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Shell Energy Customer Service is Absolute Rubbish

The content below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

17 Sept 2021

Terrible service numerous phone calls…

Terrible service numerous phone calls to sort issues, customer service very good at stating things will be sorted but actually haven’t been in reality. Final straw today as a letter arrived from the debt collector before we’ve even received the final bill we were told was on its way! My husband telephoned to sort out and escalate but told no management available. If this is not sorted my student daughter may have credit issues through this companies incompetence, let alone the anxiety caused by receiving such a letter ! Throughout we have provided readings, moving in and out dates, at one point a helpful lady appeared to have resolved one issue but then others occurred ! Other reviews state good customer service but sadly no resolutions in our case as of yet.

Customer service is absolute rubbish

Was completely happy with this company have been with them several years on a FIXED tariff since joining them up until this month have been in constant credit with them as with prior companies then they cocked up and some reason cancelled my DD was not worried as was in lot of credit after restoring DD by me All sorted so I thought but 4 months latter my account went slightly in debit by less than £20 now they have doubled my DD without contacting me I immediately rang them up and eventually got through on a very bad connection where they are not clear as to what they were saying Allso there was a very bad and loud echo on phone line as I have some hearing problems I found this prevented any clear communication I am now having to look for another supplier

Spoke to Elizabeth on your chat service…

Spoke to Elizabeth on your chat service today around 2pm. She was very rude and unhelpful. Didn’t want to help me with a simple question! Not happy and this is the first time I used your chat service. Please can this be passed onto a Manager so perhaps further training can be provided to Elizabeth. Thanks

I feel greatly misled by this company

I feel greatly misled by this company. The initial quotes I was given showed that I’d be paying less than the existing energy supplier at the time. Three months after switching to Shell, I was told that the initial quote given to me was wrong, and the monthly bill shot up to £230.
Extremely dishonest.
Just can’t wait to get out of the contract.

Absolutely useless service

Absolutely useless service. Shell use third parties that don’t have any incentive to pass on correct info. Their processes for dealing with things mean you end up repeating details every call, and shell call centre rarely follow up on anything in the way they promise

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