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As a climate activist, I object to the Post Office selling me to Shell Energy

As a climate activist, I object to the Post Office selling me to Shell Energy

Miles Brignall: Tue 30 Mar 2021 07.00 BST

I am among the 465,000 Post Office home phone and broadband users who have been collectively sold to Shell Energy, and are to become the firm’s customers.

As a climate activist, I most definitely do not want to become a customer of Shell Energy, something that I did not, and would never have, agreed to.

The Post Office has told me I will have to pay an £88 penalty if I wish to cancel my contract and leave.

As I have not changed the terms of my contract – and would have been happy to stay with the Post Office – I can’t see how this is legal.

I suspect that a great many people who signed up with the Post Office won’t want to be Shell customers.

LJ, Milton Keynes


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