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News headlines file for Royal Dutch Shell Sex and Drugs Scandal

Shell Sex and Drugs Scandal

U.S. Department of The Interior: Office of Inspector General: Investigative Report of Gregory W. Smith (Redacted) 7 August 2008 Pages 1 to 22 (By accepting the Shell gratuities in fiscal years 2003, 2004, and 2005, and by accepting the GWEC . 
gratuities in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005, Smith violated federal ethics regulations that prohibited accepting 
items valued in excess of either $20 per occasion or $50 in total from one source in a given year. )

U.S. Department of The Interior: Office of Inspector General: Investigative Report of MMS Oil Marketing Group – Lakewood (Redacted) 19 August 2008 Pages 1 to 31

Denver Post: Sex, drugs alleged in oil deals: 10 September 2008 (Many of the alleged misdeeds occurred when Gale Norton was secretary of the interior. Now a general counsel with Shell in Denver, Norton declined to comment, even when asked to address the portion of the reports dealing with the department she headed.)

The Denver Post: Interior Dept, scandal: Sex, Drugs alleged in oil deals: 10 September 2008

CNN: Sex, drugs, gifts uncovered in government oil probe: 10 September 2008

The New York Times: Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department: 10 Sept 2008

Reuters: US gov’t workers in oil industry sex, drug scandal: 10 September 2008 Sex, Drugs and Oil: 10 September 2008

Wall Street Journal: Federal Oil Officials Accused In Sex and Drugs Scandal: 11 September 2008 (The report named four companies — Chevron Corp., a U.S. unit of Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Gary-Williams Energy Corp. and Hess Corp. — as gift givers.)

BBC News: US oil agency rapped over conduct: 11 Sept 2008

Reuters: US Interior Secy ‘outraged’ by oil-sex scandal: 11 September 2008

USAToday: Oil brokers sex scandal may affect drilling debate: 11 September 2008

CBS News: Sex Scandal Taints Oil Drilling Debate: 11 September 2008

Daily Telegraph: US government staff ‘had sex and drugs with energy firm employees’: 12 Sept 2008

Baltimore Sun: Viewpoint: Sex, drugs and natural gas royalties: 17 September 2008

Reuters: US House hearing looks into gov’t oil-sex scandal: 18 September 2008

The Wall Street Journal: Lawmakers Assail Interior Over Scandal: 19 September 2008

Investigative Report of MMS Oil Marketing Group -Lakewood (Redacted) for U.S. Department of the Interior: Office of the Inspector General: 19 August 2008

Investigative Report of Gregory W. Smith (Redacted) for U.S. Department of the Interior: Office of the Inspector General: 19 August 2008

CNN: Whistleblower: Oil watchdog agency ‘cult of corruption’: 14 October 2008

New York Times: Eight Years of Madoffs: 10 January 2009

Shell in U.S. Gov. Sex, Drugs and Corruption Scandal: 24 January 2009 (John Donovan article)

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