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Shell Energy Broadband WiFi doesn’t work. Getting Support is Impossible!

12 March 2022

The content below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy Broadband published on Trustpilot.

WiFi doesn’t work. Getting support is impossible!

I had Shell Energy broadband installed yesterday after waiting a week for an engineer. The internet connectivity seems ok, but the WiFi won’t switch on. Connecting with the support last night on webchat was painful. It took 2 hours to get to an agent, who then brushed me off with *switch on your WiFi” and “have you tried your username and password?” Before dropping the call. I’ve been holding for their telephone “support” for over an hour.

Doubled my broadband bill,

Doubled my broadband bill, unable to ge through by phone, just kept hanging on. trouble logging on. complete shambles

Try whoever cares.

 made a complaint regarding no internet on Sunday 27TH February, I’ve tried calling in excess of 10 times, never got through only spoken to the sales line who then put you back on hold. My longest time on hold is 1hour 45 minutes, your social media team have been kida helpful, I’ve received 3 routers, this still hasn’t resolved the issue.

I can’t speak to anyone so please whoever reads this

Can you

1 Fix the bloody internet
2 respond
3 answer calls
4 tell me how I can move suppliers

You’re customer service is worse than BT which takes some doing

Broadband Failure.

This review is about their broadband service. I’ve been without broadband for over 2 weeks now and it looks like it’ll be several more days before I get the replacement router if i get it. I’ve made several calls, I’ve been called once back and put on hold, I’ve had openreach round to check the line to confirm it’s the router that’s failed. My first call was ignored, they wrongly put the broadband failure down to general area problems rather than testing the line and since then it hasn’t got any better with not a joined up service in sight. Today I have again been promised that the router will be sent to me and should be with me in about 5-days, we will see. How I wish I could cancel the contract and go elsewhere.

We switched providers but they are still charging us

We switched broadband provider and they are still charging us 3 months on. When I finally got through to customer service they said ‘your router must not be working and transferred’ me to technical services as if they had not even listened to what I had said. SO bizarre. Definitely a company to avoid.

I just can’t explain how awful they…

I just can’t explain how awful they are. I’ve been in tears due to this company as they refuse to let me leave them even though out internet hasn’t worked in the last 4 months we’ve had it. 2 Open reach engineers, 2 routers. Not working, they’re happily breaching the contract but won’t let me leave as it’ll apparently breach mine!! I work from home and have had to use all my holiday for 2022 as well as paying crazy prices for extra 4G to help me work.

I’ll write a proper review once i’ve had the time to get everything written out but they have lied to me repeatedly, hung up while doing “tests on the line” twice, won’t offer any money back to cover my 4G and work, not even a refund for my internet not working.

I’m desperate to leave and can’t. Torture and the worst service I’ve ever had. Can’t wait to get some money back via the small claim court but I wish I didn’t have to as this is all so time consuming and frustrating.

Shell have just taken over my Post…

Shell have just taken over my Post Office Home Phone and Broadband. I now cannot access my online account, cannot get my email running, and hanging on the phone forever. Has anyone had a smooth transfer?

Their app doesn’t work properly

Their app doesn’t work properly. It refuses to log me in despite my having the right details and their is no option on their contact form for broadband customers.

Awful. Just awful.

My broadband account was transferred from the Post Office at a much higher rate. Tried to get through to negotiate a better rate numerous times, waiting over an hour on hold each time. The first time I finally got through, the call handler agreed a new rate and told me someone needed to call me back the next day just to confirm the speed. No-one called. 2 days later I tried to call again and after 90 minutes on hold I gave up. The next day I got through after waiting on hold just over an hour. The agent said there was no record of my previous call and would transfer me someone else to get me the new rate. I think what then happened is he just put me on mute as there was no hold music, just what sounded like someone clicking onto then off the line. I still waited 20 minutes -i figured I’d come this far- then gave up. I sent emails which were not replied to. I tried IM and was told someone would get back to me. No-one did. I went to a new provider. I emailed Shell to ask for a QR code to return their router within 30 days. 2 weeks and no reply. Then I discovered Shell billed me for a month after leaving them. I can’t get through to get this rectified. I sat on hold to customer service for 40 minutes last night before giving up. I’m writing this while on hold, so far it’s been 35 minutes. I don’t even know if it’s possible to get through.

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company

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