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Peter Voser spending more time with his family

Screen Shot 2014-01-03 at 14.32.05By John Donovan

When the surprise announcement was made by Peter Voser that he would be stepping down early from his position as Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, it was claimed that his early exit was prompted by a sudden desire to spend more time with his family.

It supposedly had nothing to do with the financial meltdown that happened on his watch and resulted in a profits warning being issued as soon as he had been pushed out the door. 

Voser was responsible for a number of bungled mega projects, including Arctic oil exploration.

Reuters has reported today that he has joined the board of Temasek Holdings in Singapore. He is already on the board of other companies. 

The appointments seem to undermine his claim of wishing to spend more time with his family and reinforces the speculation about the real circumstances of his hasty departure laden down by a £22m package to retain his goodwill and silence. Soon followed by the equally unexpected departure of his executive committee fellow member, Peter Rees QC. 

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