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Shell’s Prelude Facility: Where Safety Takes a Backseat to Explosive Ambitions

Repeated Safety Violations: Because One Breach Just Isn’t Enough

Posted By John Donovan 18 August 2023

In an awe-inspiring display of audacity, Shell’s Prelude FLNG facility has recently unveiled its unconventional approach to workplace safety – one that is sure to set new standards in the realm of fiery entertainment. The facility, nestled off the picturesque coast of Western Australia, doubles as a thrilling unintended firework extravaganza, exposing workers to risks of explosions and flames.

With a stature that demands attention and an attitude that scoffs at safety regulations, the facility extracts, liquefies, and stores natural gas with an added element of surprise.

 Australia’s vigilant offshore regulator, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (Nopsema), has sounded the alarm over Shell’s inadvertent foray into pyrotechnics.

In an attempt to break the monotony, Shell’s Prelude FLNG facility isn’t content with just one safety breach. Nopsema suggests that the facility operator is on a mission to pioneer the art of flouting occupational health and safety laws repeatedly. A true trailblazer, Shell seems determined to redefine the boundaries of worker endangerment, reminding us all that commitment to worker well-being is merely a suggestion.

Occupational health and safety laws are like traffic signals – they’re meant to be ignored, right? After all, why should the lives of those working under potentially explosive conditions matter? It’s not like a little combustion can’t be considered a team-building exercise.

Shell’s Prelude FLNG facility’s enchanting fire and explosion risks are an eloquent testament to the lengths companies will go to create unique employee experiences. It’s all about embracing the sizzle and pop, even if it means sacrificing a few lives. Remote locations and intricate operations are mere trifles when weighed against the thrill of playing with fire – literally.

Shell’s Prelude FLNG facility has truly outdone itself, providing a scorching reminder that human lives and environmental preservation are overrated. Let the bells ring, the alarms sound, and the flames dance as we marvel at the audacity of a company that makes no secret of its priorities. The oil and gas industry’s collective commitment to valuing safety over spectacle is a quaint notion; let’s toast to that with a Molotov cocktail.

Shell is cordially invited to correct any inaccuracies that might detract from the brilliance of their fiery achievements and provide a closing comment to further illuminate their red-hot dedication to the cause.


Shell’s Prelude FLNG Facility’s Safety Breach Raises Fire and Explosion Risks: Ken Research

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