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DO NOT TAKE ON SHELL BROADBAND: Charlatans, daylight robbery

17 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Worse mistake was to take on Shell…

Worse mistake was to take on Shell broadband. They are rip off company. You are given a service blindly. You have a 2 week “cooling off” period but thats BEFORE u have a service. This should go against consumer rights. Stuck with a company i do not want otherwise its £300 to cancel. What a p@ss take. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND SHELL BROADBAND IN ANY WAY OR SHAPE! stinging me for £35 for a router they did not clearly state needed to be returned. 3 phone calls later and they still charging me. Its a mickey mouse company whose logo is ” rip as many people off as possible. Steal their money and make it impossible for ppl to cancel. Charlatans, daylight robbery. It may be a cheaper provider but this is the reason why. I agreed 21.99 only to find they are charging me 23.99. Another compliant still no feedback. DO NOT TAKE ON SHELL BROADBAND.

Award winning Customer Service!!!! Not one bit of it

Award winning Customer Service!!!!! Not one bit of it !!!!!
I had a smart meter fitted on 16th February and within minutes of the engineer leaving it stopped working and hasn’t worked since. The unit switches itself off and on again many times a day and is clearly faulty but getting this issue resolved has been a nightmare and continues to be. The metering department say neither they or the supplier know what the fault is and cannot give me a time for resolution. What !!! One of the world’s largest company’s cannot get a reason out of their supplier??? I have never heard such nonsense.

When you call customer services you get varying explanations about why my querie has not been dealt with. It is impossible to speak with a Manager to escalate the issue. I have tried emailing but it takes ages to get a response and one person even asked me what they could do to resolve my issue ….. Why don’t we start by sending me a new unit and then we can go from there.

Finally got a new unit after ringing shell every week since 16th February but unfortunately when told an engineer would call me back to talk me through the setting up process…. Guess what …. Nobody called of course

Shell energy has to be the worst company for customer service I have ever come across and they are a bunch of incompetents who cannot recognise when really someone should step in to solve an issue or a manager is required to deal with the issue

Terrible, awful, appalling service, with one staff member going above and beyond

Terrible service, I changed over to a smart meter at the beginning of April (electricity only they couldn’t do the gas) the last bill I received was in March, due to the increases and being on a low income, I was extremely anxious, that I did not receive a high bill, that I could not pay, so much so that I went without essentials, in order to make high payments each month. I called Shell several times, told it was being dealt with NOTHING, I emailed, got a response, basically saying I would get a bill soon, despite responding NOTHING. I used the chat service, who were closed, told I would be contacted NOTHING, I raised a complaint, got received email, but yes you’ve guessed it NOTHING, I then received a bill whoop whoop,but it was for over £1400. NO WAY, I was frantic, I tried calling waited in call que several times, only to be cut off, I finally got through to customer service, however I could hardly understand, due language issues, what I did get was that they would escalate, and thank you is there anything else I can help you with today, by this time my frustrations had brought me to tears. Especially as the monies were due to come out of my account in less than a week, which would leave me in a severe overdrawn status. I searched for another Shell number, and called it, I must have pushed the wrong section button when given the options, thank the lord I did, I got through to Ahmed, although he was not responsible for dealing with this type of query, he could hear my distress and promised to do his best to help me, and he did, Shell had made an error,I won’t go into all the details, only to say at the end of it my correct updated bill leaves me in credit. So thank you Ahmed, you are a credit to Shell and I hope they recognise this, you kept me updated, and sorted this within two days, I had been trying for 2.5 months. I dread to think if this happened to a very elderly customer. SHELL you need to do better than this, its trying times for all of us, with mental/financial issues being high on the list, you have just increased both of these for me too fold. You have processes in place, which are totally ineffective…REVIEW

Diabolically poor, ineffectual, and incompetent organisation

I was foisted onto Shell after my previous energy provider went bust. At first everything was OK – my smart meters were reporting automatically, billing was sensible and predictable etc. However, this did not last.

Around the end of April, I received an email titled “Thanks for letting us know you’re moving” with details on my final meter readings etc. This came as a surprise as I was not, in fact, moving. I wasn’t able to get through on phone but I raised the issue with the web chat function, where I was told that they would rectify the mistake “within 5 calendar days” and I would get confirmation when this was done. Needless to say, the mistake was not rectified, and all attempts to get an update on the issue were stonewalled.

I decided to try again from scratch via web chat – this time they wanted to set me up as a brand new customer, and was wondering when I had moved in. When I said 8 years ago, this seemed to confuse them. They tried to contact the correct department but they (much like my own efforts here) were just kept on hold and couldn’t get through. Again, I was promised a swift resolution within 5 days. Again, this turned out to be a lie.

Eventually I raised a complaint via the Resolver website. This actually ended up with someone phoning me to discuss my complaint – finally, I thought, some progress! But yet again, Alan’s promise of a swift resolution just turned out to be more lies, and once again, any attempt to get an update on the complaint results in me being stonewalled – presumably they consider the matter closed at their end.

By this stage my account has been cancelled for over a month, and yet, somewhat unbelievably, I start getting final demand notices sent to my address, but made out to Mr Braemore Edinburgh (Braemore being the name of a now defunct letting agency in Edinburgh). The last letter promised grim consequences if I fail to pay the unpaid bill. The problem? I’ve not been sent a bill for any amount since April, and I can see from my account that my outstanding balance is £0.

Just this week, I tried phoning again. I was eventually put through to the sales department who promised that my account would be reinstated within 3 days – more lies – and then I was passed on to the billing department to establish why I was getting final demand notices sent to a non-existent person, and was promised an update within the next 2 days – yet again, more lies.

I’m struggling with the sheer level of incompetence on display by this company. They are basically uncontactable, they promise action but never actually do anything, and by all accounts they will accept an instruction from basically anyone to a) cancel your account without your consent, and b) set up an account for someone who doesn’t even exist. I’m just counting the days until I can raise this issue with Ofgem. In the meantime, if you are with Shell just now, then get off as fast as you can – literally any energy company that is still trading would be better than this disorganised mess.
Edit: I see we’ve had the obligatory “Oh no, someone has said something mean about us over the internet, we’d better respond so it looks like we’re doing something”

Sara, nobody got in touch with me today, so this is very much par for the course of my experience dealing with you – you say you’ll do something, but you just never do.

Since you brought up the complaints procedure, let’s see how you’re doing against the ‘How we handle complaints’ section of the page you linked:

• We aim to handle all complaints as soon as we can. – no, not true, this has been ongoing since the end of April and there is no reason why this could not have been resolved by now.
• We’ll usually try to resolve any issues at the time of your first call or contact. – well, you failed in that, didn’t you? I’ve had 5 separate points of contact now, and I’m no further forward
• We’re committed to responding in writing within 10 working days. – at no point have I *ever* received anything in writing from you, so this is just another lie
• We’ll make a record on your customer account of any conversations between us and how the issue has been resolved. – maybe you do this, but I’ve seen no evidence of it, every time I have spoken to you despite saying I have an existing complaint, there is no effort made to dig this out and it’s like I’m just contacting you for the first time.

It’s all well and good having a documented complaints process, not if nobody bothers following it though! Please try harder Sara. Presumably you have access to my contact details, maybe you could try phoning to explain why things have gone so badly wrong here? Just a suggestion…

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company. Shell Plc CEO Ben Van Beurden openly admitted at the Shell AGM held in London on 23 May 2022 that all is not well at Shell Energy. 

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