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Shell: Lawsuit Filed Against Oil Giant Over Severe Worker Injuries

Posted by John Donovan: 12 May 2023

Shell: Lawsuit Filed Against Oil Giant Over Severe Worker Injuries

DEER PARK, Texas — Shell Chemical L.P. faces a $1 million lawsuit following a catastrophic release and fire that resulted in injuries to numerous workers on May 5.

The lawsuit, filed by the attorneys at Arnold and Itkin, accuses Shell of gross negligence, premises liability, and clear-cut negligence that led to significant injuries suffered by Cristobal Jasso. Burns, along with injuries to Jasso’s neck, back, spine, and other parts of his body, were sustained as a direct consequence of Shell’s irresponsibility.

The fire, which erupted at 5900 State Highway 225 around 3 p.m., sent plumes of thick smoke billowing into the sky, visible for miles. The true extent of the horror inflicted upon Jasso became evident as his father, Pablo Jasso, described the excruciating pain and trauma his son endured. Shell’s oil and steam ravaged Cristobal’s body, leaving him with agonizing red burns on his face and arms.

Initially reported as an “explosion” by authorities, it was later clarified to be a fire emergency. Officials revealed that the chemical released during the incident was a “hydrocarbon,” a hazardous substance serving as a precursor to the production of gas and diesel. Shell, exhibiting its trademark indifference to accountability, claims ignorance regarding the cause of the fire. However, the lawsuit accuses the oil giant of being fully aware of the extreme risks associated with the conditions that caused Jasso’s injuries, yet callously choosing to take no action to rectify the situation.

As the toll of this harrowing incident continues to unfold, it is revealed that 15 individuals required hospital evaluation for their injuries. Shell, notorious for its sluggish responses, has yet to address the lawsuit or provide any statement concerning their reprehensible actions.

This latest incident adds to the long list of Shell’s callous disregard for human lives and the environment. Their negligent practices and cavalier attitude toward safety continue to expose workers and communities to grave risks, proving once again that Shell’s pursuit of profit comes at the expense of human well-being. The time for accountability and justice is long overdue, and Shell must be held fully responsible for the consequences of their actions.

Shell management has a track record of putting profits before safety, even of its own employees. Money before ethics. This is after all the company that financially supported Hitler. Google “Shell Nazi History”.

Shell is invited to point out for correction any factual inaccuracies and supply closing comments for publication as part of this article on an unedited basis. 

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