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Further Shell News Update 27 June 2017

Canada M&A Hits Decade-High as Foreign Owners Flee Oil Sands: Bloomberg: 27 June 2017

Mergers and acquisitions in Canada are set for the strongest start in a decade as foreigners sell their oil sands investments. ConocoPhillips and Royal Dutch Shell Plc are leading the exodus amid a bear market for crude.

Big Oil: Surviving at $40, Thriving at $60: Barron’s: 26 June 2017

The price of oil is rising today, but that hasn’t helped oil stocks like ExxonMobil (XOM), Chevron (CVX), Total (TOT), and Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A), which remain little changed or under pressure. We expect companies to continue pulling on all operational and financial levers in order to adjust to the oil price reality…

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