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‘Cleaned’ Nigerian sites still blighted by oil as Shell’s efforts to contain spills makes slow progress, says report

Screen Shot 2013-08-18 at 08.30.15Swathes of land and waterways in the Niger Delta are once again blighted with oil only months on from Shell’s clean-up efforts…

Extracts from a This is Money article by Rob Davies published 26 May 2014

Shell’s efforts to contain spills in Nigeria are making stuttering progress, with supposedly restored sites still mired in oil, a new report warns. Difficulty with stopping spills, often caused by oil theft from pipelines, further illustrates why Shell has opted to sell four major onshore blocks in Nigeria. Swathes of land and waterways in the Niger Delta are once again blighted with oil only months on from Shell’s clean-up efforts, claims campaign group Platform. The firm faced protests from several campaign groups over its Nigerian operations at its recent annual meeting.


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