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Terrible service. Slow internet. Impossible to contact support

Shell Energy Broadband Reviews recently posted on

Reviewer Michael: Location Southampton: Date 2022-11-08


Terrible service. Slow internet. Impossible to contact support, very difficult to cancel (even out of contract). Avoid.

Reviewer Ken: Location Stourbridge: Date 2022-11-07


How on earth this outfit calls itself a utility company is beyond me. Honestly I could write a book! Incompetent doesn’t come close. I would advise everyone to keep well clear of these idiots

Reviewer tony trude: Location chichester: Date 2022-11-05


i was taken over from post office who were very good-shell customer service does not exist,it takes aweek for them to reply to a email, there bill management is incompetent and VERY aggresive-ime changing providers asap

Reviewer Sue: Location Carlisle: Date 2022-11-04


Changed to new contract supposed to be 19/10/22 did not have any Internet for 2weeks kept ringing 1hiur wait till anyone answered. Said line could be faulty. Openreach would come and check heard nothing after taking time of. Needed Internet since husband connected to hospital. Kept phoning then they said it was router. Sent router out still didn’t work. Phoned again said they had sent wrong router and would put in a complaint and some would phone 31/10/2022 guess what no one rang. So waited again router said they would send it by dpd since urgent came by post. Rang again said someone was phoning 2/11/2022 still no one did. So rang again 3/11/2022. Asked to speak to a manager got told they can’t put you through policy. So he spoke to him said he couldn’t ring for 48 hours since he was busy. Asked if he worked Saturday said no so how can he ring. Chap I got was working from home could hear cat in background I asked him if he was and he said yes. Still waiting. Do not go with this company. I was transfered from post office

Reviewer Joe: Location Lincoln: Date 2022-11-04


A bunch of inept, incompetent crooks. Six weeks so far of internet dropping out over 50 times per day. This is despite two engineers coming out and 11 phone calls. Heaven knows how much time has been wasted here. Finally managed to cancel but but compensation despite clearly not delivering on their side of the contract. Save your time and energy and go with any internet provider other than Shell Energy. You have been warned …

Reviewer Aar: Location Fylde: Date 2022-11-03


Got sold over by post office broadband.
Service went down hill, no connection for days, email telling my new price, then billed roughly £10 more. Website is useless, trying to contact them is unnecessarily difficult. Avoid them.

Reviewer SJD: Location Wiltshire: Date 2022-11-03


The actual WiFi itself is no issue. The issue is their completely incompetent staff. No problems cancelling the contract (shocker) – that was October.2 different staff members had confirmed that there was £47-something credited to my account and a refund of said credit would be paid on the 2nd of November. It has not. Talking to their customer services was like talking to a wet leaf. I went round and round in circles only to be told that there wasn’t an account in my name, so there was nothing credited to said account and whoever had said there was, shouldn’t have because my credit was 0 despite one worker saying I could use the credit on my account to pay for a different broadband deal if I wanted to (I havent). Not only have they taken whatever was on my account, they’ve also tried charging me £35 for a router I’ve already sent back??

Truly awful “customer service”….if you can call talking to a brick wall customer service

Reviewer Danielle: Location Backwell, Bristol: Date 2022-11-03


Customer service is appalling. I had to cancel a home move for my elderly vulnerable mother who relies on an emergency care line. I called & explained she was no longer moving, told them to undo the request to cancel the landline & broadband. I had confirmation on the phone this had been actioned. I followed this up with an email 2 months before cancellation was due to take effect. This was not actioned & service was cut off leaving my elderly mother with no emergency line or broadband. I rang customer service eventually answered then promptly cut off. Didn’t ring back after 2 attempts requesting callback. 4th attempt I waited 1 hour & was passed through 3 depth, only to be told she would have to ring sales to get set back up & it would take 2 weeks. Absolutely disgraceful. Their error but take no responsibility for it. I would not recommend this company for broadband. I have spent hours over the term of my mother’s contract sorting out issues, this isn’t the 1st time they didn’t action a request on their helpline.

Reviewer steven hodgson: Location minehead: Date 2022-11-01


shocking in every sense of the word robbers and scammers to say the least, i wish i`d have read reviews before purchase because i would have ran a mile, locked into dreadful contract service and customer services are beyond a joke.

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