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Shell Energy Broadband is an absolute shambles

…previously with an isp that they took over. And as soon as they did internet speeds were throttled to almost dial up speeds…

28 MAY 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

previously with an isp that they took…

previously with an isp that they took over. And as soon as they did internet speeds were throttled to almost dial up speeds


SHELL ENERGY BROADBAND stop sending me lying letters because like a said am not in a contract with you & i’ve never been in a contract with you & any letters you send to me i am returning to sender because i am sick to death of the corruption and lies & i dont owe you nothing you owe me

This company is an absolute shambles

This company is an absolute shambles. They have made an error on our phone line but will not fix it. We are on week 4 of our complaint. Minimum wait time 1hour. Customer service care is non existent, they will not rectify anything, they always say will call you back, it’s fixed. Not true. Avoid this company if you can.

We have been using twitter as well but we just get the same response, same answers.

Into 4 weeks I don’t call that customer service and your response is just the same dialogue as the rest of your team. Nothing moves forward.

Terrible customer service

Terrible customer service. I called up yesterday on behalf of my elderly father to pay a bill and discuss his broadband requirements . I spoke to a chap called Jake who asked me to hand the phone to the bill payer in order to verify me. This happened and I was then able to speak to Jake about my requirements and paying the bill . Jake confirmed he was not trained to deal with my enquiry and said he would arrange a callback. I insisted that I needed to deal with this today and as Vulnerable adults I wanted this matter settle that evening as I am not always at my parents. We did not receive a call that evening. I called this morning from work to resume dealing with this issue and have been told by Hassan that there is no notes of our conversation nor are they authorized to speak to me about the account. I asked for the complaints department and was also denied. I am now forced to return to my parents in order to go through the whole process again with my elderly father .
1. why was the call not recorded. ( for training purposes) ?
2. Why was I told you do not have a complaints department. ?
3. Why are your staff not trained to deal with common enquiries.?

This is by far the worst customer service I have ever received. It was never like this with the post office.
If you are unable to provide a service then don’t tender for business.
Your staff are not trained and Hassan was very abrupt and unsympathetic to this situation. If you want to stick to rules then ensure calls are recorded so not to ask customers to repeat the process. You have wasted my time.
I could go on and on as I am so livid.


AVOID!!! Rude staff. Witholding my money for a direct debit they told me not to cancel and now will not acknowledge payments made towards my bill. I was switched with no choice due to failed supplier and am now spending hours and having to speak to tens of different people at shell to find anyone with any common sense to resolve the issue.

Appalling customer service and zero…

Appalling customer service and zero support and constant unresolved software issues, have received over 11 emails to change my password and have now run out of options for password reset and every time I try and log in it says’ Oops there is a problem’ not fit for purpose whatsoever and will be changing my provider asap as Shell Energy are useless, I have read other reviews and people have had to go to Resolver Martin Lewis for help, I was told they have paid money into a bank account for a man who is dead and the account closed, this is utterly unacceptable and unnecessary and unprofessional account number is 6034865

They are professional scammers

They are professional scammers. Will falsely bill you £100s, lie about the terms on contract, and leave you for weeks with no internet connection. Now have to pay £120 exit fee as have no other choice. Absolute scammers.

Before calling make sure you have a…

Before calling make sure you have a book ready as its a long wait and staff who dont really know what to do,

Terrified pensioner

I look after an 84yr old gentleman ..who is currently sat at home terrified …. I collect his mail weekly n the bill of 32.04 was paid 4 days late on the 16/5/ is 27th.. 11 days later n this company just sent him a bailiffs letter !!!! For a 4 day late payment at 32.04 ..who the hell u think u are is beyond me …I’m outraged ..he thinks ur coming to take his tv away …32.04 ..and it was paid in 16th May….absolutely furious u disgust me …did it ever cross this company’s mind peoples age or situation ..he’s housebound n I go once a week to sort his bills …ur a disgrace and this account will be cancelled when i ring back on Sunday 29th May!!!

Broadband over charge – Asking me to confirm basic information they should have

I got moved to their broadband from Post Office. I renewed with them for £17.99/month. My first bill had a rogue charge of £28.28 – I was charged just over £40 in total. I queried this and was eventually told it was an error and it would be credited to my next bill. I queried my direct debits with them because I was set to pay £17.99/month but obviously £28.28 is more than this. The lady on the phone agreed that my next month’s DD would be skipped and the next month’s would be about £10. Note: I had to lead this conversation with the advisor, she just agreed with me, and in hindsight I believe she agreed to get me off the phone.

Next month’s bill, no sign of the promised credit and £17.99 taken via DD. I queried this via live chat, was told I was advised incorrectly and I will not be credited. Raised a complaint. They asked me to verify what date, time and phone number I rang in and spoke to someone so they can investigate. Why does Shell not keep a log of calls against customer’s accounts? Whenever you have correspondence with a customer the operator should write a note on the account of what was discussed. This is absolute basic customer operations in my opinion.

They emailed me on 11th May (over 2 weeks ago) to say they have sent a “request” to listen to the phone call. A “request” it is not an absolute resolution and does not fill me with confidence – who have they sent this “request” to and what if it is denied? I’m out of pocket nearly £30. What is the timeline on this request?

They then sent me another email a few days ago saying they were waiting on me to give them information?! I’m just absolutely baffled that they ask me to give them the most basic information. I’ve raised a complaint because I am dissatisfied, they should have ALL notes, calls, emails, live chat readily accessible on my customer account. I have worked in Customer service roles across multiple industries and they have ALL done this. Shell are a huge, international, multi-billion pound company and they’re asking me for basic information.

Updating correct meter reading is not a rocket science. Is it?

I cant stress how disappointed I am with this company. When people are struggling to pay for the bill – at least they can record the correct meter recording and send the actual bill.

I notified them on 29 March that I will be leaving and provided the final meter reading with the photograph. However they have sent me expensive estimated reading. I have written them several times. Every time I get response saying it will be rectified on next bill but so far they have been issuing with same estimated bill.

I am really frustrated that such a small action would be taking this long. Updating correct meter reading is not a rocket science. Is it?

Random bills to overcharge

I’ had a smart meter installed and the final deemed reading taken. Thank goodness I also took a photo. Initially Shell provided a correct bill using the final reading from the old meter. Then several months later they randomly changed all the readings and added over £300 to my bill. This was followed by emails saying I had to increase payments. After contacting shell and pointing out they fake readings they changed them back to the right readings. This would not have happened if I had not pointed out the error. I had asked why and how this happened instead I received a “fake” apology and nothing else. I have tried to contact and had nothing. I had thought they couldn’t close a complaint unless I was happy – seem that was fake too. 3 weeks until the ombudsman. Really not happy. No service and no real apology.

The worst company ever have written 3…

The worst company ever have written 3 letters to top people no one acknowledged, have never had an estimated bill always put readings in then suddenly I get a bill in Feb £575 this is for a normal 3 bed house, I begged them to look at bills as historically biggest was £200 a month, just kep saying it was all estimated basically we do not give a toss pay it, so I got a smart meter fitted on 1st week april, guy could not wait to get out of my house only fitted haLf of it told me someone would come back, now its nearly June never happened despite numerous calls e mails etc, then was told just plug other part in it will work did that not only am I paying for Electric I am now paying for Gas I do not have any Gas apparently needs resetting I have to wait for a call really your customer service is dire!!! Thank you still waiting still paying for Gas have over £600 in arrears I am not upping my direct debit as they want me to put it up to 350.oo a month and I do not even have my heating on now unbelievable See less

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company. Shell Plc CEO Ben Van Beurden openly admitted at the Shell AGM held in London on 23 May 2022 that all is not well at Shell Energy. 

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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