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Shell Broadband keeps cutting out and speed down to 4mb/s

09 March 2022

The content below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Broadband keeps cutting out and speed problem

Broadband keeps cutting out and speed down to 4mb/s. Tried all solutions on their website but no improvement so tried contact shell by landline but no one will answer phone calls .have been phoning for 2 days now at different times but no answer. time to look for new supplier

Terrible service for shell energy…

Terrible service for shell energy broadband customers. Eternal long contracts where you have no rights in terms of speed, which is far below the contract and what they promise. You can’t even cancel without hefty cancellation fees even if you are moving home where the service is not provided. You call service and all they want is to screw your over. Been trying to get rid of them for ages. I returned the router asap and paid for the usage I had. I also submitted a formal complaint and there is no mercy, no help when you wanna leave due to all this shortcomings. Avoid!! If speeds are slow they don’t care and charge! I wish they would let me go without further trouble and hefty fees when they provided awful internet for months and they still punish the customer. Horrible! Avoid at all cost.

Customer service is an absolute disgrace…

Customer service is an absolute disgrace – cannot contact them by either phone, email or chat… say they are ‘extremely busy’ on the website which is a poor excuse and a joke… maybe hire some more staff then, seeing as Shell are making record profits for years to come – folks if you want good customer service (and who doesn’t) avoid Shell like the plague – it’s truly horrendous.

Post office move to shell broadband

Post office move to shell broadband
And nobody is there for help
We are paying money for nothing and it’s almost more then 2 month and broadband is very very slow

Appalling broadband had no internet for…

Appalling broadband had no internet for over a week terrible customer service very rude u are on hold well over an hour still don’t get anyway after phoning up 3 times. There are sending an engineer out. Iam not happy and thinking of switching

Absolutely disgusted with these jokers

RE BROADAND Absolutely disgusted with these jokers. You CANNOT for love or money communicate with any person from this company ATALL. On the phone 40 mins, managed to speak to someone who said there is an error on my bill (it doubled)-put me through to billing-after another 40 mins still on hold. This is whilst having “live chat” open-nobody replied to that in an hour, tried twitter, no reply on that either? Anyone interested in helping as now going to the ombudsman


How do customers that have been transferred from the Post Office broadband supplier without their choice to Shellenergy broadband supplier actually access their ‘long standing’ Secondary Email accounts. We need to access these as a matter of urgency but despite being without access for over 6 days and spending hours on the telephone and the internet ‘chat’ being number 55 in the queue we can not get any help or even sense out of agents! Never known anything like it. We are hanging on in a queue as we speak, up to date 55 minutes wait and counting but staff do not seem to understand the problems, very dissatisfied and on the verge of screaming!!!!! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEELLLLLP please.

ShellEnergy broadband custer service rubbish

ShellEnergy broadband.
Trying to talk to customer service about a NEW order, was 1 hour in the telephone queue, before I spoke to someone, told them what I wanted, he put me on hold to find out, for another 15mins and counting, meanwhile online chat got a response after 1hr 12 mins, then could not change a call plan for me, hummm… simple request.
I then asked be better to cancel order and start again. told can’t do that via chat I must call customer service??? WHAT.
All this on a new order not even live yet . Rubbish service

Steer clear of this company at all costs

If I could have given a minus score I would have. My 77 year old neighbour has been without a landline for over 2 weeks now due to a line fault. Despite many phone calls, chats and letters of complaint and promises by them to ring her the only thing they have found time to do is send her a monthly bill. I am yet to decide if this company and staff are just totally incompetent or are just not bothered.

Last year the post office broadband was…

Last year the post office broadband was taken over by shell energy I was told that on Monday the 7th march every thing would be completed and when I logged in to my account i would be transferred to shell this happened and I was asked to login in again with my postoffice broadband email address and my password I did this and the system says that my email address and password are incorrect.i tried several times and then gave up.eventually I contacted shell all i got from them was we’ve sent an email to you registered account.(what good is that when I can’t get to my emails) I tried again but to no avail this time when I contacted shell the told me that they were changing my email address and will i confirm this.i have since contacted the CEO of shell energy but he like his company aren’t bothered as all i got from him was an email from one of his staff saying it could take up to 10 days to sort out.what a way to run a business if I didn’t have a contract with them i would be going elsewhere as I have lost all confidence with them and would suggest that any one thinking of using shell energy broadband then think again.

Shell Energy Broadband took my money…….

Shell Energy Broadband. Phone line disconnected. Charged for calls we haven’t made. Money taken by direct debit. Promised refund after hours on the phone. No refund after nearly a month. Called today to be told that ‘someone senior’ has cancelled the refund. Ofcom and Financial Ombudsman here I come.
Promised a call back by 14:30………still waiting

avoid at all cost liars and thevies…

avoid at all cost liars and thevies paid for superfast broadband never got anywhere near the speed i pay for my contract ends this month so i have just switched now they are charging me early exit fee and now they trying to get me to go out of my way to return the router AVOID

Useless on all fronts

Useless on all fronts. Maybe you should put a little more time into customer service and less time in to buying Russian oil!!!!!

Shell switch-over for Post Office email doesn’t work

My iPhone could receive and send Post Office emails until last Friday. After the switch-over to Shell Energy I cannot send or receive emails. On my MacBook I can receive but not send emails. Again, that was working fine until the switch-over to Shell Energy. I’ve just waited 43 minutes on the Shell Helpline with no response. Strangely, my old Android phone can still send and receive emails. Is there a known problem with Apple mail?

Just an appalling level of service

Just an appalling level of service. I have been trying and failing to get access to my account for some 5/6 months now. Shell Energy are near impossible to contact, and after an hour or so of webchat or waiting on a phone, the person that I have spoken to has given the same advice that does not address the issue of accessing my account. Like most; held to ransom and stuck with a joke of a supplier until things maybe one day settle down. Horrid.

I have spent 3 hours on the phone and…

I have spent 3 hours on the phone and still got no where.

Dreadful service

Dreadful service. Promised a resolution, didn’t happen. No explanation.

Highest prices for lowest servise

They recently took over my home phone line from post office telecom, since then I have experienced 3 times within 2 weeks where the phone line went off, and each time it takes me approx an full hour to get through to these un experience staff on phone or on live chat. . .after paying a huge monthly bill, compare to other providers. . .

Your oil company is a disgrace to…

Your oil company is a disgrace to America. Me and a large percentage of American’s believe you should take your communist oil company and move to Russia. By the way, is Shell oil the dark or white part of the chicken manure?

The guy on the phone was excellent

The guy on the phone was excellent. Alan knew exactly what he was at. Unfortunately Shell are the worst provider of any service I have ever dealt with. Things DO NOT go better with Shell!!!!!

Avoid Shell energy, awful service!

We were moved to Shell energy and although we had an estimated read from our old company they got it wrong and over charged us £303 back in January. I promptly called them to get it resolved, I was promised it would be and that I should wait for next month’s bill. Next month there was no change. I had to call again in February and they said they had no record of me calling in. This 2nd rep said he would fix it and to wait for next month’s bill. Needless to say nothing happened and when I called they said they had no record of the call. Really?? Why bother saying all calls are recorded then? Frustrated, I finally got someone to change the initial read, this rep called to say it was resolved. I said how I still have the charges! Rep said she was only resolving the meter read nit charges – what do I care about the numbers if you don’t change the incorrect bill. ALL I care about is that I have to pay more for your mistake!
Terrible customer service wouldn’t recommend. Avoid if you can! Had similar issue at work took over 16 months to finally resolve.



Landline only transferred over from Post Office and tariff almost doubled. The customer service from Shell is terrible, i spent more than 1 hour on hold on several occasions and nobody could speak to me. I sent emails on behalf of elderly neighbour reporting a line fault and requesting a phone call to my mobile (but nobody ever called me back) I even said I would contact OFCOM then suddenly the line issue gets ‘mysteriously’ fixed, but nobody deems it worthwhile giving elderly people a phone call to either apologise or even say that it is fixed (or what the issue was)



AS AT TODAY 9/3/22 STILL HADNT HEARD FROM SHELL COMPLAINT , Complete waste of my time the whole 1 month + exercise (Theyd clearly broken the complaints opportuned period to respond to me, as well as missed my complaint which asked for a cancellation during the cooling off period)

I have now spoken to retention and awaiting a managers call in the wake of a cancellation request which was handled by claire in the retention dept.

Ill use the yardstick of due diligence & everyone here to gauge when the MANAGERS call will come…Truth is from 2nd of feb to now i got no response on my complaint afterwhich i made another on 9th if feb – so i will not hold my breath on customer care coming soon.

Lets wait and see!

Shocking customer service!!! Avoid!!!

Hi everyone, I was transferred to Shell Energy when my previous supplier, Green Energy, went bust. Unfortunately, although Green Energy supplied a correct final electricity meter reading, it gave an incorrect gas reading to Shell, even though I’d supplied them online. Green Energy should have transferred a much bigger credit to Shell, but sent only £39. I’ve been querying this with Shell ever since. They keep asking me to email photos of my meter readings a week apart, I keep emailing them and they’ve ignored them all. I’ve even tried sending them to a different email address they gave me. I’ve phoned them loads of times and emailed several times and they never do what they promise. I am completely sick of them. All they do is waste my time and I’m too busy for this. Now they’ve had the cheek to refer this to a debt management company in spite of my constant communications. I’m going to complain in the strongest possible terms to the energy ombudsman. Do yourselves a favour, avoid Shell Energy. And btw, I’m NOT going to give out my customer account number below where the world and his wife can see it. If you can’t have the courtesy to reply to my emails or telephone calls, I have little hope you’ll do it here. Absolutely shocking.

worst company

This is possibly the worst company, I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.
Due to the energy price increase I was forced into becoming a customer with shell in October 2021.
My actual account didnt open until January 2022, why it took this long is beyond me as I know other people who had been switched within a month.
During this time I found my gas meter to be faulty and was unable to get them to do anything as I wasnt officially a customer.
Once the account was set up and after numerous phone calls to the customer service team (who are not actually capable of providing any level of service other than poor) I finally got an appointment in March 2022, lo and behold the day came and went and i was informed they would not be coming and i would need to wait a further 3 weeks for another appointment.
During this time I have not been able to provide a gas meter reading and as i live alone, know that i will be getting overcharged horrendously from estimated readings provided by shell.
No one from the company cares or is willing to do anything about it, my advice is to avoid any and all dealings with shell, as you will not be satisfied, and will possibly pay a premium if anything were to go wrong.

Absolute bullies

Absolute bullies, we moved home on October 2021 and told our previous energy company who went bust a week or so later. They sent us a final bill and owed us £54. Shell took them over and have since denied we moved (have bills from Scottish power since October 2021) for the new property and they won’t accept we’ve moved. They didn’t sort an account for us until January 2022 so we couldn’t try and resolve it sooner. However that wouldn’t of mattered anyways we weve sent them final readings from previous property, the final bill from pure planet, the old landlord has asked them to pay it but all in vain. They don’t accept anything and are instead increasing the amount we owe month on month insisting we still live there.
It’s causing my partner lots of stress and anxiety as they’ve told her it will affect her credit score not paying and have demanded so far £400+ for a property we haven’t lived in for over 6 months.

Either very unorganised or just trying it on.

I’ve spent so much time on the phone explaining that I did not live in a property for the period they are saying. I have provided proof, they agree and say they will sort it out. They do not! I have called up multiple times re-explaining and not getting anywhere. I am still receiving emails saying I owe the money. Additionally, my first months rent for a studio apartment is over £120 which is clearly completely wrong. Will be switching as soon as possible.
Either very unorganised or just trying it on.

Absolutely flabbergasted.

Absolutely flabbergasted.
I’ve been transferred from Pure Planet to Shell. (If I had a choice I wouldn’t of choose Shell and my thoughts are correct)
My pure planet account was in credit by £343 and now shell have taken the funds saying it’s due to them not receiving any payments from Oct – Dec.

When Pure Planet and I had a direct debit and payments were taken for those months. (I’ve got proof)

I thought this issue was resolved last month after a horrific phone call with a guy reading a script. I asked to speak to someone else and once I spoken to another guy it was all sorted, so I thought.

I got an email yesterday saying my credit has been changed over to shell.
I’ve gone back into my account now and saw that it’s now minus again.
I just called back and they said they’ve took it because of not paying since October. (He kept saying the same information I was already given on the phone call last month, it was already resolved and I just had to wait for a refund but he refused to listen)

I sent proof of the payments I made to PP from Oct til Dec.

The guy I spoke to the 2nd time on my first phone call said all funds will be paid by PP by the end of February and I should expect an email with confirmation of the credit.
Which I did yesterday and now it’s gone again with them using the same excuse as they did on my first call.

My credit wasn’t built up with Shell. Yet they’ve taken my money.

I’m not happy at all.
I’ll be taking it much much further.
Their customer service is shocking, they’re not helpful, they refuse to listen and it feels like shell are using any excuse to take money off clients.

Shell should never of got involved with credited accounts.
It isn’t our fault as a consumer that these companies go bust and we’re the ones paying the price for it now.

Reading through reviews, it seems like an ongoing issue with Shell.
A big corporation like this can’t fix the simple things.
Not happy.

Truly an “operator of last resort” as you would never want to choose them.

It’s been over a month since a query where Shell sent a bill (this was paid) cancelled and re-issued a new bill (fine, one was based on estimates – no problems) but is refusing to use the full payment /credit of the cancelled bill as part payment on the new bill, instead only using a part of it – without explaining why. It has taken 7 chases to get one response, which itself was just as incompetent as their billing systems. Truly an operator of last resort in that you should avoid dealing with them if you have the option to.

Completely Untrustworthy

Transferred to Shell Energy last year when Green went bust and like others on here my credit from Green , £300 plus ( which fortunately I took a screenshot off before the site was taken down ) seems to have vanished , negated by a single huge debit for 3 times my normal consumption , at a time when there was no one in my house since I was away on a business trip out of the country and has to be contrived .
I suspected as much when the first contact from Green last year told me “don’t worry it will all sort itself out eventually “
Since then made repeated complaints via the app for a simple list of debits and credits to my account , met with a barrage of words by the same lady operator who refuses to give me it referring me to the app.
The same app which conveniently shows no consumption detail for last year !!
Today 8 th March I ask to escalate my complaint via their complaints procedure to be told there isn’t one !!!
No written complaints process to follow for a huge International Company, and no matter how many times I ask no referral possible to a manager , absolute Rubbish
I will have to go direct to the Ombudsman
My advice for anyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with this company is keep careful manual records and screenshots with dates of every detail , . You will need it later
Like dealing with TalkTalk 10 years ago , charlatans

Appalling switch from green

I was moved across from green energy six months ago and have so far had nothing telling me what I am paying, my direct debits have stopped and I have no log in details. They cant help me because I dont have an account number. Well why dont they try giving me an account number then? My most recent emails are unanswered after 11 days. Appalling. Surely it can’t be this difficult. I will be moving to another supplier as soon as possible.

Incompetent fools

All our payments were up to date with Green, nothing from Shell for two months. Then told we owed over £500. Which was a mistake, then told us we were behind so had to increase our payments. Set up direct debit for 1st of every month. Nothing came out, phoned again, set up direct debit again. This month, still nothing has come out. These people are incompetent, useless, untrained fools. I kept that very polite. Have to wait in queue for ages when I call, now I will be shouting at someone.

Worst company EVER

I have never ever been placed in a worst company than Shell! They have stolen £80 of my money that had been placed with Green Energy – when Green collapsed that money was automatically placed with Shell. Why was this not refunded to us?
We left the UK (thankfully) on the 22nd September to go to Turkey and came home on the 12th December no gas and no electric was used for nearly 3 months!!
I then had a bill on the 12th January with the Bill period stated from the 27th September to the 12th January with a bill of £53.51 which I paid on my debit card £43.51 with £9.71 left to pay on our February bill but my £80.00 has TOTALLY DISAPPEARED no sign of it anywhere several phone calls today – not in the UK – India and South Africa totally useless! I have had enough Shell YOU ARE A TOTAL DISGRACE!!!

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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