforce.

    By : 29 October 2020

    LONDON (Reuters) – Royal Dutch Shell on Thursday raised its dividend after easily beating quarterly profit forecasts and outlined plans to shrink its oil and gas operations as it presses forward with a transition to low-carbon energy.

    The Anglo-Dutch company hit record earnings from its vast retail division, despite the impact on demand of the COVID-19 pandemic, which it said continued to generate “significant uncertainty”. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.



    Shell slims down to shape up for the energy transition

    …the Anglo-Dutch group has been forced into previously unthinkable moves, change and scrutiny of its capital allocation plans mount, is scrambling to come up with an updated plan. In the meantime, it is cutting costs and streamlining.

    On Wednesday it offered a glimpse into Project Reshape, its organisational restructuring in which up to 9,000 jobs will be cut from its 83,000-strong workforce to save $2.5bn a year. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Exclusive: Shell launches major cost-cutting drive to prepare for energy transition

    Exclusive: Shell launches major cost-cutting drive to prepare for energy transition

    LONDON (Reuters) – Royal Dutch Shell is looking to slash up to 40% off the cost of producing oil and gas in a major drive to save cash so it can overhaul its business and focus more on renewable energy and power markets, sources told Reuters.

    Shell’s new cost-cutting review, known internally as Project Reshape and expected to be completed this year, will affect its three main divisions and any savings will come on top of a $4 billion target set in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    ‘Stranded Assets’ Risk Rising With Climate Action and $40 Oil

    ‘Stranded Assets’ Risk Rising With Climate Action and $40 Oil

    By Laura Hurst | Bloomberg:

    September 18, 2020 at 7:55 a.m. GMT+1

    What had seemed like an abstract debate about leaving oil, gas and coal in the ground to fight climate change has suddenly become real. Environmental activists have long fought for lower fossil-fuel production. Now, with the pandemic crippling economies and reducing energy use and prices, drillers and miners are coming to grips with projects that are no longer viable. Some companies are even abandoning investments, leaving deposits worth billions of dollars in the ground to languish as so-called “stranded assets.” While environmentalists applaud, fund managers, banks and regulators worry that project financing could sour and collateral become worthless. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Shell’s $12 Billion LNG Experiment Becomes A Big Headache

    A series of recent events highlight the challenge Shell has ahead of it with Prelude, and plans for sister vessels which are supposed to follow.

    Tim Treadgold Asia: June 23, 2020

    The world’s biggest ship is on the way to becoming one of the oil industry’s biggest bloopers.

    Prelude, a 600,000-ton monster which is five-times the size of the largest U.S. aircraft carrier, is designed to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG), and other petroleum liquids.

    Installed atop a remote gasfield 300 miles off the north-west Australian coast, the 535-yard long Prelude is a bold experiment by the oil major, Royal Dutch Shell. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

    Shell plans major overhaul around climate drive, CEO tells employees

    “Over the coming months we will go through a comprehensive review of the company. Where appropriate we will redesign our organization to adapt to a different future…”

    Reuters: Ron Bousso and Shariq Khan: June 23, 2020 9:45 AM EDT

    LONDON — Royal Dutch Shell will announce a major restructuring by the end of the year as the energy company prepares to accelerate its shift towards low-carbon, CEO Ben van Beurden told employees according to a company source.

    In a video interview published on Shell’s internal website, van Beurden said that the restructuring would involve job cuts as part of broad cost reductions, although no figures have been decided yet, according to sources who saw the interview. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. Shell airlifts workers after coronavirus outbreak on Gulf rig

    Shell airlifts workers after coronavirus outbreak on Gulf rig

    Workers aboard a Shell Oil offshore rig in the Gulf of Mexico have tested positive for the coronavirus and flown back to land for treatment, a KHOU report says.

    Shell Oil, the U.S. subsidiary of energy giant Royal Dutch Shell, has evacuated nine workers from a company platform in the Gulf of Mexico for testing and treatment of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. read more

    This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.