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Gardaí investigate alleged death threats to Corrib whistleblowers

The Irish Times – Monday, April 11, 2011

LORNA SIGGINS Western Correspondent

GARDAÍ IN north Mayo have initiated inquiries into alleged threats made to a contact supplying information on the Corrib gas project to a British whistleblowers’ website.

Supt Pat Diskin of Belmullet Garda station confirmed yesterday his office was carrying out “initial inquiries” regarding “correspondence in relation to matters raised by a third party”, but could not comment further.

John Donovan, who runs with his father, Alfred, said he had written to the Garda Commissioner last October and was contacted by Supt Diskin just over a week ago.

Mr Donovan said he had informed the Garda Commissioner’s office last October of alleged “death threats” made to a party or parties that had been sending internal documentation relating to Corrib gas to his website. Mr Donovan said he had no information on the identity of the contact, who began sending e-mails to his website on July 21st last year.

He said the contact claimed several months later that “death threats” had been made against those leaking the information.

“I pointed out that they had the option to cease feeding the leaked e-mails to me,” Mr Donovan said. “They did stop and I received the last communication on October 25th, 2010.”

Shell has declined to comment, but company sources have confirmed the veracity of the leaked information.

The website is highly critical of Shell’s operations worldwide. It was established in 2005 by the Donovans, owners of a marketing company which was involved in court actions with Shell.


This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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