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Shell Energy is a horrible, unhelpful, terrible company

25 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

This company has the very worst…

This company has the very worst customer service in the planet. I was without internet for days. I work online and couldn’t work for 3 days and a half. They never sent an engineer. I saw an Openreach vsn, and the guy was good enough to come and check my connection. It was the router. The engineer sent his notes, and Shell should have sent the router. They wouldn’t. It was not the engineer that they sent, although it was an Openreach engineer, who was the only person who knew what SERVICE is. Horrible, unhelpful, terrible company. Good riddance.

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company. Shell Plc CEO Ben Van Beurden openly admitted at the Shell AGM held in London on 23 May 2022 that all is not well at Shell Energy. 

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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