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“Godfathers of Climate Chaos”: UN Chief Calls Out Shell and BP, Demands Global Ad Ban

Posted by John Donovan: 5 June 2024

Hold onto your hats, folks. António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, just dropped a bombshell that should make the fossil-fuel overlords squirm in their plush boardroom chairs. Shell and BP, among others, are now being labeled the “godfathers of climate chaos.” That’s right, the planet-wrecking tycoons might soon find themselves banned from advertising, much like those pesky tobacco companies.

In a scorching speech in New York, Guterres took no prisoners, calling out news and tech media for enabling “planetary destruction” by taking dirty oil money. “We are at climate crunch time,” he declared, unveiling terrifying new data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) showing we’re on the brink of surpassing 1.5C warming. The recent 12 months have already pushed the global temperature to a blistering 1.63C above pre-industrial levels. Fun times ahead!

“Many governments restrict or prohibit advertising for products that harm human health, like tobacco,” Guterres said. “I urge every country to ban advertising from fossil-fuel companies. And I urge news media and tech companies to stop taking fossil-fuel advertising.” Seriously, it’s 2024, and we’re still giving these planet-killers a platform?

The World Meteorological Organization warns there’s an 80% chance we’ll breach the 1.5C threshold in the next five years. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” Guterres proclaimed, under a massive model of a blue whale. But wait, there’s more! He likened our current climate impact to the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Spoiler: this time, we’re the meteor.

Despite the doom and gloom, Guterres clings to hope, claiming the 1.5C target is “still just about possible.” But countries need to get their act together, slash emissions, and stop giving the fossil-fuel industry a free pass. “The godfathers of climate chaos – the fossil-fuel industry – rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies,” he fumed. Yes, because nothing says “thanks for wrecking our planet” like taxpayer-funded bonuses.

He didn’t stop there. Guterres lambasted fossil-fuel firms for their pitiful investments in clean energy and accused them of “distorting the truth, deceiving the public, and sowing doubt” about climate science. His solution? Governments need to ban fossil-fuel advertising and media companies should drop these polluters like a bad habit. “Stop taking fossil-fuel advertising,” he demanded.

To top it all off, Guterres praised the rise in clean energy investments and predicted the inevitable end of the fossil-fuel era. “Economic logic makes the end of the fossil-fuel age inevitable,” he said, but added that governments must accelerate this transition. “It’s We the Peoples versus the polluters and the profiteers,” he rallied. “Together, we can win. But it’s time for leaders to decide whose side they’re on.”

This no-holds-barred speech is perfectly timed to remind everyone that while the world grapples with wars and economic woes, the climate crisis isn’t politely waiting in the wings. The G7 meeting in Italy, the Cop29 summit in Azerbaijan, and the G20 gathering in Brazil better take note. Guterres’ rallying cry is clear: ditch the fossil-fuel fat cats and get serious about saving the planet. Now, can someone hand Shell and BP a reality check.

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