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Shell Broadband Worst ISP I’ve been with in over 20 years

“…the connection drops on average half a dozen times a day, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for longer. 
If you call customer service, expect to be on hold for 40 – 50 minutes every time. I have so far spent around 4 hours on the telephone to them. Even British Airways is a shining beacon of excellent customer service compared to Shell Broadband.”

3 APRIL 2022

The content above and below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Worst ISP I’ve been with in over 20 years

My “service” (I hesitate to call it that) from Shell Broadband started 3 weeks ago. First router not working properly (WPS function not working). Replacement router sent after I chased it (original promise of a replacement apparently overruled by a manager), same problem. Was asked to sort this out myself using the router gateway. Told customer service I was not confident and expected a working product. They nevertheless sent an incomplete e-mail with instructions on how to access the router gateway, but no further info on what to do then. Didn’t matter as connecting to the router gateway was not possible anyway.

WPS problem aside, the connection drops on average half a dozen times a day, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for longer. In 20+ years of using ISPs, this has never happened to me before. As the lines are the same for all providers, I have to think it is Shell’s substandard router that is to blame.

If you call customer service, expect to be on hold for 40 – 50 minutes every time. I have so far spent around 4 hours on the telephone to them. Even British Airways is a shining beacon of excellent customer service compared to Shell Broadband.

Have raised a formal complaint requesting either a working router or being allowed to terminate my contract without further charge. As their product is not fit for purpose, I fully intend to take this to Ofcom if I have to, just so as to escape them at the earliest possible time.

Do yourself a favour and give Shell Broadband a wide berth, even if they are slightly cheaper. There are any number of better providers out there.


Over seven(7) months still haven’t got my account properly up and running. Live chat is a joke, spent 3 days going round and round the mulberry bush, and when I did eventually get through the guy didn’t even know what WHD was. Tried email and when you do eventually get a reply its completely unrelated to the subject you emailed about, I could go on but I’m losing the will to live. Thank you OFGEM I shall be eternally grateful to you for making my life a misery

The worst service ever

The worst service ever . Despite numerous emails , hours on the phone transfer from Pure Planet has not even started . No account , no bill . Nothing. And a rude and unhelpful operator

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company

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