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Royal Dutch Shell vs Peter Robinson

Posting by Bill Campbell, retired Shell HSE Group Auditor, on the article “Shell are in trouble. Deep trouble”  

RDS vs. Peter Robinson Esq as trouble looms

At the time I found it inexplicable that Shell launched it’s vitriolic attack against its ex employee and obedient servant Peter Robinson. With only weeks to go before the Trial in Italy WHY on earth would Shell undermine its own case at the upcoming trial by suggesting that Robinson was other than an upstanding member of society?

Well, it now appears kinda obvious, Mr Robinson it seems had gone outside the tent and has started urinating in, assisting the prosecution perhaps, if so deep trouble clearly looms.

If Robinson has in fact done this then in the eyes of Shell no greater sin exists hence the vitriol in the BVB correspondence to staff.



Cast of Characters: Dan Etete. Malcolm Brinded OBE. Ben van Beurden. Simon Henry. Peter Robinson, Guy Colegate. Simon Henry. Eni. MI6. Hakluyt & Company. Ian Forbes McCredie CMG OBE. John Copleston. Ann Pickard. Keith Ruddock. Maarten Wetselaar. Ian Craig.

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