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Shell’s Intermittent Broadband

Extracts from Shell Energy customer reviews posted during the past few days on Trustpilot: “Been complaining for months about the intermittent broadband service from shell broadband. Without service again right now… Wish I read reviews beforehand AVOID !!!”: I really hope senior management at SHELL are reading this and can see how their bullying tactics and ruthless, flagrant ignorance of what is fair has cost them dearly.”

Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the companyThis article was posted on 06 July 2021.

Been complaining for months about the…

Been complaining for months about the intermittent broadband service from shell broadband. The only supplier I have ever had issues with! Nothing ever gets sorted with them been fobbed off multiple times. Without service again right now so I will be taking this up with the ombudsman because they’ve failed to sort it out and are breaching the contract as they aren’t supplying me the service I am paying for. Wish I read reviews beforehand AVOID !!!

UPDATE – I actually have email proof you was supposed to call me after 7pm last night ( Monday 5 th July) NO CALL! Now your saying your calling tonight. Won’t hold my breath. You’ve had plenty of opportunity to rectify

Avoid These Bullies!

Like a few others here, I ordered Broadband at my new address and nothing was installed as promised. They then tried to bully me into accepting that they had not breached the contract and have fought me all the way to the Ombudsman Service over £129 of early termination fees. Even the Ombudsman in their ruling clearly stated that Shell were at fault but they appealed this, blaming me and saying that redress of over £200 was excessive. £129 of that amount was their early termination fees which the Ombudsman ruled should be waived due to their error and £75 was redress for their service failures. They then tried to distort the truth in their appeal with the Ombudsman yet their own evidence contradicted their claims and showed them up!

I am still waiting for them to cancel the charges and pay the redress 2 weeks after their appeal was dismissed by the Ombudsman Service but the latest communication from them simply threatened me with debt collection!

So far it has cost them up to £335 plus VAT for the Ombudsman case fee, £129.80 in refunds and £75 in redress. (£539.80 in total) for completely failing to provide any service then trying to bully me into remaining as a customer and fighting me every step of the way. I would call that very good karma and very bad for profits. I really hope senior management at SHELL are reading this and can see how their bullying tactics and ruthless, flagrant ignorance of what is fair has cost them dearly.


AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS I’ve never ever had such bad internet I’ve left 1 star because there isn’t a option to leave any it’s a total rip off say you have 14 days cooling period yet took them 8 bloody weeks to even get us up and running when we was finally up and running the internet we was paying for was not has we was told didn’t even get half of what we was paying for tried 100 times to call them never got thru then said we owe them 250 cancelling fee tried to ring them to no avale now they have sent a letter from a dett collection well if I was you listen to the bad reviews not the good 1s this company needs shutting down and that’s the polite way of saying it totally utter utter con artists avoid at all costs go with talk talk or plus net there way way wayyyy better rot in hell shell ya honestly don’t even deserve to be up and running


total rip off company honestly its like trying to find a needle in a hay stack trying to get intouch with these it says you have a 14 days cooling off period yet we dident get sett up till 8 weeks later so the cooling off period ended before we was even up and running not only that it was no way near the speed you should be getting half it so in other words you cant stream you tube videos with out it buffering let alone any movies total rip off and now ive to pay £295 to cancel what a utter joke dont be fooled you will regreat it the company if thats what they want to call it needs SHUTTING DOWN ASAP total utter scum bags and thats being nice !!!!!!!!!

Absolute nightmare I’ve had no Internet…

Absolute nightmare I’ve had no Internet connection since 30th June,when I eventually do get through to someone by phone I just get told not their fault no la.dline either and I am registered with emergency care line,dreadful service

Massive scam. Please do not go with shell!

If I could put a -5 star I would. This company is a massive scam. They have charged me so much money & scammed me massively. A bill of over £600 has been racked up & they say that is what I’m using which I am not, I live in a 2 bed flat & they wanted to charge me over £175 a month. It is outrageous and had no help from shell they said it is my problem. I am a student & am paying an extortionate amount for a 2 bed flat. I was charged hundreds just in March when no one was in the flat! We were in lockdown and moved back home. Not a good supplier

We have had problems from the start

We have had problems from the start. With Internet dropping, sky q box only connecting sometimes. It has become a nightmare!! Hopefully a new router supplied by Shell energy things will get better!!

Appalling customer service

Appalling customer service, considering they know they are dealing with a vulnerable pensioner. Takes them ages to respond to emails, if at all. Offhand and unapologetic staff. They send letters and make calls, despite being asked to keep in contact online only due to the potential of confusing said pensioner by using any other form of communication. They don’t acknowledge the Direct Debit set-up for three months, and that was only when we’d had to tell them again it had been done. Earlier recognition of the DD would have been useful, as there was no information that could be referred to online when it was set up. Any problems could have been sorted promptly online if they communicated as expected and requested, but have not done so, and don’t appear to care that they have put somebody who is confused and unwell in debt. I could go on….

Lost 3 internet connections in 2 weeks

Had my connection just less than 2 weeks, already had 3 lost connections with no internet. Can’t be happy.

I have been connected now for about 3…

I have been connected now for about 3 weeks now , and have had about 8 days worth of Internet, always bad connection

I left my energy exchange to Shell as…

I left my energy exchange to Shell as instructed and now find my previous company thanking me for choosing them AGAIN.. i spent yesterday trying to get in touch with Shell and got nowhere so am now having to try yet again!!!!!

Unfortunately shell energy don’t seem…

Unfortunately shell energy don’t seem very well organised or maybe it’s their IT system. I have just moved house and taken “ Shell” with me. There computer doesn’t seem able to cope with this. I have received numerous emails asking for meter readings which when I log in I am unable to give as my account is not ready. Strangely my direct debit is already up and running. If they weren’t going to charge me £30 I would leave!

Treated Like Mushrooms

Shell Energy have never willingly kept me in the loop. 7 months, and I’m still having to submit a gas reading! I have rung/emailed on many occasions. To be fair, the telephone staff are grand, and do get things rolling. I then get emails to say all is resolved… However; come the end of the month an automatic email arrives asking for a reading.
I have finally been told, by email, that Shell are unable to read any Gas Smart Meters nationwide. It has taken far too long for Shell Energy to admit this, and I bet that this info will not be conveyed to every one of it’s customers.

Good so far but a setup mystery

I’m a new broadband customer so I can only comment so far on the switch process and setting up my new supply. It all went well except that I was told that I would not need to be at home on the changeover day, so I went out only to be called to say that the engineer needed to get into my flat because there was a technical problem. I arranged for access but was never told what the problem was, and I never had a technical problem with the previous internet supplier on the same phone line.

Hell, blasted hell!

What have I got myself into when signing with Shell for my energy supply? I complained on this platform with the hope that Shell might offer some solution. I was quite hopeful when Kyle asked me to contact him via email so he could look into it. More fool me as it appears that Shell has already considered my query as a ‘fait accompli’ as I got an email advising me that I would receive a call to explain how their system works! In the meantime I am asked to read their articles to understand my bills so there would be no need to contact them again. Woh! After the elelectric shock of having to pay a treble monthly charge now I got walIoped as a senile fool who don’t understand when I am left with little money after Shell has been diving into my bank account just after I joined them. To clarify I do not live in a castle, just in a two bedroom highly insulated flat that hardly needs any heating unless there is a dire temperature drop.

Please, Shell, if you think of fobbing me off with some ridiculous excuses when I am asking for solutions to my predicament arising from my stupidity of believing your quote for cheaper electricity, well, know that I not easily fooled. After such a reply I am beginning to think that ‘ Kyle’ is a automaton with generic replies and if and when they contact me again, I will update my review to inform others who like me feel conned by the promise of cheaper energy. And, please people out there, let me know how to get out of this mess. Is there some organisation one can turn to for remedy? Right now, I am sitting duck as Shell moves in with its killers’ bills!

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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