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Shell Broadband goes down every day

22 Feb 2023

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

A new level of awful

Phoned up to tell them a move date. It was like I’d ask them to solve the meaning of life. Got transferred 7 times and then ended up back at he original South African call centre. They do not have a clue what they’re doing. Completely and utterly hopeless.

Broadband goes down every day

Broadband goes down every day, sometimes twice a day. I’ve only had it for two months and every day it goes down at different times. Don’t waste your money.

Don’t Get their Broadband

Don’t Get their Broadband

After the application the wrong address was down, spent an hour and 3 minutes on a call being sent into a rotation of departments. Staff were nice enough but no one knew what to do, so after a ear busting hour they cancelled it and said do it again. Went online did it again and it said I do t meet the criteria

Crooks and scammers

Please be aware of this company as they’re crooks and can not be trusted! They have switched me for gas and electricity illegally without my permission. I have never signed or agreed to any contract with them and now they’re are charging me £1400 a month! When I made a complaint about it they have transferred me to India where nobody speaks English. I really don’t know what to do. Please avoid this company at all costs otherwise you could get yourself in big trouble as you can’t even communicate with them!!!

Only thing colder than this company is my mothers house

Never met a more cold hearted company who are not transparent with what they can do for you as a customer. They continually make millions a year while they post a 1K bill for my elderly mother. They do not care about your situation and they are happy to put you on a payment plan that will carry on till 2025, basically your with them for life as each bill will take 3 months to pay back. They can help customers with hardships funds but if you have taken that option once you are left to fend for your self with a bill that’s 4 times more than last year which makes no sense.

The only thing that does make sense though is please don’t turn on your gas, just freeze to death as you will be happy to know debt collectors won’t be coming to your house to repossess thousands worth of your mothers items.

Nice one shell especially the finance guy Ilyas- cold hearted individual. If you speak to him he will happily tell you kick rocks- as is the company ethos of shell energy.


Still awaiting the money they have owed me for months and they promised would definitely be with me by Friday. They don’t even understand their own SLAs saying they have 10 working days to get funds to customers. 10 working days was last Friday! Complaints department told me yesterday they can not do anything all they can do is chase by email they can’t even speak to the offending department. This evening I am told they only processed refund of all the money they owe me today despite promises of 6th and then the 11th when they contacted me saying they had messed up again and refund would be “issued on the spot” which they initially tried to deny until I sent them their own emails) Just evidences that Shell Energy have no interest in taking complaints seriously. Before someone says can we have your account number look at the previous trust pilot reviews. Then again that would take a modicum of interest on their part. AVOID THIS COMPANY

Wish i could give zero reviews

Wish i could give zero reviews. What a joke this company is. It was agreed ages ago my mam and dads payment for gas and electric would be £343 a month. My mam has just checked her online banking today and seen they have taken 3 payments out of £500 so in total they have taken out £1500. When my dad rang they said they didnt take this much out until they did realise they had then changed the story to say they have taken out 3 monthly instalments. They did not inform my mam and dad that the charge was going up and did not say they would be taking 3 months worth out. How on earth do they take future payments out when they wont know what they will use on gas and electric. My mam and dad are £1,700 in credit so why are they not using this money to cover the monthly payment’s why do they keep taking more money off them that is not needed. People don’t go with this company THEY ARE GREEDY ROBBING PEOPLE taking to much money off elderly to put in their own pockets that already get millions!!!!

Honestly the most incompetent company

Honestly the most incompetent company. Their app asks for metre readings which are provided and then they still produce bills on estimates! Constantly trying to hike DD payments when not even in debt with them. Bullying and profiteering firm with no recourse. The chat agents can never solve anything.
They set up a smart metre for e7 when I’m on a single rate. It was never commissioned as it wouldn’t connect and the call centre was closed so the engineer just left. Didn’t have any screens so totally pointless and the smart metre doesn’t connect. Failed to set up the smart metre for the gas as they never booked it in despite being dual metre. Then rebooked 2 appointments. No idea when/if someone is turning up. It’ll be a lovely surprise if I get two joyful visits with no apparent reason. Who knows. Totally incompetent. I don’t know how they get away with being so utterly useless in absolutely every aspect of an essential service…

Terrible customer service they only…

Terrible customer service they only care about money
I missed a payment by mistake as it was a transaction period changing to them
My credit score was affected due to this but they won’t help
Discusting company and services
Happy to help that’s a joke got emails from yourselves saying there was nothing you can do? How do you people sleep at night terrible service

The Greed

Shell recently reported its highest-ever annual profit of nearly 40 billion. Today I received an email saying they are increasing my bill by 25% with the explanation, “we’re experiencing the same inflationary cost pressures as our competitors. We work hard to absorb as many of these costs as possible but, unfortunately, we’ve had to increase prices.” Such staggering greed I can scarcely believe…

The service provided has been shocking

The service provided has been shocking. My mothers line was disconnected when clearly told not to. We then had to set up a new account which took over 15 days to go live, leaving my parents no phone or WiFi for this period. Then on the date we was told it was going live it is now a day later. Shocking, shocking service. Can’t express enough how disgusting this service has been.

They really are the worst company

They really are the worst company, i,m so please I,m leaving and found a new supplier. I asked when I could expect my refund and all I get is that they are very busy, which is the excuse they have used for the past couple of years, no wonder they make large profits.
But if you owe them money they mark it on your credit file as a late payer.

Misleading ‘fixed’ contract

I’m on a fixed broadband contact but have just been told my bill is being increased by £2.75 per month from April. It’s ‘FIXED’ alright- in Shell’s favour! As if they don’t make enough money already! How may billions was it? If you’re looking for a genuine, honest fixed deal, look elsewhere.

False advertising of Amazon voucher

False advertising of Amazon voucher. When I contacted them regarding not receiving one, they came up with numerous excuses. First time I contacted them the person didn’t know what I was talking about. Second time I’m they claimed I would need to chase up Amazon about it. Later they said I would need to chase up the price comparison website about it. Later I was given the impression it would take up to 120 days, later I was told it would take over 120 days. Now I have been told I need to contact to agent regarding it. As it is provided by a third party.

Absolute awful customer service,they…

Absolute awful customer service,they tried to increase my direct debit by 50%even though I was in credit,rang customer services and they managed to reduce it down to an acceptable amount,was told to cancel my direct debit and they would do a new one with the adjusted amount,they didn’t and I missed my monthly payment,then when I called them they denied it and told me to pay 2 months at the high rate,even though it was agreed previously,since then I have been constantly pestered with no stop calls,6 a day, eventually had to block them,can’t wait to change from this thieving company,DONT USE

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company. Shell Plc CEO Ben Van Beurden (now retired) openly admitted at the Shell AGM held in London on 23 May 2022 that all is not well at Shell Energy. 

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