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Shell Energy Company is a Joke

“I would give zero stars if possible. When I asked for the email address so I could start a complaint, the man on the chatline took an hour to tell me they did not have an email! This company is a joke.”: “Despite several complaints and continuous bad reviews submitted this appalling company have yet to return promised calls. Total incompetence at understanding simple questions…”: What an utterly useless company, customer service is non-existent…”

08 Feb 2022

The content above and below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

I would give zero stars if possible

I would give zero stars if possible. When I asked for the email address so I could start a complaint, the man on the chatline took an hour to tell me they did not have an email! This company is a joke. When I told them my meter was not recording properly they said it would cost me £500 to get it checked, but if what I said was true I would not have to pay. Why do I not get compensation if I am right?

Totally incompetent

Despite several complaints and continuous bad reviews submitted this appalling company have yet to return promised calls. Total incompetence at understanding simple questions
Seems they just make up platitudes to move you along.
I really hope this company goes bust so offgem can move me elsewhere

Been trying to get in touch with this…

Been trying to get in touch with this company now for 6-weeks I’ve emailed them telephone them but still no reply has regards my feeding tariff with them unfortunately in December I missed my December readings due to being in hospital with heart failure and I did get in touch with one person he just fob me off with customer services which never answered the phone very poor Communications

Refusing to correct billing error

Refusing to correct billing error

We were transferred to Shell Energy as our supplier went bus.

Shell setup our new account, and recording an opening balance some 2,000 kWh lower than our last bill from the previous provider.

Shell are refusing to correct their error. Should be quite simple – we provided a copy of the final bill, and they still have access to the online records.

Shell’s solution – ask us for a new meter reading, and then another 7 days later – and they will somehow magically calculate an adjusted opening balance.

Somehow their magic algorithm is going to give a “more accurate” opening reading…than the actual closing reading from my previous provider!

Who thinks this stuff up?

And how do they get away with it?

Stay away from them.

All I wanted was to change my Direct…

All I wanted was to change my Direct debit fro my nationwide account to my Santander account. After doing this online and only getting error as a response I clicked contact us expecting to speak to someone ( how naive am I) I end up with a virtual assistant chat that could not help despite my wording the question as many ways as possible hoping for an answer, I was then asked if I wanted a live chat, yes yes yes , so I joined a queue with 35 people in front of me, when the queue got down to 16 l was dropped out!! So I had to start again, I still haven’t been able to change DD. What an utterly useless company, customer service is non existent, to busy making money for their shareholders. Absolutely rubbish.

Shell Energy More Mess Ups….

I already have a complaint listed for this company that i have recently joined due to Pure Planet going into liquidation. Ofgem automatically joined me to this company.

This time my complaint is that Shell are rubbish at doing their maths.
£70.18cr + £30cr + £30cr + £90 d.debit = £220.18 Total credit altogether.
Your company have missed off one of my £30cr and state my total payments as 190.18.

I also made another payment so my account is all up to date but obviously that payment hadn’t been made at the time you did this bill.
Please get my total payments sorted, i have saved everything so you wont get away with it and i will be on your case until you do.
We shouldnt have to keep tracks on the billing, so sort your company out. Needless to say the two payments of £30 is because you messed up twice already. When my account is settled and we all know what is going on with the Energy Companies i will be leaving. I’ve never had so much hassle!!


I was transferred to shell energy when my supplier ceased trading and this was handled very well, however, they opened another account with my details, all without asking me or telling me, imagine my surprise when purely by chance i found out that i was now responsible for the energy not just on my house but another one too! i have managed to speak to them and asked why when and who gave this instruction as i certainly did not, all they have admitted thus far is its a misunderstanding, i call it a lot more than that, so just check-up that you are not suddenly expected to pay other peoples energy usage, and now I find they are asking for energy readings on a daily basis, they clearly have little idea as to what they are doing as they are going from bad to worse at least in my case, thus far they have not deducted any money apart from my own standing order but for how long before they start doubling that? it is very worrying to say the least.

dont trust these reviews

shocking experience with Shell as they’re trying to con me out of money that i dont really owe

also, dont trust these reviews. go and check out Shell’s Google reviews as they’re more accurate and considering Trustpilot are not to be trusted themselves as Shell are probably their customers and i know exactly how Trustpilot operates and they’re dodgy as ……!

Utterly fed up with this supplier

Utterly fed up with this supplier. I am owed credit from them. I left pure planet just before they went under. This company is responsible for handling the accounts. I have provided the PP bill & account details and my final reading for which I am in credit £195. It has been over 14 weeks and I am still waiting for my money. They have not replied to my email complaint after 7 days. Shell energy website says “OOPs – page can not be found” when a complaint has been sent via their online portal. This is the last time I will be in credit with any E&G supplier again. The distress and time this is causing is not exceptable, even in the present climate.


Perhaps the slowest service ever

Perhaps the slowest service ever. Will switch.

Broadband & phone transfer from Post…

Broadband & phone transfer from Post Office

Like others have experienced in the bungled transfer I also received a demand for payment out of nowhere with threats to disconnect my services. Yet a previous email from them stated I need do nothing i.e they sort out the transfer of the direct debit. There was no email address to contact them so I used the contact us webpage. I got confirmation of the message. That was several days ago. Utterly incompetent. I might add that since Shell took over the broadband it has been dropping regularly, something I had not experienced with the Post Office. I recommend you avoid Shell Energy!

Didn’t solve anything

Didn’t solve anything, uncontactable

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company

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